Darrgoe - Bahamut

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PM Bahamut.Darrgoe

Historique des prix (25)
Jar Of Umbril Ooze x12Sep. 10, 2024DarrgoeBabiruth90,000
Bat Fang x12Sep. 5, 2024DarrgoeMagonote9,000
One Hundred Byne BillSep. 5, 2024DarrgoeSoulfearic400,000
One Hundred Byne BillSep. 5, 2024DarrgoeSoulfearic400,000
Lungo-Nango JadeshellSep. 2, 2024DarrgoeScheini500,000
Lungo-Nango JadeshellSep. 2, 2024DarrgoeFrejafreyja450,000
Macuil HornSep. 1, 2024DarrgoePuhi220,000
Macuil HornSep. 1, 2024DarrgoeHageojisan230,000
Alizarin Yggrete Shard IIAug. 29, 2024PoozerDarrgoe50,000
Scroll Of Warp IIAug. 28, 2024DarrgoeLinyeve60,000
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