Asphe - Bahamut

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users online
PM Bahamut.Asphe
Windurst 10 | Monarch Linn Patrol Guard
Chococards for sale: Black/Male/Treasure Hunter/Bore & Blue/Female/Gallop/Canter
10 10 10
Zilart The Last Verse
Promathia The Last Verse
ToAU Eternal Mercenary
Assault First Lieutenant
Altana Fate in Haze
Campaign Moonlight Medal
C.Prophecy A Crystalline Prophecy (Fin.)
M.KupoD'etat A Moogle Kupo d'Etat (Fin.)
S.Ascension A Shantotto Ascension (Fin)
Smithing 0
Clothcraft 2
Alchemy 6
Woodworking 0
Goldsmithing 0
Leathercrafting 0
Bonecraft 1
Cooking 60
Fishing 0
war 37 MNK 37
WHM 75 BLM 75
RDM 37 THF 37
PLD 5 DRK 37
BST 14 BRD 75
RNG 37 SAM 37
NIN 37 DRG 37
SMN 75 BLU 8
COR 5 PUP 75
DNC 37 SCH 41
Exp total
Niveau total
Exp total
Jobs Maat
Exp pour le Maat Cap
FFXIV Chars Asphe Aria [Aegis]

Historique des prix (50)
Hi-reraiserJan. 30, 2010AspheDaiana3,000
Tavnazian SaladJan. 30, 2010AspheCoara10,000
Mercenary's KnifeJan. 30, 2010AspheHeines5,000
Hi-potion TankJan. 29, 2010AspheVette4,100
Mercenary Captain's KukriJan. 29, 2010AspheDondanno9,000
Bottle Of Yellow LiquidJan. 26, 2010AspheNikoashidachi1,000
Mercenary's KnifeJan. 26, 2010AspheSlowhand5,000
Bottle Of Yagudo DrinkJan. 25, 2010AlfiaAsphe2,000
Scroll Of AspirJan. 25, 2010AspheKatners150,000
Hi-potion +2Jan. 24, 2010AspheAmishia1,000
Commentaires (5)
Bahamut.Kelia[Report] Score: 3
2009-06-30 13:49:53
Asura.Shua[Report] Score: 3
I love your pictures XD
That make me laugh every time I see them :D
2009-07-02 18:05:33
Bahamut.Amidamaro[Report] Score: 3
choooo kawaiii ^w^
2009-07-08 02:19:37
Bahamut.Grantlogan[Report] Score: 2
How Asphe formed? meow.
2009-09-01 13:46:51
Bahamut.Stanflame[Report] Score: 2
I seriously have to ask how someone can rate down people on asphe's page. The fact is i find it funny since apshe is a sweet and nice person.

I enjoy her in cake ls =3.


I rated everyone back up.
2009-09-26 01:45:05
Screenshots (89)