Coldcore - Asura

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PM Asura.Coldcore

Historique des prix (25)
Headshard: WHMJun. 22, 2021ColdcoreMikupipi180,000
Legshard: PUPMay. 27, 2021ColdcoreSaviorself80,000
Tanzanite CrystalMay. 26, 2021ColdcoreBuyopi600,000
Piece Of Void Legwear: SCHMay. 26, 2021ColdcoreGigazet150,000
Snowslit Stone +2 x99May. 18, 2021ColdcoreElinalise4,700,000
Snowslit Stone +2 x99May. 16, 2021ColdcoreDrelith4,800,000
Piece Of Void Legwear: DNCMay. 16, 2021ColdcoreFygla200,000
Snowslit Stone +2 x99May. 15, 2021ColdcoreCrazyshaman4,800,000
Legshard: BRDMay. 15, 2021ColdcoreGaryalotto1,500,000
Legshard: BRDMay. 14, 2021ColdcoreKennbou1,500,000
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