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Item Sets » id:261101
RDM Other - Precast - Capped Fast Cast & Quick Cast. If you don't have Kaykaus(Because, how many are really gonna have those fkin' legs, right?) use some FC Feet. Any will do, and there are quite a few now, so take your pick.
Nom de l'item Prix de l'AH Stock
950000 2
1500000 1
Count: 11 (2450000 Gils)
input /equip waist "Witful Belt";
input /equip hands "Gende. Gages +1";
input /equip head "Atro. Chapeau +1";
input /equip back "Perimede Cape";
input /equip neck "Orunmila's Torque";
input /equip ring1 "Lebeche Ring";
input /equip ammo "Impatiens";
input /equip ear1 "Estq. Earring";
input /equip ear2 "Loquac. Earring";
input /equip legs "Kaykaus Tights +1";
input /equip body "Viti. Tabard +1";
Gearswap Set
sets["RDM Other - Precast"] = {
    head="Atro. Chapeau +1",
    neck="Orunmila's Torque",
    ear1="Estq. Earring",
    ear2="Loquac. Earring",
    body="Viti. Tabard +1",
    hands="Gende. Gages +1",
    ring1="Lebeche Ring",
    back="Perimede Cape",
    waist="Witful Belt",
    legs="Kaykaus Tights +1"