Best place is none other then the legendary North Gustaberg around where stinging sophie spawns u can farm both upper and the below level on the mountain they just keep popping and all of them are one hit kills if ur above 30 :) plus u may get Beestinger from SS ;p Good luck
Really depends on your level. I've been soloing wasps outside Tavnazian Safehold on 39THF while lfp and getting about 40% drop rate (along with ok exp).
I used to farm these out in Konnschatt Highlands along with rams and or sheep and the rare Stray Mary. I'd guess that TH2 pushes the drop rate over 50%.
I'm with Vodak - Giddeus is probably the best area to farm these. On my SAM53/THF26, I have roughly a 40-45% drop rate with only Treasure Hunter 1 up. You can also steal honey from the Digger Wasps and Giddeus Bees, which means more profit. There's also the various NMs around Giddeus, like the Torrent that do drop other goodies (Light Soleas, Hunter's Longbow, etc, etc) and that also adds to your overall profit.
I've farming these in pashow marshland in the camp that has 5 leechs ,crawlers and water wasp. I ussually get 3/4 stacks along with Beastman blood stack and silks :)
In my opinion its better to farm these in Tahrongy Canyon around (I-8).
Thats because you can farm Beehive Chips, Honey, Saruta Cotton AND Silk Threads there... its my favourite spot ^^"
My favorite place for farming bees are in Giddeus at the start of the map. drop rate is amazing with TH2, but pretty darn decent with TH1 aswell. :) Good luck!