Also drops from Tier 1 ZNM Ob at a reasonable rate with TH along with the other new attachments such as Barrier Module, Vivi Valve and Disruptor.
Word to the wise: When collecting Zeni for ZNMs you're able to easily obtain ~100 Zeni/plate when taking pictures of Nauls in Abyssea - Tahrongi. For the best results it's generally recommended to weaken to 1% and then sleep and take multiple photos. Happy hunting~
More importantly, opportunity cost; in the time it takes me to skill up my Automaton without this attachment, I could have made the gil back ten times over.
Leveling from 90->95 in Abyssea in a small group (starting with capped ranged and capped hand-to-hand skill at 90) I managed to cap ranged skill on my automaton quicker than I capped hand-to-hand (shortly after hitting 95) by keeping up a few water maneuvers the entire time for skill ups. It seems to me this has a large effect on skilling, though I doubt anyone can put numbers on it.