Best bow (besides relic) for RNG. Period. Vali's is rare/ex equivalent, but has a rather poor drop rate :( Selene's has comparable attributes (and is easier to get), but Eurytos' has 50 less delay, a sizeable advantage. Want.
i would not be Surprised to see the price on this Drop to 1~1.5M due to the introduction of the Siege bow
DPS: 922 DMG:83 Delay:540 STR+3 "Rapid Shot"+5 Enmity-5
Ramuh Server already droped to 1.9m
The only real benefit of Selene's Bow is that it will always give at least 3 more Ranged Accuracy (New Moon) and up to 23 more during Full Moon.
However, with some Archery Merits and RNGs Accuracy Bonus trait, there aren't really a lot of mobs you will have issues hitting in the first place.