Midsizedyoda And Iishin Player Warning.

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Midsizedyoda and Iishin player warning.
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Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 12308
By Phoenix.Kojo 2010-05-01 08:07:22
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Phoenix.Settiesama said:
@Kojo. Feel like helping me with Ark Angels? xD

Haven't been on in awhile, so IDK, lol. DM or one-by-one?
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-05-01 08:08:04
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Phoenix.Iishin said:
Against my better judgment I'm going to go ahead and respond to all this for the lulz. I am sorry I have a problem with someone getting goliard who doesn't comment the item that she wanted before the run like was asked to do. Who instead says I want goliard and "that thief body". I am sorry I have a problem with giving goliard body to someone who dced and missed half the run. I am sorry I have a problem giving a goliard body to someone who parsed healing only half the amount as the other healer during the period she was actually there. Every member on that run can corroborate this.

I'm sorry that I don't care who you are, if you aren't going to contribute on a run that I sponsor and build, I will not allow you to receive the benefits from said run.

Oh fyi, I have only been a member of the linkshell that midsizeyoda and I share for a week. So I am by no means amazing friends with him. In fact it was just a happy coincidence that he was the only other person who lotted on it so I gave it to him. However I will admit I am shady because I do peer into sorority's with binoculars from a tree from time to time while they undress. However other than that, none of you really have any right to look down on me because most of you are going by hearsay which really proves nothing.

Granted you are only hearing the side of the accusers which is only because the people who would defend me view arguing about what happens in a video game moronic. The only reason I am in fact doing this is because everyone who reads this thread already thinks pretty lowly of me so I really have nothing to lose, but I have the opportunity to belittle you which makes me feel big, so I do it.

I /seacomed it ***. And you also wrote a cheap apology on bluegartr over lotting on the thief hands, you said some cheap excuse that your internet died after you had lotted the relic and you had passed while d/cing so you didnt come back because you had homework. *** you iishin. and your dirty play outs. Your player warned on both websites, have fun. I didnt miss on half the run, I d/ced on ONE psyflyer because of the spikes, I came back quickly and you invited me even before we ascended a floor, thats how quickly I got back in game.

You? belittle me? Please, you are already on another forum on your own personal little thread, player warned, you should feel shame to even say anything. Infact keep the trolls comming, I'll just link everyone to your response on bluegartr so they see you do the same ***to everybody else. AND the fact that your answering here prooves that the forum is dong what its supposed to do, WARN other players of your crappy actitude.

SO you do admit you gave that piece off, even if I fairly won it, i even said that if i couldnt go for two pieces ill go for Goli only and I /SEACOMED it,too bad i have no way to proove it, but you know what? you also have no way to proove that i never didnt /seacom anything, unlike you i follow some *** rules, too bad you and your friend got screwed over by your own rules. even destinn said your a shady player. LOL.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-05-01 08:09:30
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Gilgamesh.Mytoy said:
It was my understanding that when it's switched to quartermaster, existing loot stays in treasure to be lotted and only further loot goes to the quartermaster. Am I wrong?
You are wrong. and either way, how oculd he get the goliard if I overlotted it? by god's magic.... ???
I never passed on anything, so these guys shouldnt make it look like I passed on something which I wanted so badly, I even provided proof i overlotted and someone never passed at all.... He got screwed by his own rules.
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Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 12308
By Phoenix.Kojo 2010-05-01 08:10:19
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Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-05-01 08:11:42
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Phoenix.Settiesama said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Can be read here. http://artsmountain.freeforums.org/dynamis-rules-t100.html Bam. Shut up, proof on the face.

Do you read anything before posting?
phoenix.Settiesama said:
I also am aware that its not stated on the forums. I read through them to double check, and have said I would address that issue to the leader.
phoenix.Settiesama said:
I would address that issue to the leader.

I can't change the rules. I don't have access to change peoples posts.

I also never said anywhere that the rules were posted on the forums. I said that people said Clinch spammed LS chat with rules.

@Kojo. Feel like helping me with Ark Angels? xD

Yeah now magicaly Clinch said that one rule before entering dyna... who on their right mind then, after hearing that rule lots on the freelot instead of waiting for the piece their running for to drop, tell me who? Lol.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-05-01 08:12:58
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Gilgamesh.Mytoy said:
Conditions under which an item will not be placed directly in the quartermaster's inventory include:

* The item is Rare and the player designated as the quartermaster already has the item in their Inventory, Mog Safe, Storage or Mog Locker.
* The inventory of the player designated as the quartermaster is full.
* The player designated as the quartermaster is in a different zone.
* The item was already in the treasure pool prior to being assigned the quartermaster.

so how did it end up on his inventory again? I magicaly passed it? when Iishin just admited that he GAVE that piece to him. Please, stop the trolls.

