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DPS: 792
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Jan. 22, 2025TannimRoughness20,000
Jan. 10, 2025TesamaRagingwildman20,000
Jan. 3, 2025DiavosEsophagus20,000
Nov. 18, 2024TatsumaruIol20,000
Oct. 29, 2024OyomesancatDragoslav20,000
Oct. 5, 2024ArkelosChancoco19,000
Sep. 12, 2024HoroviviMonkeyer20,000
Jun. 7, 2024SugoAnnriback20,000
Apr. 23, 2024MomomuIamanelf5,000
Apr. 4, 2024KlydeMikeranran9,000
Commentaires (7)
Quetzalcoatl.Kyrial[Report] Score: 10
Drops from Hawkeyed Dnatbat in La Vaule [S]. He's a lottery off the orcs in the same area he spawns at in the present.
2008-03-15 15:34:04
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: 5
As much as its a blasphemous sin to not put THFs on this...

It is the greatest X-bow a DRK or WAR can use.

Now you might be asking "But Karb, Why would a DRK or WAR use a Crossbow?"

Well theres a simple answer to that, sometimes a DRK and WAR would like to solo easier mobs for exp, lets say FoV, since these mobs are low enough for their abysmal Marksmanship skill to be semi-useful, using Bolts like Bloody Bolts, Sleep Bolts, and Acid Bolts, a WAR and DRK can solo more effectively, if not just simpler.

Its not going to find its way past a Bomb Core/Bomblet in Exp, but for solo it can wiggle its way in.
2010-05-21 00:00:09
Fenrir.Frage[Report] Score: 0
Hawkeyed in the present is well known for its praticly 100% drop rate. archer's knife being the most common drop and assasin's bow being a fairly rare drop but worthless in the eyes of most.

as anyone not gotten the crossbow from this guy?
2008-03-30 05:29:13
Cerberus.Quipto[Report] Score: -1

High delay is best for Bloody bolts, other status bolts speed will help. But when bolts deal damage with added effect, the added effect hits harder on higher delays. Which is why Obow is best holy bolt xbow.

This is the stupidest thing I have read in a long time. Thanks for the lol's.
2010-10-12 18:29:57
Kujata.Surian[Report] Score: -2
@ Garuda.Akilian

Well, as far as Ziska Vs. Grand goes, Grand wins easily. I dont know why you'd even have to ask.

Grand has more base Damage and more Accuracy. And taking the delay into account, still more DPS than Ziska has.

Weaponskills performed with Grand with also be harder, and TP gain will be higher.

The only think Ziska has going for it is that it might be more prefered for shooting Bloody Bolts more rapidly. Or you could just get something even faster just for that.
2010-01-06 05:40:12
Ragnarok.Kirith[Report] Score: -3

High delay is best for Bloody bolts, other status bolts speed will help. But when bolts deal damage with added effect, the added effect hits harder on higher delays. Which is why Obow is best holy bolt xbow.
2010-08-28 07:07:25
Garuda.Akilian[Report] Score: -5
Ziska's Crossbow
[Ranged] All Races
DPS: 7.78 DMG:28 Delay:216 Ranged Accuracy+8

Even though a thf cant equip this,
is Grand better even though the delay is higher. Does the Damage and accuracy make up for it? I think so, plus it's cheaper. I know
WAR and DRK but is this better for a RNG too?
2009-02-14 12:19:11
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