Removes all dark maneuvers when mp is low to replenish MP.
Less than 50% MP is needed to use this attachment.
Three minute recast time.
1 Dark Maneuver = 15% of Automaton's MP is Restored
2 Dark Maneuver = 30% of Automaton's MP is Restored
3 Dark Maneuver = 45% of Automaton's MP is Restored
This attachment is designed to give you mp when your convert is down and/or your automaton's HP isn't at full. You can't always just deactivate/activate. Sometimes you need mp without having to wait on your burden cooldown from freshly activating your pet.
I personaly don't have this attachment yet but it's very appealing, I stoped using the deactivate trick qhen I got the mana converter because:
a) you not always have 100%hp
b) you NEVER want high tension on all elements, which is what u get after reactivation
Take for instance nuking puddings with a blm, you can't reactivate or else you won't be able to use ice manuvers, can´t convert cause you don't have healing capabilities except for repair, so this is great!
DDA is not something you want to have to resort to often. It's a nice trick between fights and for emergencies, but the burden after Activate can seriously hinder your automaton, and by extension, your own effectiveness.
I really don't understand the high price for this item. I mean when do you really have problems with mp on your automaton? "oh noes, I'm low on MP!......... O wait! I can just despawn and respawn him for full mp......."