I'm here saying the truth and people are failing *** miserably to proove me otherwise.
Forum Moderator
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 12308
By Phoenix.Kojo 2010-05-01 08:13:23
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Gilgamesh.Mytoy said:
Conditions under which an item will not be placed directly in the quartermaster's inventory include: * The item is Rare and the player designated as the quartermaster already has the item in their Inventory, Mog Safe, Storage or Mog Locker. * The inventory of the player designated as the quartermaster is full. * The player designated as the quartermaster is in a different zone. * The item was already in the treasure pool prior to being assigned the quartermaster.

In Italics. Lol.. No ***.

I'm starting to think Darkli's inventory was full and she didn't notice it.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-05-01 08:13:29
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but you know what? this community blows, I hope when you get something done to you like this and you player warn, you dont get people giving you off their backs.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 321
By Phoenix.Settiesama 2010-05-01 08:13:41
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Phoenix.Kojo said:
Phoenix.Settiesama said:
@Kojo. Feel like helping me with Ark Angels? xD
Haven't been on in awhile, so IDK, lol. DM or one-by-one?
DM. Lol. Oh god, it was so annoying getting everyone to do it that one time I did it.. Failed the first time and had to wait an hour to replace half the alliance.. ><
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-05-01 08:14:44
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Phoenix.Kojo said:
Gilgamesh.Mytoy said:
Conditions under which an item will not be placed directly in the quartermaster's inventory include: * The item is Rare and the player designated as the quartermaster already has the item in their Inventory, Mog Safe, Storage or Mog Locker. * The inventory of the player designated as the quartermaster is full. * The player designated as the quartermaster is in a different zone. * The item was already in the treasure pool prior to being assigned the quartermaster.

In Italics. Lol.. No ***.

I'm starting to think Darkli's inventory was full and she didn't notice it.

It was not. I had baazared sold 20 items 2 nights before this run, I had 20 spaces available, so all that randomly dropped on my inventory, i still had around 10 more spaces left for whatever would drop. and I always check my intventory before lotting on something, and I do believe when you try to lot something and your inventory is full it says you can't lot.
Forum Moderator
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 12308
By Phoenix.Kojo 2010-05-01 08:15:40
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Phoenix.Settiesama said:
Phoenix.Kojo said:
Phoenix.Settiesama said:
@Kojo. Feel like helping me with Ark Angels? xD
Haven't been on in awhile, so IDK, lol. DM or one-by-one?
DM. Lol. Oh god, it was so annoying getting everyone to do it that one time I did it.. Failed the first time and had to wait an hour to replace half the alliance.. ><


Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 321
By Phoenix.Settiesama 2010-05-01 08:15:53
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Phoenix.Darki said:
Phoenix.Settiesama said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Can be read here. http://artsmountain.freeforums.org/dynamis-rules-t100.html Bam. Shut up, proof on the face.
Do you read anything before posting?
phoenix.Settiesama said:
I also am aware that its not stated on the forums. I read through them to double check, and have said I would address that issue to the leader.
phoenix.Settiesama said:
I would address that issue to the leader.
I can't change the rules. I don't have access to change peoples posts. I also never said anywhere that the rules were posted on the forums. I said that people said Clinch spammed LS chat with rules. @Kojo. Feel like helping me with Ark Angels? xD
Yeah now magicaly Clinch said that one rule before entering dyna... who on their right mind then, after hearing that rule lots on the freelot instead of waiting for the piece their running for to drop, tell me who? Lol.
Actually, i did that once on my first run that I could lot. I lotted on something, and WHM dropped not too long afterward.. so it's not uncommon. It's just people not paying attention. >.>;
I admit to not paying attention to half the ***going on around me both IRL and in game.
Forum Moderator
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 12308
By Phoenix.Kojo 2010-05-01 08:17:25
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Phoenix.Darki said:
Phoenix.Kojo said:
Gilgamesh.Mytoy said:
Conditions under which an item will not be placed directly in the quartermaster's inventory include: * The item is Rare and the player designated as the quartermaster already has the item in their Inventory, Mog Safe, Storage or Mog Locker. * The inventory of the player designated as the quartermaster is full. * The player designated as the quartermaster is in a different zone. * The item was already in the treasure pool prior to being assigned the quartermaster.
In Italics. Lol.. No ***. I'm starting to think Darkli's inventory was full and she didn't notice it.
It was not. I had baazared sold 20 items 2 nights before this run, I had 20 spaces available, so all that randomly dropped on my inventory, i still had around 10 more spaces left for whatever would drop. and I always check my intventory before lotting on something, and I do believe when you try to lot something and your inventory is full it says you can't lot.

