This is the best Quick Draw gun as previously stated, i'd just like to explain why:
- Quickdraw damage is calculated off many things such as magic attack bonus, magic accuracy etc. But one of the easiest and most effecient ways to increase QD DMG is the base dmg of your gun and bullet. Pre-80 update this was the highest base dmg of any gun Corsair can use (bar mythic and relic), therefore the highest possible Quickdraw's use this gun. This is also the reason for its price being around 1-2m (ifrit server). Just felt to explain as perhaps some who haven't looked into it heavily would understand why this is so expensive when coffinmaker and martial guns exist. They all have a different usage.
This as previously stated WAS by far the best QD gun, there is now a higher base dmg (48) with AGI+6 which also contributes significantly to QD as the AGI converts to M.acc +3.