Livethelife - Asura

Langues: JP EN DE FR
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PM Asura.Livethelife

Historique des prix (25)
Ifritite x99Feb. 26, 2024LivethelifeAsema200,000
Garudite x99Feb. 25, 2024LivethelifeWaqf100,000
Earth Cluster x12Feb. 6, 2024LivethelifeAlexjpchoi100,000
Earth Cluster x12Feb. 6, 2024LivethelifeLittlebirdie100,000
Earth Cluster x12Feb. 6, 2024LivethelifeBirksjr100,000
Garudite x99Oct. 6, 2023LivethelifeMulexone50,000
Ifritite x99Oct. 1, 2023LivethelifeEsand100,000
Carbite x99Sep. 28, 2023LivethelifeEllamae60,000
Aqua Geode x99Sep. 28, 2023LivethelifePelides40,000
Shadow Geode x99Sep. 27, 2023LivethelifeWowslsun100,000
Commentaires (4)
Asura.Kingdank[Report] Score: 4
2021-04-06 02:43:13
Asura.Hortalizo[Report] Score: 2
Leader of LifeofFFXI. If you fail in Dyna RP farm and only get like 1.2k RP instead 6k you shouting for, dont let your ls members disband and flee. Refund the gil to his owners first.
2022-04-10 12:42:25
Asura.Clodus[Report] Score: 1
Part of Ouuo, Ouou, etc crew. Does JP mercs and others. DO NOT JOIN HIS MERCS. I purchased 2100 CP, was given 800/2100 and kicked, ignored and proceeded to log out. DO NOT JOIN HIS MERCS
2022-05-15 07:00:56
Pandemonium.Clodus[Report] Score: 0
His group has grown, now includes Pridecat, Wenge, other variations of Ouuo. DO NOT JOIN MERC groups. Has been known for delivering less then half of RP advertised and is known for taking Gil in JP/EP groups and kicking you out of party moments later, not inviting you back and ignoring your /tells.
2022-07-06 08:16:41
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