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[Ranged] All Races
DPS: 735
Racine » Weapons » Ranged
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Stock 0
Taux Lent (0.280 Vendu/Jour)
M 100,000
List Characters: [Owned] [Equipped]
Max 150,000
Mini 80,000
Moyenne 98,022
Dernier 100,000
Historique des prix
13 Days Ago100,000
17 Days Ago100,000
24 Days Ago100,000
26 Days Ago100,000
GilPrice History11/1512/712/2112/281/140k100k25k50k75k125kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Historique des prix (25)
Jan. 31, 2025OnesungheroGustus100,000
Jan. 27, 2025AndramoraBalban100,000
Jan. 19, 2025BluyayaRagingwildman100,000
Jan. 17, 2025ChaossoldierReylu100,000
Jan. 14, 2025SwentbluewizeMaghbihu100,000
Jan. 10, 2025PovoRarakey100,000
Jan. 7, 2025RukileShanxu100,000
Dec. 31, 2024SujuroErass100,000
Dec. 29, 2024ZuneskylarHallgrim100,000
Dec. 28, 2024ErrorcoderBavana100,000
Commentaires (7)
Seraph.Tsuchinoko[Report] Score: 5
Its nice to have, curse procs 1/3 of the time.
2010-10-12 12:32:16
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] Score: 3
2010-09-12 17:58:20
Gilgamesh.Funsam[Report] Score: 3
nice pulling weapon if the curse effect procs decent automatically giving the mob a disadvantage.
hp/mp/movement all down
2010-09-13 06:54:26
Siren.Mcclane[Report] Score: 2
@Akamatzu It doesn't heal it. When it's cursed, it's HP lowers by a percent, so if the mob is at 95% when it gets cursed, it appears that it jumps back up to 100%, even though it actually has less HP now.
2011-09-03 14:11:00
Asura.Vrytreya[Report] Score: 2
Curse effect reduces 12~13% amount from the total HP (Maybe 12.5% to be exact?)
2011-09-05 04:06:07
Cerberus.Chalkoutline[Report] Score: 0
Jinx Discus NPC's for 7777 gil with max fame.

I c wat u did dere SE! An i like it!
2011-09-08 20:26:52
Ifrit.Nargothrond[Report] Score: -1
This disc is probably more usefull for BLU and DNC.
It is the faster (and higher DPS) returning range for them both.
NIN and THF on the contrary already have the nice UngurBoomerang.
Ungur gives them Eva+8 (and HP+8) (For info that's a 100% drop and an even easier NM now we broke level 75 cap.)

I don’t like Jinx as a pulling tool, because you control less what will happen.
Sometimes the mob run behind you at his usual pace, sometimes not.
And then it can break the flaw waiting for it to reach camp, or even augment chance of link
(like when you pull a magic user or a ranger type.)
Effect don’t last long enough on solo debuff use.

A 100% proc. would entirely change things.

In conclusion better use (if not only) to my eyes, is for BLU or DNC puller with a little bonus during an alliance large slaying party in Abyssea when mobs live less than 30s.
2011-05-26 11:24:33
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