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JSE Reive Capes that are still relevant.
Hello all,

here is a list of JSE Capes from Adoulin that are still useful in the current game era. Please let me know if there's something missing or wrong.
Note that I'm only going to mention the stats that are relevant in current times and why.

Values in parentheses are obtained from augments, otherwise they're found on the cape itself.

Last updated: June 20, 2022

NOTE: this is a draft. Please halp me because I can't figure out how to make a prettier table than the mess below. Thanks!

NOTE: duration augments for all types of magic (Enhancing, Enfeebling, Indi- spells, etc) can be of two types: native on the gear piece, or from augments.
These two terms multiply each other for all types of magic, and this is what makes these capes more powerful than other options in the same slot. Notably native Indi- duration adds seconds to the spell, while augments are a percent.

JobNameUseful Augments
WHM mending cape
  • +1 to Divine Caress (blocks one additional status effect)
    A must have.

  • Enhancing Magic Skill (1~10) - BiS
    Potentially useful for a WHM at the very beginning - it's technically BiS for Enhancing magic skill, which benefits Barspells and Phalanx up to a point.
    Practically, WHM currently doesn't have use for this much Enhancing skill in this slot, either due to the additional skill levels granted by Master Levels, or due to items like fi follet cape +1 that have less skill but a host of other benefits (check the augments on it).

  • Healing Magic Skill (1~10)
    Note: Potentially useful for a WHM at the very beginning. After that, Healing Skill becomes useless very soon, even for Curagas, as WHM naturally caps all requirements for Healing Magic. For Cursna, that doesn't have a cap, Alaunus's cape is better.

BLM bane cape
  • Dark Magic Skill (1~10)
    BiS for Drain and Aspir potency.

RDM ghostfyre cape
  • Enhancing Magic Skill (1~10) - BiS
    For that last tier of potency on spell like Phalanx, Temper, Barspell, etc

  • Enhancing Magic Duration (10~20) - BiS
    See above, best in slot for Enhancing Duration due to the multiplicative nature of duration augments.

  • Enspell damage +5
    In some situations, this cape might be a good choice for tier 1 Enspells, if you don't need the Ambuscade cape for Dual Wield/Store TP/etc.
    In the few situations where tier 2 Enspells are desiderable, this cape becomes BiS for them due to the Enhancing Skill and the direct Enspell Damage.

PLD Weard Mantle
  • Phalanx (1~5) - BiS.

DRKNiht Mantle(dark magic skill, drain)
SAM takaha mantle
  • Store TP (11~13) (10 base, 1~3 from augment)

  • Zanshin (1~5)

    With maxed augments, this cape is BiS for TP in situations where you don't need the extra accuracy, pdt, meva, or the other unique stats that Smertrios's mantle can offer, while potentially offering the same amount of bonus to Meditate. Worth chasing max values.

DRG Updraft Mantle
  • Wyvern: HP+100
    Good for Steady Wing, since Stoneskin given is based on Wyvern Max HP.
    Note: Wyvern HP gear needs to stay equipped for at least a tick to take effect. Refer to BG-Wiki for more informations.

  • Breath (1~10)
    BiS for Wyvern breaths. This too, like magic duration, it's a different term than breath+ from non-augments.

SMNConveyance Cape(summoning magic skill, elemental siphon, BP delay II)
BLUCornflower Cape(blue magic skill)
COR Gunslinger's Cape
  • Phantom Roll recast reduction (1~5)
    Potentially useful over the duration from the Ambuscade cape (Camulus's Mantle). One possible use is busting a roll on purpose, or fights that are much shorter than a Phantom Roll in full duration gear (Geas Fete, some Ambuscades, etc).

PUPDispersal Mantle(pet tp bonus)
DNCToetapper Mantle(reverse flourish)
SCH bookworm's cape
  • Regen Potency (1~10) - BiS
    Adds to the base HP/tick before all other multipliers.

  • Helix Duration (10~20) - BiS

GEO lifestream cape
  • Geomancy Skill (1~10) - BiS.

  • Indi- duration (10-20%).
    Note: see note above. 20% Indi- duration is better than the 20 seconds added duration from the Ambuscade cape (Nantosuelta's cape).

RUNEvasionits's Cape(embolden)
Author: Lili
Date Created: 2020-06-11 20:44:11
Date Last Modified: 2022-06-21 18:24:19
Updates: 23
Bytes: 6420