Asrielle - Caitsith

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San d'Oria 10 | Chloris Uprooter
Alchemy 100 +3 - Items made on request. Please drop me a pm.
FFXIV Chars Azryal Daemonslayer [Midgardsormr] Kinrai Moonshield [Midgardsormr]

Historique des prix (50)
Scroll Of Thunder IVMay. 9, 2011NariAsrielle50,000
Scroll Of Firaga IIIMay. 9, 2011CypherAsrielle18,000
Scroll Of Knight's Minne VMay. 8, 2011AsrielleRozario4,000
Mythril BeastcoinMay. 8, 2011AsrielleSlepy3,000
Mythril BeastcoinMay. 8, 2011AsrielleSlepy3,000
Gold BeastcoinMay. 7, 2011PootAsrielle3,000
Scroll Of Enaero IIMay. 7, 2011AsrielleTimtaru3,000
Candle HolderMay. 6, 2011PeppieAsrielle20,000
Scroll Of Absorb-VITMay. 6, 2011AsrielleDrakur2,000
TomeshelfMay. 6, 2011IlyAsrielle80,000
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