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TheOrganizationXIII [Bismarck]
Members: 7
Missions, quests, add-on stories, various other content. Willingness to help others a plus. Recruiting!
Overall (Serveur)
Type [End Game] [Social] [Leveling] [Dynamis]
Personnage Shell Active Pm
RubixXPM8 Dagger Merits 4 Sword Merits 2 Evasion Merits 4 Critical Hit Rate 4 Spell interrupt dn 3 Slow 2 1 Paralyze 2 1 Dia 3 1 Phalanx 2 2 Ice Accuracy 4 Feint 1 Assassins Charge 1 Aura Steal 5 Triple Attack 4 Double Attack
RydinXPMI'm a pretty easy going guy. Like doing older content? We do too! Always looking for like minded people. Need some food or jugs made? Will craft for free, but donations accepted just send me a /t
ToothlesswyvernXJust a galka who needs teeth. Nothing to see here.
YdenXPMSmall social and event linkshell always looking for members. We enjoy doing older content~ Need something made? Will synth for free, but donations accepted. /t for info~