Asianguy - Alexander

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PM Alexander.Asianguy
Bastok 10 | Fafnir Slayer
durp durp durp . . . I'm getting too old for this... well rather bored of this... ; ; Great playing on Alexander. Some amazing people =) Istory-FF14 OR Bismark- Pedobear-FF11 ... ~CLAIMED 4 LYFE~
10 1 10
Zilart The Last Verse
Promathia The Last Verse
ToAU Eternal Mercenary
Assault Captain
Altana Back to the Beginning
Campaign Moonlight Medal
C.Prophecy A Crystalline Prophecy (Fin.)
M.KupoD'etat Drenched! It Began with a Raindrop
S.Ascension That Which Curdles Blood
Smithing 60
Clothcraft 60
Alchemy 60
Woodworking 60
Goldsmithing 100
Leathercrafting 60
Bonecraft 60
Cooking 50
Fishing 0
war 75 MNK 75
WHM 75 BLM 75
RDM 75 THF 74
PLD 75 DRK 75
BST 75 BRD 75
RNG 75 SAM 76
NIN 75 DRG 75
SMN 75 BLU 75
COR 75 PUP 75
DNC 75 SCH 75
Exp total
Niveau total
Exp total
Jobs Maat
Exp pour le Maat Cap

Historique des prix (100)
Pot Of Silent Oil x12Dec. 22, 2010SergejAsianguy13,000
Pinch Of Prism Powder x12Dec. 22, 2010JizooAsianguy10,000
Pot Of Silent OilDec. 4, 2010AsianguyKusko1,000
Pot Of Silent OilDec. 4, 2010AsianguyDratien1,000
Pot Of Silent OilDec. 3, 2010AsianguyTomadv1,000
Giant Bugard TuskDec. 3, 2010AsianguyFarrel1,000
Pot Of Silent OilDec. 2, 2010AsianguyAvery1,000
Pot Of Silent OilDec. 2, 2010AsianguyAvery1,000
Vulcan's RingDec. 1, 2010AsianguyMarootsoobutsu410,000
Pot Of Silent OilNov. 26, 2010AsianguyCallum1,000
Commentaires (11)
Alexander.Lobsang[Report] Score: -8
2008-08-25 05:15:15
Alexander.Jared[Report] Score: -1
Who wears short shorts? YOU WEAR SHORT SHORTS!
2008-10-08 07:42:44
Alexander.Shingenkai[Report] Score: -2
I'm with Kia...
2008-12-04 12:51:10
Bismarck.Kaken[Report] Score: 3
canadian negro
2009-02-17 16:46:29
Alexander.Mikeymike[Report] Score: -1
*** nq.
2009-05-14 15:01:31
Alexander.Jolene[Report] Score: -1
<3 AG
2009-06-07 09:52:07
Alexander.Orenwald[Report] Score: -4
<3 you budddy :D
2009-06-18 20:32:10
Alexander.Kiaya[Report] Score: 2
>.> Your icons keep getting weirder...
2009-08-25 01:33:58
Asura.Tamoa[Report] Score: 0
You got hacked? O.o Wow, hope you get rollback np!

(Tomassin from Kaolin/Finale if you remember me)
2010-07-14 11:31:38
Bismarck.Kyumo[Report] Score: 2
Pfft you come to me if you want this
2010-07-25 17:59:27
Screenshots (1)