This is good skilling up recipe as well. You can reduce the costs of making this by buying the Kazham pepper (58gil, Elshimo Lowland) and Mhaura garlic (80gil, Kolshushu)from regional merchants.
To be perfectly fair, not eating at least this food on Colibri makes you a gimp melee, since 60 attack is leagues ahead of what you can get in equipment in one slot. People pay a nice chunk of gil for, say, O.Kote and proceed not to eat food. I don't get it.
The best way to make money making these is to grow your own wild onions. Use an earthen pot and plant vegetable seeds and use a lightning crystal. You get 3-5 onions per pot.
Please look at the cost of materials before selling your items, I think it is a universal belief that no item that you craft should not give you a profit when you NQ it, cooks work hard to get their skillup respect your fellow player and when the price of mats rise rise your prices that that you can all get your fair share, dont bother underrating ill just repost. This isn't an attack at people it's just a wake up call, this is something that needs to be thought about before any synthesis.
if you dont have alot of money buy this food25-50+. for low level i suggest rice dumpling(10-25) for +5acc
and higher lvl if you need acc buy crab sushi @6k stack depend of your server and give 13%acc bonus.
or just buy your best food depend of your job you using!
I don't understand....if these and the HQ have the same effects and the only difference is the the HQ last for 1hr compared to 30min. THESE are still the better deal.