Personaly I think the best way to make gil with these fangs is just do the quest Tiger's Teeth in Southern San d'Oria. You get 2100 gil per 3 fangs. That's 8400 gil per stack and no waiting for it to sell on the AH.
To be honest, for the time and effort it takes to mine these things, even with TH 1 or 2 they are not worth selling under 10,000 gil per stack. If you are going to sell them for less, you might as well ship the to San d'Oria and trade them in for not only 8,400 a stack instantly, but also get some San d'Orian fame out of it.
I farm these from time to time to skill up in bonecrafting. I find that despite the fact that they are interspersed, The Tundra Tiger of Beaucedine Glacier have the greatest drop. Alternatively; Lower leveled characters can farm these from the tigers in Battalia Downs.
A camp perfect for lower players as well is in Carpenter's landing. There are two camps with a decent amount of tigers close to eachother there. Elementals also pop there for some little extra gil.
Currently on Phoenix it is better to farm these and trade them to the NPC in Sandy, because you actually make a profit and you don't have to wait. But it still sells Very Fast.