OK, I know I am going to recive tones of hate mail for saying this, but if RMT are the ones buying this to synth Remedys to sell to NPC, then:
1) Normal FFXI players can farm & Sell these to RMT (Irony)
2) Selling Remedys to NPCs in gil into the system
3) Since they are not monopolising prices, why not just let them synth?
In my own opinion, RMT have actually found a legit way to make gil without interupting many(if any) FFXI players by selling Remedys to NPCs, so im confused as to why perple are complaining.
NPC Sell Price: ~473gil
Used in Quest: Unexpected Treasure
Used in Recipes:
- Black Cotehardie
- Blue Cotehardie
- Chocolixer
- Elixer
- Elixer Vitae
- Remedy
How to get:
- Chocobo Digging
- Gardening
- Dropped from monsters of the "Treant" Family in:
*Jugner Forest
*Batallia Downs
*Lufaise Meadows
*Wajaom Woodlands
*Bhaflau Thickets
anyone that says this is just for RMT is way off. what is wrong with actually finding something that is in demand. everyone is always so worried about what the rmt doing, why not just roll with that you can make 120k in 2 hours if its empty, 3 hours if people are there.
No longer a good item to farm or make remedies with for gil. SE lowered the price remedy sells to NPCs for and destroyed one of the last good stable ways of making gil on FFXI (September update 2008).
SE just completley killed the point of farming this. I relize why though because the main people buying them were RMT to make remedy and sell back to npc for profit. however now that SE has significanly lowered the sell back price of remedy a lot of players will have to find another item to farm :( to make gil for themselves.
What really pisses me off is SE just destroyed an entire chain of economy for player. By lowering the price of remedies not only do they screw over the alchemists, but the farmers too.
People are going to - me for this.
Not everyone who farms is an RMT, and normal players shouldn't have to suffer people's stupidity(SE's). SE has banned most of the RMTs, all this has done is kill off a couple RMTs and piss off a lot of people. All this is doing is making the game worse for players who need gil.
One way to sell this(or anything) while being sure to not help RMT is to sell directly to a player.
This is a good idea when you farm a lot the same item, and doing this have some others advantages!
- You're not filling AH (allow you to put something else in your 7 "to sell" items)
- You can find someone who need this item regulary: this kind of partner help you to get regular gil income
- You do not pay AH tax(and by trading, no Bazard tax either)
I don't say we can always do this (for every item we have to sell), but asking around(in LS, or to crafter friends) isn't long, and might give you positive results!
wtf! Since its been a month since sept 9. The prices for all this stuff has dropped amazingly. That means New alchemy crafting. (more flooding The ah for those that are trying to reach 100)
I feel that with s.e removing the gil that the npc was giving was a way of making certain items a price, but now that is gone their is really no more restriction npcing it.