Drofrether - Asura

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PM Asura.Drofrether
FFXIV Chars Dro Frehter [Behemoth]

Historique des prix (25)
Piece Of Cypress LumberJan. 14, 2025DrofretherYomakase1,200,000
Headshard: SCHMar. 11, 2021DrofretherMinefujiko2,800,000
Heroism CrystalMar. 4, 2021DrofretherKipqueen13,000
Scroll Of FrazzleMar. 2, 2021DrofretherSmallsuwu50,000
Prolix RingFeb. 25, 2021DrofretherKujaa600,000
Red Mage DieFeb. 23, 2021DrofretherRosepink50,000
PeridotFeb. 23, 2021DrofretherVisudo12,000
Vial Of Black Beetle BloodFeb. 23, 2021DrofretherBladework30,000
BucklerFeb. 20, 2021DrofretherJcube100,000
High-quality Wivre HideFeb. 17, 2021DrofretherTriskellion30,000
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