If you are a WAR short on gil for a Haubergeron this piece of equipment is a good substitute. It may not offer the same effects, yet it is quite reliable until you can collect enough gil for a Hauby. Though, I'm sure there are a couple alternatives to this.
Only as a going sam/rng is this good. Actually for sidewinder is is much better then Hauby -5 Agi on Hauby kills it! Remember Sidewinder is 15% str 25% agi so Hauby has a negitive effect on damage!
Believe it or not Samurai, but if you like to have fun and sub Ranger, this is perhaps the best body piece you can buy for pure Sidewinder damage before Kirin's Osode (STR and AGI mods).
Yes that's right, Hachiman Domaru may have WS ACC +8, however the STR +5 and AGI +5 on this will increase pure Sidewinder damage.