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Enfeebling Magic - "Lets see how Feeble you are...."
Enfeebling Magic - "Lets see how Feeble you are...."This set is a key set to have and is often overlooked by the majority of today's Whitemages, the number of times I'll see a NM never be silenced, or dia II'd, slowed or paralyzed always makes me die a little inside. A lot of NM's can be made very manageable simply by apply a couple of very simple debuffs. Section Contents Potency Based Magic Slow, Paralyze and Addle are all spells that affect targets on a scale depending how much Mind you have vs your Target. This seems to cap out at around +50 more Mind than your target, seems simple? That might not be so easy to judge due to the level and notorious nature of the monsters you fight. Luckily Whitemage has a lot of enfeebling, magic accuracy and Mind gear available to them with their relatively low native enfeebling skill. As it stands 1 MIND is roughly worth 1 Magic Accuracy against your target until you you hit Dstat is roughly bigger than 10~15 than your targets then each MND is worth 0.5 Magic Accuracy, however taking into account the level of content we are in, it is safe to assume we are not in the +15 stages of dSTAT so this guide assumes we are at a 1:1 ratio. For more information on working out Magic Accuracy and dStat information you can click here for Magic Accuracy and here for DStat information. ItemSet 339818 Afterglow Yagrush & Item Not Found! would beat this staff/strap combo, but I know how afterglowing a yagrush can seem useless to most people so I wont put it in there. Also, Chironic Hat with 36+ macc would beat befouled crown. Non-Potency Based Magic Long Story short, these spells do not have a scale, they either land or they don't, the duration of the effect depends on how the resist worked. ItemSet 339819 Same as the above MND enfeebling set. Notable Enfeebling gears:Resist States and Magic Accuracy The relatively high Magic Hit Rate of this spell's Stun effect is thought to be caused by multiple (perhaps three) resist sub-states. Working on the premise that it checks resist states ~ Quote: Resist Level 0: 1/1 (No resist) Resist Level 1: 1/2 Resist Level 2: 1/4 Resist Level 3: 1/8 (Full resist) here is a Graph that's been devised to work out and calculate resist states and magic hit rates ~ Magic resistance is calculated (at least current understanding of resists states) and is thought to be an iterative process IE: You cast a spell, the game rolls a random # if the number is higher than your magic hit rate for resist sub phase 1 - you move to the next resist phase (so from 1/1 to 1/2) and etc ~ Magic Accuracy increases your hit rate for each phase. Now that Hit rates explain the reason why Stun is so high (As it might have even more than just 4) the issue is resistance building. Monsters building resistance would be best saying the "Chance" for resisting each phase is increases slightly, but due to the multiple levels of resistance in stun, it takes a long time to beat you 4 chances to it's 1. Every time you cast a stun spell you increases your targets Magic Evasion (unknown amount based on target NM testing required to fully understand the potency of this increase) so using this premise that say 1 cast = +5 Magic Evasion means that over time you will see more and more resists. An easy way would be say ~ You have 1000 attack and your target has 50 defense, each hit adds +5 defense ~ so you keep hitting until its defense becomes higher than your attack ~ meaning you deal less and less damage. but if you raised your attack, the monsters defense still climbs at the same speed, it just has a larger ladder to climb till it makes your attacks deal nothing. A lot of this info can be found on BG Wiki and explains it using the roll theory for resistance sub states and make it easy to understand. Magic Accuracy and You Magic Accuracy is basically the total combination fo all your gear and skill that affects the success of your Spells landing on a target. Firstly, your accuracy on magic is compared to your targets Magic Evasion which is used to determine hit rate (We touched on hit rate and resist states above). So the current thinking (and supported by Testing) is that 1 skill ~ 1 Magic Accuracy. Once you get above landing your spells 50% of the time every +1 Magic Accuracy is +1% Hit rate (Meaning you would only need +45 more macc to cap from 50% to 95%) below 50% every Magic accuracy is though to be +0.5% Hit Rate. This is of course only for the first resists tier and does not take into account anything after this. Your stats vs Your targets, dSTAT : The difference between a caster's attribute and the same attribute on the target. Quote: +1 Stat = +1 Magic Accuracy until dSTAT > 10~15 at which point 1 Stat = 0.5 Magic Accuracy The associated stat varies based on the type of magic spell: The Question normally raise is "How do I know when my Stats are 15 higher than my targets!?" In all honesty that would require a lot of testing on each NM to correlate their Base Line stats, I personally assume 320+ and leave it at that. Dia Dia / Dia II are spells that should be applied to any Monster that you are fighting, this can be delegated out to Bard's or Corsair's, it provides a Defense Down effect on your Enemy that is independent of any other defense down effect, this can increase the damage your Front Line deal and shorten fights considerably. Corsair's can further Augment the effects of this spell to the equivalent of Dia III by applying Light hot 2 times (something a lot of Corsairs completely forget). I won't add a set for this as even if the effect hits for 0 it still lands but it's definitely worth a mention in any Guide or any fight. Author:
Date Created: 2014-10-25 05:56:08
Date Last Modified: 2016-12-24 12:00:27
Updates: 13
Bytes: 7335
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