To remove any food effect just trade one Gysahl Greens to Parike-Poranke in Lower Jeuno. You can also have someone craft you a bottle of antacid for the same effect.
This HQ version has the same stats as the NQ version. Only difference is the duration of the food effect has been increased to 60mins and +5 more attack on cap. Eat this if u have more than 272 attack. Generally you won't feel much difference if you eat the NQ version
on a simalir not as Trebla... its like have ing 2 stacks of the nq in one slot. so why would it not be worth 2 times the price? makes sence to me i cook it and use it. so its a great synth. but that extra 30 min with the Sanction for food will go alot longer than you might expect... i found this out with a 3 hour food... that was a long wait.