This is actually a pretty good ranged item for BST. The Enmity -5 is perfect for BSTs, especially BST/NIN who wanted to engage an enemy with their pets.
This bow is excellent, bottom line. The -enmity alone isn't enough to make it great. The subtle blow isn't enough, either. But stack the -enmity with other pieces, be it relic, novia, Zha'Go's Barbut, or whatever you might have, and it's a very noticeable difference. Toss a thief in party for consistent Collaborators, and you can deal massive amounts of damage without having mob look your way for majority of the fight. As for the subtle blow, whether it makes a difference or not is debatable, but at least it's there to have the whines about ranger tp spam stfu for a few minutes.
Yes, it's true ebow will outdamage failnaught, but a smart ranger isn't always about the numbers. Stacking -enmity, I can spam winders at 100 tp on Khim without pulling hate until later in the fight. E-bow I found myself having to wait until 300 tp just to survive. It's just the best option on HNMs that take heavy damage from ranged attack, bar none.
Uh..woody..Think about what else you might need in the slot. I suppose if you are absolutely CERTAIN you won't be needing 1 of: a jug, pet food, or your TP after having to swap, then yeah, good for bst.
Wait quick question: if you use the ammo slot does it take the bow off? Never tried that on my bst.. I know accidentally equipping crossbow bolts instead of arrows removes removes my longbow on rng.
Interestingly, THF's and RDM's typically can only use short bows, and yet here we have an exception. Long bow base damage for jobs that previously didn't have access.
@Argettio, You're right about the rdm part it's pretty awesome for that but I'm not sure anyone is about to pay this much for enmity -5 that is a thf especially. They want the enmity for TA. But this bow does have its uses. (Wish I had this bow for rdm to play around on just wouldn't pay that much for this.)