This isn't something that can be mass farmed guys... People only need the scroll once. Can't list 10+ and expect them to sell fast. Either live with the price being undercutted to the point it's not worth farming or give it a break, move on to another farm item for a while. Let the demand build again.
@Odin.Akhilleus Seeing as your not on bahamut >.> i'll tell you this item was 40k for a long time then Blacknaru noob undercutted it to 20k in 2 days. As you can see it's not recovered and it's been nearly 2 months.
To undermine others as to sell an item for a lower price. To make your offer more appealing to gain business.
Don't tell me that when something STEADILY sells for 40k that placing yours on the AH for 20k is not undercutting...
so the majority of the comments are a few years old so perhaps drop rates and such have changed but ive had no trouble farming this or any of the other NI spells, 76war subbing theif with TH1 and on top of that you can steal mythril beastcoins while youre hunting these spells.
This is a very rare drop, It CANT be mass farmed fullstop, not much sign of undercutting on this item, idk where you get your ideas from o.0, nobody can go out with the intention of farming a drop en mass. tut tut tut.