Xenophire - Asura

Langues: JP EN DE FR
users online
PM Asura.Xenophire
Windurst 10 | Ogopogo Overturner
Have fun, guys. Time to move on. :)
308 (56)
Tout confondu (Serveur)
1 10 10
Zilart Awakening
Promathia Dawn
ToAU Eternal Mercenary
Assault Corporal
Altana Betrayal at Beaucedine
Campaign Emblem of the Holy Knight
C.Prophecy A Crystalline Prophecy (Fin.)
M.KupoD'etat A Moogle Kupo d'Etat (Fin.)
S.Ascension A Shantotto Ascension (Fin)
Smithing 0
Clothcraft 3
Alchemy 51
Woodworking 0
Goldsmithing 0
Leathercrafting 0
Bonecraft 2
Cooking 66
Fishing 2
Synergy 0
war 95 MNK 95
WHM 95 BLM 95
RDM 95 THF 95
PLD 40 DRK 1
BST 11 BRD 95
RNG 41 SAM 95
NIN 95 DRG 93
SMN 95 BLU 13
COR 95 PUP 3
DNC 95 SCH 49
Exp total
Niveau total
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Jobs Maat
Exp pour le Maat Cap
Reliques (80)
FFXIV Chars Ranulf Squires [Balmung]

Commentaires (35)
Fenrir.Ktjrn[Report] Score: -21
Miss you :)
2010-02-09 11:04:37
Asura.Israfel[Report] Score: -22
I miss yoooooo <3; ;!!!!!
2010-05-24 21:15:11
Asura.Lecreuset[Report] Score: -26
You couldn't climb high enough, runt.
2010-10-11 05:00:45
Phoenix.Oumura[Report] Score: -17
Coin-operated boy!
2010-10-15 13:38:01
Asura.Bifroront[Report] Score: -18
I didnt do it. It was Xeno!
2010-11-08 02:36:37
Pandemonium.Tamoa[Report] Score: -18
I just +1'ed all your comments, that ok with you? ;D
2010-12-06 04:16:45
Asura.Yondaimesama[Report] Score: -21
Waaaaaaaaa~ That Xeno *** is such a ***.
2010-12-20 17:57:05
Asura.Abriannah[Report] Score: -14
Woah wooaaahhhhhh..

Naked Party?!
2011-01-25 03:25:44
Asura.Sechs[Report] Score: -7
Super super super super super grats on your Kannagi!!!!! <3
2011-01-31 00:12:36
Asura.Supmang[Report] Score: -9
Hey Sexy
2011-02-15 16:12:52
Screenshots (17)