Mages Vs. Brainless DDs

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Mages vs. Brainless DDs
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Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2010-04-24 10:32:44
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Can I get a summary of this thread?

All I get is that mages > DD when it comes to party situations, and that Vegetto is trying to massage his e-peen by saying "30k per hour merit parties or GTFO" ***.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33978
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2010-04-24 10:35:27
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Sometimes you do sit on overflow though, can't always WS at 100%. Getting a DA when the mob has low HP or retaliating (as a war) can give you 150+ sometimes.
Serveur: Sylph
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user: Vegetto
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By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2010-04-24 10:40:39
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Asura.Korpg said:
Can I get a summary of this thread?

All I get is that mages > DD when it comes to party situations, and that Vegetto is trying to massage his e-peen by saying "30k per hour merit parties or GTFO" ***.
not rly, I woulda said 35k/hr if I wanted to do that.

Wouldn't mind swinging your cat around though.
Serveur: Bismarck
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Posts: 33978
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2010-04-24 10:47:49
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Probably not much to swing around anymore though.
Serveur: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Septroth 2010-04-24 10:52:13
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Asura.Korpg said:
Can I get a summary of this thread?

All I get is that mages > DD when it comes to party situations, and that Vegetto is trying to massage his e-peen by saying "30k per hour merit parties or GTFO" ***.

Ask the stupid melee if they have ever gotten 250k EXP in 4.5hrs because I could bet Gil that they haven't. Summoner Burn FTMFW!!! let the noobs have 30k an hr, I like my 59K xp a pull go get 2hrs reset and repeat, a pull takes 30-45 mins if your pullers are good.
Serveur: Bismarck
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user: danz
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By Bismarck.Danz 2010-04-24 10:53:46
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hurray for people who b***ch about the few who are away occasionally. (yea there are some who over-do it by a f**k load. iv been in a merit party with someone that was babysitting and was away for %90+ of the time. needless to say after the 3rd AFK within the first 30 min he got kicked) doesn't mean everyone does it. should have a bit more respect then that. i play both mage-ness and DD-ness and even occasionally PLD tank-ness and i can say that DD does have alot more "free time" in those moments when you just dump your TP and a fresh mob is up. but this was only my experience during exp PTs. once endgame happened... its a whole nother story.
Serveur: Fairy
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user: Basilo
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By Fairy.Basilo 2010-04-24 10:59:37
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Full stop >> capital letter.
Your paragraph hurt my eyes.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: FireDeath
Posts: 108
By Fenrir.Fdeath 2010-04-24 11:13:05
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Asura.Korpg said:
Can I get a summary of this thread?

All I get is that mages > DD when it comes to party situations, and that Vegetto is trying to massage his e-peen by saying "30k per hour merit parties or GTFO" ***.

thats alway made me laught, xxx Exp/h or gtfo. LOL EMO brd, kind of deep ***lfg @ whitgate DAY LONG teasing everyone lol

He seriously should Pharse his EXP / hours LFG beeing ignorant. i can tell you Whitegate LFG: 0 Exp/h. FAIL ***.

is for that kind of ppl i never LFG and i only merite with friend, we dont care how much exp/h we do, and sometime stuff dont go @ best. But 99% we do 21~28k/h.

Trust me those KIND of EMO DD also have ***gear most of time, they asking for 30k/h bc they can't itself triger that kind of PT.

For Brainless BLM here again:

[22:51] <------------> )>)>)>---Suzaku---)>
[22:51] [---------] starts casting Water IV on Suzaku.
[22:51] [-----] starts casting Water IV on Suzaku.
[22:51] [------] starts casting Water IV on Suzaku.

3 member with Tier IV nuke on suzaku @ 100% HP, WTF you think happened?

all DD lost they TP, no need to tell you hate got *** up, and 8 member DIED.

BRAINLESS BLM, omfg there more everyday now.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15064
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2010-04-24 11:14:51
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Or you can just make your own 30k/hr pt? I can't remember the last time I've flagged up.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33978
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2010-04-24 11:22:12
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It's *** difficult to read your posts sometimes, Fdeath.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: FireDeath
Posts: 108
By Fenrir.Fdeath 2010-04-24 11:31:27
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Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
Or you can just make your own 30k/hr pt? I can't remember the last time I've flagged up.

