Quest: The Gobbiebag Part VIII
Start and Ends at: Bluffnix (H-9, Lower Jeuno)
Bluffnix will make your bag bigger (65 -> 70) if you bring him the following: Square of Smilodon Leather (Mats -> Leather), Electrum Ingot (Mats -> Goldsmithing), Square of Cilice (Mats -> Clothcraft), Angelstone (Mats -> Goldsmithing)
hq3 of the wind crystal + white rock synth.
farm white rocks killing crawlers while you wait for mee degi in castle O. +51 tier you will hq about 50%, nq and hq1 are light opals, which will be 90% of what you get.
average results for +51 tier:
1/25 angelstone, 3/25 moonstone, 19/25 light opal 2/25 break
worthwhile if you're waiting for fuma/okote or whatever they're named now.
"** I get about 1 Angelstone out of 8 crafts with
Woodworking 88.6 +1"
with thurible and overwhelming lightning energy, 90.9 ww i barely get 1 stone every 20 flutes. luckily 1 stack parchment 1 stack rosewood doesnt = 12 flutes as you get parchments and rosewoods back. but 1 stone a stack of mats sounds about right.
this is a time consuming synth, but fun to do when watching a movie or something. just hq your lumber, synth your sheep leather, hq your parchment, and have at it.