Actually, this item has a place in the arsenal of any PLD that's kiting without engaging the mob. If you know what you're doing, you're not going to be building TP anyway while kiting (you'll be constantly swapping between [Earth Staff or IR Lance for running] and [Maca+1/Shield for JAs/spells]), so why not swap this in to reduce recast timers for Flash/Shadows?
The only practical use for this staff is for the WHM perfectionist that desires to lower the recast of Haste, Erase, Esuna and other high recast spells that don't typically benefit from any other weapons (aside from upgraded Yagrush owners - all eleven of you).
No PLD/NIN in his right mind would trade TP (and Atonement) for +5% haste on Utsusemi alone.
The stars say that you're an exciting and wonderful person, but you know they're lying. If I were you, I'd lock my doors and windows and never never never never never leave my house again.