With friend ya, random pickup ppl lfg, i doubt exept if you lucky.

@Dracondria i know >< would be even more difficult if it was in french lol

That remind me KS99 with random pickup:

Turtle: 0/5 win
Wyrm: 0/4 win
KB: 0/3 win.

Then i managed to do run with friend:

Turtle: 22/22 win [4 BB item FFA]
KB: 18/20 win [ 8 BB item only >< ]
Wyrm: 17/18 win [1 speed belt + ***tons of BB FFA]
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15064
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2010-04-24 11:33:16
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Fenrir.Fdeath said:
Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
Or you can just make your own 30k/hr pt? I can't remember the last time I've flagged up.

With friend ya, random pickup ppl lfg, i doubt exept if you lucky.

@Dracondria i know >< would be even more difficult if it was in french lol
Easy to make w/ a pick up pt. You /check dds before inviting them. If they're ***don't grab them.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2010-04-24 11:34:48
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3 member with Tier IV nuke on suzaku @ 100% HP, WTF you think happened?

all DD lost they TP, no need to tell you hate got *** up, and 8 member DIED.

BRAINLESS BLM, omfg there more everyday now.

Get better tanks.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: FireDeath
Posts: 108
By Fenrir.Fdeath 2010-04-24 11:38:26
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@Tigerwoods i never /check ppl.

@Raenryong no Tank can hold hate from 3 Water IV on initial pull. (Specialy when mob is weak to that)
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15064
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2010-04-24 11:39:29
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Fenrir.Fdeath said:
@Tigerwoods i never /check ppl.

That's why you get ***dds in a pick up party. I'm perfectly capable of making a pt with 5 ppl I've never met and making 30k/hr lol
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: FireDeath
Posts: 108
By Fenrir.Fdeath 2010-04-24 11:42:39
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i hate when PPL /check me, so i dont /check ppl.

Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2010-04-24 11:43:12
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Fenrir.Fdeath said:
@Tigerwoods i never /check ppl.

@Raenryong no Tank can hold hate from 3 Water IV on initial pull. (Specialy when mob is weak to that)
You do realize that with Water IV on Suzy, it would do at max unresisted 800 damage. Thats giving the BLMs a chance of having 5/5 Water Potency and maybe Water Weather/Obi from SCH.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15064
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2010-04-24 11:45:12
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Fenrir.Fdeath said:
i hate when PPL /check me, so i dont /check ppl.
You can filter your checks if you don't like the message lol.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: FireDeath
Posts: 108
By Fenrir.Fdeath 2010-04-24 11:47:33
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i dont mind the message, what i hate is all these *** on fenrir rdy to talk ***again your setup.

The most popular comment i get for my THF, is about the Hecatomb, i dont have full hecatomb setup.

I even got reject from an LS asking me that question:

Do you plan work on hecatomb?

I have Cursed Legging-1, wtf they wan me todo? solo Nidhogg?

A lots of epic ppl like that on fenrir, no need to tell you all HNM on fenrir are BOTED 24/24, they ban a groups, and a new groups born. been like that for 7 yr.

I have RDM with full enf. Setup, 14 JOB75, all other are 50+ ( no body care, they pin point my THF only day long )
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-04-24 11:51:36
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If they talk ***about your setup just *** along with it. Most people won't /check you and simply say "Your ***" and if they do, their rep on the server is probably awful.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Dalight
Posts: 5163
By Asura.Daleterrence 2010-04-24 11:53:09
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Shiva.Flionheart said:
If they talk ***about your setup just *** along with it. Most people won't /check you and simply say "Your ***" and if they do, their rep on the server is probably awful.

Yeah, I've never had someone say my gear is ***, unless they already have a problem with me.(FYI: It is ***.)

(That's what /l is for ^_~)
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: FireDeath
Posts: 108
By Fenrir.Fdeath 2010-04-24 11:59:11
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You should see how HNM LS* like paradox on fenrir care about they reputation.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-04-24 12:01:14
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Asura.Daleterrence said:
Shiva.Flionheart said:
If they talk ***about your setup just *** along with it. Most people won't /check you and simply say "Your ***" and if they do, their rep on the server is probably awful.

