One of the best back pieces around for a mage. same stats as white and black capes in 1 less inventory space. also no macro swap needed. this thing will take you to 60 easily maybe 71 if you dont bother with the int2 mnd2 emnity-2 cape at 60
Keep in mind this is a common GP item, so high level clothcrafters making them for GP may HQ them in the process and decide to sell the HQ while turning in the NQ. There is a large supply of these and not high enough demand to warrant a high price. Clothcrafters making these solely for profit would be disappointed(though, it's a profit nonetheless).
It's it understandable for people who used it and want to sell to undercut the price, but what i can't understand is cloth crafters who undercut the price to sell fast, this is just plain stupid.
To All Clothcraft 90+ Crafters, If you undercut this HQ item. What is the reason you leveling Clothcraft? This is one of our few products that can generate reasonable profit.