Another AMK Hat Question...

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Another AMK hat question...
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Inga
Posts: 86
By Ragnarok.Inga 2010-03-12 19:16:47
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so, I've decided to retire a few of my jobs, sold a ton of gear, and fully geared up my NIN, I've been running some numbers and asking a few of my LS members what they would prefer on their head, 5% haste or 5% Fast Cast, I've already got 5% on my body, but I'm curious as to what would be better overall, the 5% fast cast or the 5% haste, I could however be using the 5% fast cast for Ichi and 5% Haste on Ni, but I'm really unsure what would be better for Ni.

I've questioned a few of our Paladins even as to what they would prefer and the one thing that stuck out was 15% haste is what I'd want to aim for on Ni then focus on fast cast if preferred that, and as I don't really have any experience with Fast Cast that much outside of the 5% on my body, 1% on ear. I figured I should ask what others have to say about it.

and, I do know that AMK hat is widely used as a WS hat, but I'm looking at getting Gnadbod's in the near future, which I think would be better overall then the AMK, I was also informed that the 15 W.Acc only applies to the first hit on WSs which I find kind of difficult to believe, but I don't really know much about the games spaghetti code lol.
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Isiolia
Posts: 70
By Pandemonium.Isiolia 2010-03-17 09:44:13
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It'd depend, partially, on the aspect of Fast Cast that you're looking at.

There are, as you are likely aware, two aspects of Fast Cast. Casting speed, and recast reduction. 5% Fast Cast is -5% cast time, -2.5% recast (well, setting aside rounding or actual game math, may be -2%).

On the one hand, you really can't reduce casting speed any other way. On the other, you're already talking about a spell that doesn't take -that- long to cast. Will you truly notice a fifth of a second taken off of the cast time of Ichi?
It's noticeable for, say, a RDM because the native traits on that job total-20% cast time, with AF hat and relic body both offering a further -10%.

In terms of recast, you want to go with Haste. RDMs want to go with Haste. It's the same basic consideration as Dual Wield versus Haste when you're looking at swing speed. Whichever you can get more of will do more for you per point. In a vacuum, 5% haste and 10% Fast Cast (therefore, -5% recast) are the same for recasts. However, that isn't the typical situation, and since Haste is far more available from gear and buffs, it's much more likely that things will be skewed towards that.

With those things in mind, you can technically have the best of both. Casting speed is determined when you start casting. Recast when you finish. So, as min-maxing RDMs everywhere know, you can start casting in Fast Cast gear, and swap in Haste gear mid-cast.
For what you're talking about, that'd be the way to do it, since the 5% Fast Cast on an Anwig Salade would only actually net you half the recast reduction of a Walahra Turban.

Unless, of course, you were buffed tot he point that you were capping recasts (-50%) anyway. That might be where your PLD friend was coming from, since if you have double march and Haste for -35% already, then you only really need -15% to cap out recasts.

IMO, the particular config you're talking about would really be a splitting-hairs type of piece... a WS build, or hybrid Haste/ACC type build might be more generally useful.
The main argument I've heard with the WS build (which is what I have, though it's also usable on several other jobs for me), is that you're probably geared/buffed for good accuracy already, and if anything are already putting more ACC in on WS (Haub, Denali, etc).
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