It dropped to Mid because someone had their hand in the pie. There's an explanation.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 321
By Phoenix.Settiesama 2010-05-01 08:17:35
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Phoenix.Kojo said:
Phoenix.Settiesama said:
Phoenix.Kojo said:
Phoenix.Settiesama said:
@Kojo. Feel like helping me with Ark Angels? xD
Haven't been on in awhile, so IDK, lol. DM or one-by-one?
DM. Lol. Oh god, it was so annoying getting everyone to do it that one time I did it.. Failed the first time and had to wait an hour to replace half the alliance.. ><
Lmao. Nice reaction. <3
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-05-01 08:19:29
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quoting iishin

' I am sorry I have a problem with giving goliard body to someone who dced and missed half the run. I am sorry I have a problem giving a goliard body to someone who parsed healing only half the amount as the other healer during the period she was actually there. Every member on that run can corroborate this.'

Not true aswell, my mp most of the run was lower than the scholars, and Mid is a taru.
Also this prooves he quartermastered it, and if you want more proof go to Imanorclock who also said he saw it getting QM.
EVEN Iishin accepts he QM. lol.

' In fact it was just a happy coincidence that he was the only other person who lotted on it so I gave it to him. '

quoting Iishin in a closer look 'so I gave it to him. '

Quoting Iishin.... 'I gave it to him. '

Quoting 'I gave '

And he tries to excuse himself of giving the GOLI to Middy. Lol. LOl. LOL.
If you feel so uncomftruble to giving items to other members who play it fair, then do runs with your own linkshell and play them dirty. and only been one week in the linkshell? geez Iishin that says alot about you that you cant stay in one linkshell for long. hmmmmm... anyone ringing logic a bell on their heads?

Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-05-01 08:21:26
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Phoenix.Settiesama said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Phoenix.Settiesama said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Can be read here. http://artsmountain.freeforums.org/dynamis-rules-t100.html Bam. Shut up, proof on the face.
Do you read anything before posting?
phoenix.Settiesama said:
I also am aware that its not stated on the forums. I read through them to double check, and have said I would address that issue to the leader.
phoenix.Settiesama said:
I would address that issue to the leader.
I can't change the rules. I don't have access to change peoples posts. I also never said anywhere that the rules were posted on the forums. I said that people said Clinch spammed LS chat with rules. @Kojo. Feel like helping me with Ark Angels? xD
Yeah now magicaly Clinch said that one rule before entering dyna... who on their right mind then, after hearing that rule lots on the freelot instead of waiting for the piece their running for to drop, tell me who? Lol.
Actually, i did that once on my first run that I could lot. I lotted on something, and WHM dropped not too long afterward.. so it's not uncommon. It's just people not paying attention. >.>;
I admit to not paying attention to half the ***going on around me both IRL and in game.

Ok sattie, whatever you say sweety. :) have it your way, your so stubborn lol.
Forum Moderator
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 12308
By Phoenix.Kojo 2010-05-01 08:22:23
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Phoenix.Darki said:
And he tries to excuse himself of giving the GOLI to Middy. Lol. LOl. LOL. If you feel so uncomftruble to giving items to other members who play it fair, then do runs with your own linkshell and play them dirty. and only been one week in the linkshell? geez Iishin that says alot about you that you cant stay in one linkshell for long. hmmmmm... anyone ringing logic a bell on their heads?
Phoenix.Darki said:
And he tries to excuse himself of giving the GOLI to Middy.
Phoenix.Darki said:
And he
Phoenix.Darki said:
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-05-01 08:23:47
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Gilgamesh.Mytoy said:
I don't know how he managed that. For all you know, he's lying to you. However, the whole quartermaster theory won't work.

Please read above post, and even Iishin's post that he admits he QM it.
I have no idea where you took out how inventory and lotting works, but those rules didnt seem to apply on my case, so whatever the *** .

This *** is an ***. end of the deal, you got player warned, thats all I wanted, so other players dont get screwed over by this *** again, but if you are so focused on giving him reason to feel innocent, go for it, and on the longrun play with him to get *** over.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Iishin
Posts: 4
By Odin.Iishin 2010-05-01 08:24:29
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Phoenix.Darki said:
I /seacomed it ***.

See this ends up being just your word against mine.
Phoenix.Darki said:
I didnt miss on half the run, I d/ced on ONE psyflyer because of the spikes, I came back quickly and you invited me even before we ascended a floor, thats how quickly I got back in game.

