Melvisss - Asura

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PM Asura.Melvisss

Item Prix Prix de l'AH
239,990 0
499,990 0
5,990 0
499,990 0

Historique des prix (25)
Rusted Identification Card x99Mar. 12, 2025MelvisssQpwe793,000
Beastmaster Collar +2Mar. 12, 2025AfrohatchMelvisss38,000,000
Chunk Of Mulcibar's ScoriaMar. 4, 2025MelvisssPurplebear3,400,000
Chunk Of Mulcibar's ScoriaMar. 4, 2025MelvisssPurplebear3,400,000
Vial Of Umbral MarrowMar. 2, 2025MelvisssMiliea1,400,000
Aurgelmir OrbFeb. 21, 2025MelvisssKeiote7,000,000
Aurgelmir OrbFeb. 21, 2025MelvisssTechmage7,000,000
Aurgelmir OrbFeb. 18, 2025MelvisssRansic7,000,000
Handful Of Wyvern Scales x12Feb. 17, 2025MelvisssBoozers310,000
Handful Of Wyvern Scales x12Feb. 17, 2025MelvisssBoozers310,000
Commentaires (2)
Asura.Mildewman[Report] Score: 2
turrrrrible bard. doesn't know how to pull in a merit party and then d/c's because he knows he can't
2009-06-23 13:42:51
Asura.Eleisha[Report] Score: 2
Was terrible in the abyssea pt he was in with me.....couldn't pull to save his life, kept going afk every 10 mins and I resorted to pulling on BLM and got a bunch of /tells from alliance members telling me how much better I was at pulling lol. Also wasn't buffing the DD/tank, just didn't seem to do anything, very lazy :S
2010-08-21 20:47:42
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