Most useless RDM I've ever partied with. Complained the whole time that people were changing gear so she couldn't main heal. Oh but her and her 15 75's have tanked mobs us mere mortals can only dream of: and without gearchanging! lololol
Can't tank to save her life either; Had her in an abyssea party today in 'DD PLD' gear which was terribly mediocre. Couldn't hold hate for anything and then kept disengaging the mobs and refusing to tank unless she got items. Please for the love of god don't invite it to anything.
Waste of space on Asura. Very rude player and terrible blm.
Also, hope you never want anything out of gold chests because she will open them ALL and take gil drops. Of course she *** as soon as a 1k cruor box disappears though lol.
This person (he/she) called me an "amateur" today because I wouldn't tell the keyperson in an aby xp party not to smash temp item boxes. I told them it's fine with me, the cruor they're making means more keys I don't have to burn. Then they told me I don't know the rules about abyssea partys, then called me an amateur again, lol. All I could do was laugh, tell the leader to boot them and /blist. Waste of an account.