See here is the funny thing. That floor was the longest floor we had and actually took up half the run. You dced when we started fighting the first one, and came back right as we finished the last one. That is why you spawned at the rune. So to say that you return was quick just because it occurred on the same floor is misleading.
Phoenix.Darki said:
you are already on another forum on your own personal little thread,

Here is the thing... Did you know that I could go on this website and Bluegrtr and put up warnings about you or anyone else I want? Just because there are warnings about me doesn't mean that there is anything sinister about me. If you read most of those warning posts, they are knee-jerk reactions to an event that didn't go in that person's favor and they're upset about it and so they want to *** to somebody and don't give the full story.
Phoenix.Darki said:
I fairly won it

How is it fair to have a person half assing a run getting the reward? If everyone dced for as long as you did there would have been no drop at all. It was only because of the 5 other members that there was even a drop for you to lot on and it was in my belief undeserved for you to receive that item.
Forum Moderator
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 12308
By Phoenix.Kojo 2010-05-01 08:24:43
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Phoenix.Darki said:
Gilgamesh.Mytoy said:
I don't know how he managed that. For all you know, he's lying to you. However, the whole quartermaster theory won't work.
Please read above post, and even Iishin's post that he admits he QM it. I have no idea where you took out how inventory and lotting works, but those rules didnt seem to apply on my case, so whatever the *** . This *** is an ***. end of the deal, you got player warned, thats all I wanted, so other players dont get screwed over by this *** again, but if you are so focused on giving him reason to feel innocent, go for it, and on the longrun play with him to get *** over.

Is he a *** or an ***?
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 321
By Phoenix.Settiesama 2010-05-01 08:25:03
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Phoenix.Darki said:
Phoenix.Settiesama said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Phoenix.Settiesama said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Can be read here. http://artsmountain.freeforums.org/dynamis-rules-t100.html Bam. Shut up, proof on the face.
Do you read anything before posting?
phoenix.Settiesama said:
I also am aware that its not stated on the forums. I read through them to double check, and have said I would address that issue to the leader.
phoenix.Settiesama said:
I would address that issue to the leader.
I can't change the rules. I don't have access to change peoples posts. I also never said anywhere that the rules were posted on the forums. I said that people said Clinch spammed LS chat with rules. @Kojo. Feel like helping me with Ark Angels? xD
Yeah now magicaly Clinch said that one rule before entering dyna... who on their right mind then, after hearing that rule lots on the freelot instead of waiting for the piece their running for to drop, tell me who? Lol.
Actually, i did that once on my first run that I could lot. I lotted on something, and WHM dropped not too long afterward.. so it's not uncommon. It's just people not paying attention. >.>; I admit to not paying attention to half the ***going on around me both IRL and in game.
Ok sattie, whatever you say sweety. :) have it your way, your so stubborn lol.
I am stubborn. I'm sorry. Lmao. Poor Sly has to put up with it so much.

And.. It's still Settie.. not Sattie.. Lol
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-05-01 08:26:33
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just reposting this so everyone sees the proof on their faces.

'Ninja-lotted THF hands on his trial run in Dynamis - Xarcabard for Calm. Was told to pass and did not. Fake d/c'ed immediately after they dropped to him.


Iishin's crappy excuse:

Here is a wall of text:

Okay, I was referred to this post by a friend of mine in game and I want to
hopefully explain my situation a bit. I live in an apartment complex of college
students numbering 180 units (including up to 3 bedroom apartments) that all
shares ONE t1 30 mb internet connection. So during the weekend around the times of about 3-12 PM I get some lag, ask some of my in game friends. So at the time this situation happens, ~6:15, the peak of peak hours, I'm struggling quite a bit to do anything. When I see the Assassin armlets drop, I try to pass, because I know its a rare item and I hated seeing an AF drop to someone who won't use it, like happened earlier that night in that very run, which I even complained about. So I sat there trying to click pass through all my lag as I start to D/C. I don't really care at this point because I assume that I actually passed and I know I have homework that I have to do that night, so i let it D/C. I don't sign on again. I know this is no comfort to the member that lost on the item and I know this in no way redeems me, but I just want you all to know what happened. I have no interest in leveling THF, and if I was actually going to try and ninja loot something I would have gone after the Dchap that dropped earlier, an item I actually want and can use, an item I have been trying to get for years since RDM was my very first 75. I have never ninja looted anything before. All I can say is I am sorry, anything I can do to make up for this I will, I hope this doesn't totally screw me over. Also I appreciate the fact that the poster decided to condemn me without first finding out what happened. Instead of waiting for me to sign on again to talk to me about it he condemns me as a thief and tells everyone about it. I have lost out on items do to friends bad connections or bad luck. It happens, I feel terrible, but I don't like being condemned publicly without first being talked to.'

again he uses the 'First hear my side of the story before you judge me' to clean up his rep. Iishin, consider a server transfer, I wont let you breathe for simply being a douche that just attempted and failed miserably to make me look like I am wrong for something I'm completly sure of.
Forum Moderator
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 12308
By Phoenix.Kojo 2010-05-01 08:27:33
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Gilgamesh.Mytoy said:
http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/wiki/Quartermaster And it's not hard to lie. He's LYING to you to piss you off, clearly. That or he somehow managed to magically make it drop to the other guy.

OH! Know what it was? A *** miracle. It was God's will for Mid to get that Goli.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-05-01 08:28:29
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Please Check It.
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