LOL @ Thorshammer, christ not another hate loving *** server transfer foreal your hating bcse your one true love is a leech and in the end it wasnt your issue to start, But w/e "mr big man from Garuda" i play the game how i want to play it. I work for a living have a family to look after and have a real girlfriend. So i think you can be quiet now because in the end the only people laughing are the ones who just looked up your pathetic comment. /end
wow Masterblaster you ar really a *** douche who cry so hard for equip and is still a gimp player.... i dont even want to talk about his playerskill which will be always @ dunes lvl
rofl.. such a stalker.. does he has nothing to do but stalking your profile Anuket? what a failure.."I work hard for my family while playing 24/7 ffxi" ....