This item has the third highest INT bonus of any headgear in the game, beaten by Maat's Cap and Demon Helm +1 and tied with Wizard's Petasos +1. This makes it a desirable piece for increasing nuking performance.
Caveats to its use: First, Wizard's Petasos has almost as much INT as this but also a -4 reduction to enmity, which may make it preferable in situations where hate is loose and/or you're limited by a tank's enmity level. Second, on nukes that have a very high base damage rating you're likely to get a larger increase from the Magic Atk. Bonus +2 on Yigit Turban. Third, on highly resistant targets like HNMs, a piece that increases your elemental magic skill or magic accuracy will probably give you better average damage.
Still, from a "bang for the buck" perspective a decent piece of gear.
In any situation where the -enm from the Wizard's Petasos doesn't matter, this is a superior choice for straight nuking. And for only ~10k (on Bismarck) it's the cheapest upgrade you can buy, considering things like Mahatma Slops and Prism Cape have a much higher price tag for the same increase in INT.
All in all, a worthwhile, cheap upgrade until you can get your Petasos +1.
Wonderful for brd buffs as well. why no one mentions this idk, just as good a relic head for brd (for buffing) beaten only by it's HQ and marduks crown