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[Ranged] All Races
DPS: 744
Racine » Weapons » Ranged
Info [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
Stock 0
Taux Tr (0.033 Vendu/Jour)
M 40,000
List Characters: [Owned] [Equipped]
Max 100,000
Mini 100
Moyenne 33,742
Dernier 40,000
Historique des prix
2 Months Ago40,000
2 Months Ago40,000
3 Months Ago50,000
3 Months Ago40,000
GilPrice History1/2710/296/178/2911/10k100k25k50k75k125kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Historique des prix (25)
Dec. 28, 2024RobosanStickiefingerz40,000
Dec. 14, 2024CoronxStickiefingerz40,000
Nov. 29, 2024StarstryderzStickiefingerz50,000
Nov. 20, 2024DumbgobsStickiefingerz40,000
Nov. 1, 2024TurStickiefingerz40,000
Nov. 1, 2024EvobabyoneStickiefingerz40,000
Oct. 26, 2024KefkaesqueTricksee40,000
Oct. 24, 2024BanananekoIol40,000
Sep. 2, 2024OchukochukoKhomatose40,000
Aug. 29, 2024IzzyHalfhulk40,000
Xnm (1)
Holy CowENM
Commentaires (3)
Carbuncle.Cato[Report] Score: 5
Wouldn't this bow be just perfect for Samurais when/if they get to go SAM/RNG? Considering that Sidewinder's accuracy is determined by TP.
2009-06-10 16:32:29
Fenrir.Puntme[Report] Score: 0
About the SAM/RNG idea... This using Refulgent Arrow outperforms Sidewinder with a Shigeto Bow. Refulgent appears to be less of a whiff-fest compared to Sidewinder, and benefits quite nicely from SAM's wide array of STR gear.
2011-04-21 20:04:01
Remora.Redchaos Montrer Score: -22
tp bonus on this bow only works on bow weapon skills so that beibg said it wont stack with hagub for a 500% to ws
2008-09-22 11:56:33
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