Kiruto - Bahamut

Langues: JP EN DE FR
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PM Bahamut.Kiruto

Historique des prix (25)
Traveler's MantleOct. 4, 2014KirutoKurenaiyaksa20,000
Spool Of Malboro FiberSep. 29, 2014KirutoBenola150,000
Spool Of Malboro FiberSep. 29, 2014KirutoLamill150,000
Chunk Of Darksteel Ore x12Sep. 15, 2014KirutoCyaty36,000
Titanium IngotSep. 15, 2014KirutoHanahana25,000
GaruditeSep. 14, 2014KirutoMyuhopepe3,000
Scroll Of CrusadeSep. 14, 2014SirentpprKiruto20,000
Ocean StoneSep. 6, 2014KirutoIokcs50,000
Life BeltSep. 5, 2014KirutoCptbravo20,000
Mercenary Captain's BeltSep. 4, 2014KirutoBatco30,000
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