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Samurai Kogarasumaru - WS: Fudo - _20.9% TP return (total: 100.1%(Hasso)/101.0%(Seigan), without additional hits' TP accounted for). _Moonshade Earring (Attack+4, TP Bonus+25) for all weapons skills (bar Rana) until 300% TP or Hagakure paired with Sekkanoki used, where Vulcan's Pearl should be used over it. _Unkai Kote +2 on Sekkanoki (bar Rana). _Unkai Sune-ate +2 on Sengikori. --58% Double attack and 20% Triple attack with level three aftermath up, gear and /WAR's 10% DA job trait accounted for.
input /equip sub "Lentus Grip"; input /equip main "Kogarasumaru"; input /equip ammo "Cheruski Needle"; input /equip ring1 "Pyrosoul Ring"; input /equip head "Otomi Helm"; input /equip ring2 "Rajas Ring"; input /equip back "Buquwik Cape"; input /equip ear1 "Moonshade Earring"; input /equip neck "Light Gorget"; input /equip waist "Light Belt"; input /equip hands "Wakido Kote +1"; input /equip ear2 "Brutal Earring"; input /equip body "Phorcys Korazin"; input /equip legs "Wakido Haidate +1"; input /equip feet "Sak. Sune-Ate +1"; Gearswap Set
sets["Samurai Kogarasumaru - WS: Fudo"] = { main="Kogarasumaru", sub="Lentus Grip", ammo="Cheruski Needle", head="Otomi Helm", neck="Light Gorget", ear1="Moonshade Earring", ear2="Brutal Earring", body="Phorcys Korazin", hands="Wakido Kote +1", ring1="Pyrosoul Ring", ring2="Rajas Ring", back="Buquwik Cape", waist="Light Belt", legs="Wakido Haidate +1", feet="Sak. Sune-Ate +1" }
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