Yeah, I've never had someone say my gear is ***, unless they already have a problem with me.(FYI: It is ***.)

(That's what /l is for ^_~)

Lol dw, my mnk isn't pretty but I fail at making money in this game, and just having mnk made it hard to get into end game. Now that I've got brd up I might be able to start working to make my mnk and brd awesome!

If someone has the need to tell you that you suck out of the blue, it isn't someone I'd like to associate in game with anyways.

Now people not knowing how to play their job is an entirely different subject, because everyone can read up on their jobs, and should before levelling it. not knowing some of the finer points like working out something is .5% better than something else then fair enough, but people using str rings that are more expensive than acc rings on mnk just piss me off.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: FireDeath
Posts: 108
By Fenrir.Fdeath 2010-04-24 12:01:59
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Asura.Daleterrence said:
Shiva.Flionheart said:
If they talk ***about your setup just *** along with it. Most people won't /check you and simply say "Your ***" and if they do, their rep on the server is probably awful.

Yeah, I've never had someone say my gear is ***, unless they already have a problem with me.(FYI: It is ***.)

(That's what /l is for ^_~)

Never get a relic, (before i got mine, i never get that kind of coment too)
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: FireDeath
Posts: 108
By Fenrir.Fdeath 2010-04-24 12:04:25
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@Flionheart agree, and i know exactly what you saying.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Parhelia
Posts: 485
By Asura.Despayn 2010-04-24 12:16:07
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Fenrir.Fdeath said:
@Tigerwoods i never /check ppl.

@Raenryong no Tank can hold hate from 3 Water IV on initial pull. (Specialy when mob is weak to that)

When I tank sky gods, I tell my BLMs to go all out, and that's me on NIN/DRK. I can't even remember the last time I ever lost hate.

I remember having nothing but NIN to merit with way back when. Before the 2handed update, use to get a party invite within seconds of lfp =(. But things change. As a player of a MMO, that's something people have to get accustomed to. The game will always change, and you have to change with it, otherwise you'll be left behind.

I'm curious to see how Salvage gear holds up after all the level cap adjustments. Seeing these people take 2 years just to get a single 35 to upgrade their salvage gear, then realize later on that salvage gear may or may not suck compared to what comes out. Then that gear would end up being better =(. Sort of the reason I don't want to touch salvage yet.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: FireDeath
Posts: 108
By Fenrir.Fdeath 2010-04-24 12:29:09
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Asura.Despayn said:
Fenrir.Fdeath said:
@Tigerwoods i never /check ppl.

@Raenryong no Tank can hold hate from 3 Water IV on initial pull. (Specialy when mob is weak to that)

When I tank sky gods, I tell my BLMs to go all out, and that's me on NIN/DRK. I can't even remember the last time I ever lost hate.

I remember having nothing but NIN to merit with way back when. Before the 2handed update, use to get a party invite within seconds of lfp =(. But things change. As a player of a MMO, that's something people have to get accustomed to. The game will always change, and you have to change with it, otherwise you'll be left behind.

I'm curious to see how Salvage gear holds up after all the level cap adjustments. Seeing these people take 2 years just to get a single 35 to upgrade their salvage gear, then realize later on that salvage gear may or may not suck compared to what comes out. Then that gear would end up being better =(. Sort of the reason I don't want to touch salvage yet.

Must be a joke or something, or you really didnt read correctly, they TIER IV water AS soon he poped, with 0 initial HATE @ all, all pld got able todo is flash and the turky was runing to BLM. Seriously i dont see wtf nin/drk could do better when pld FAIL keep hate with flash, sentinel, i am sorry but common stop making fun of me.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33978
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2010-04-24 12:46:42
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Raen needs to come back and tank random stuff for people!
Posts: 3
By Xpolak 2010-04-24 12:50:21
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i didn't miss the point. i only changed the subject. i understand the difference between stupid dds and good ones, but i just pointed out the hate on dds over all
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2010-04-24 13:27:39
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Open fight with Flash => Cure cheat => maybe another JA. That'll cement your hate initially and you can probably do a 300% TP Spirits Within or at least an Atonement if people are building TP between pops.

Paladin is a master at spiking hate. Could even use Sentinel if you really desperately needed it.
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