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Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Nightcrew
Posts: 30
By Sylph.Nightcrew 2010-03-11 17:33:39
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Sorry, i know this is "Another GD Sam Gear Topic". I;m more just looking for some clarification. There is alot of info out there and i;m just wanted to make sure i;m getting it right.

This is my TP set now

My WS set

Now, i;ve been reading and people been saying that something like this is better then what i TP in now

This does allow me to keep my WS set and keep 6hit.

Now i know Usukane Feet would be a huge upgrade, but i have ***luck with drops and getting groups that dont have their heads up their ***.

Now this may sound REALLY noobish and sorry if i do. But using a sTP/Delay Calc, the 3% haste from the Dusk is only .2sec off my swing. So to me Hachi/Pole seems better then Dusk/Rose. But the voice in my head keeps telling me Dusk/Rose over Hachi/Pole.

Now that Polearm Sam has become a bit rape in Birdpo, I have been trying to get a Polearm set together.

This is what I have so far, and yes, its ***, i mean 5hit.



Am i on the right track, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off course, sell my Hagun and just stick to Blm?

Any constructive criticism on my sets is welcome.
Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Wishkah
Posts: 78
By Hades.Amnesia 2010-03-11 17:37:16
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Your heads in the right place and you know what you need to upgrade so thumbs up! :D
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2010-03-11 17:53:29
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Why are you a Sylph Nightcrew :(
Now this may sound REALLY noobish and sorry if i do. But using a sTP/Delay Calc, the 3% haste from the Dusk is only .2sec off my swing. So to me Hachi/Pole seems better then Dusk/Rose. But the voice in my head keeps telling me Dusk/Rose over Hachi/Pole.

3% Haste always beats 2% DA unless you never swing ~

All of your gear looks good though. Get a Shadow Gorget yadayadayada I'm sure you know the drill with the more expensive/time-consuming upgrades.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Nightcrew
Posts: 30
By Sylph.Nightcrew 2010-03-11 18:06:17
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Hi Raen! Yes, I am no longer a Bahamut.Nightcrew. Just felt Bahamut was kinda dead. Needed new life. But anyways... back to my lolSam!

Also should have added is my Polearm set even worth using in meripo's, is it good enough to to out do my GK setup? If I remember I;m about 80%~ Acc Cap w/o food. so Sushi is needed to top me off. I can assume Tomoe, Gorget, Usu Feet, Hauby +1 are some "Thank you Captain Obvious" upgrades, is there anything else out there i should look into?
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2010-03-11 18:12:55
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Love Halberd will likely outdo Tomoe over time as well contrary to popular belief but... you'd better have a lot of stones! Unfortunately a lot of your improvements are Usukane and other stupid things. I hear SAM AF2 feet are quite good for Penta too and you should have basically no competition on 'em.

And yeah, I would definitely expect your Polearm to beat your GKT. 25% extra damage is just huge, and then Penta Thrust has a much much higher damage "cap" too. Just spam crab sushi at birdies - you'll be fine. /War will make a huge difference to Polearm unlike GKT as well, as I'd imagine you realise.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Nightcrew
Posts: 30
By Sylph.Nightcrew 2010-03-11 18:17:57
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yeah, Sylph is good for letting DD's sub correct SJs, where Bahamut, at least last i knew was /Nin or GTFO.

I;d like AF2 Feet but my LS only does Outlands =/ I'll talk to them and see if maybe if sponsor the run they'll do it or maybe just do it one day.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Alriath
Posts: 200
By Caitsith.Alriath 2010-03-11 18:24:53
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What I use with sushi, nothing amazing but theres some easy stuff to get that'll help you out. Instead of Bando kote's get the lv34's and virtuoso is free as well.
Posts: 20
By Kintups 2010-03-11 18:25:56
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smilodon mantle +1 for gk ws
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2010-03-11 18:28:33
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I think she's keeping the Hachi hands for x-hit, otherwise I would've recommended B Kotes too.

EDIT: And yah, Smilodon +1 is marginally better than Forager's in attack-cap situations, but it's not a very efficient use of inventory space. That said, it IS better and I should've pointed it out. She has BLM though and other 75s so <_<
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Alriath
Posts: 200
By Caitsith.Alriath 2010-03-11 18:31:35
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I always assume capped store tp merits, without those merits it would be a really shaky 5hit lol. capped merits you don't need to ws in hachi hands with rose strap though.

Edit: Also Rose strap + Ecphoria ring, instead of taking an acc loss with chiv chain lol.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Nightcrew
Posts: 30
By Sylph.Nightcrew 2010-03-11 18:54:34
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Caitsith.Alriath if i remember i think i do need Hachi full time. since i get 20tp a hit. so losing that 8 sTP would really mess things up. And yes, 5/5 sTP.

Only did Chiv Chain cuz that's what I have on hand, would either have to farm/buy Ecph. But if that's the better way to go then I;m all over it

Edit: I have Smil +1 cuz of Blu, so adding it on is no biggie. I forget the "Atk Capped Situations" but I think they were/are Meripo/Limbus/???/Profit. Only question then is want about DL/Einherjar Bosses/Dynamis/Jailers. I know its a hard question to really answer since its depends on gear, area, etc.

I guess any general events list would be nice.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Rumaha
Posts: 10000
By Bahamut.Rumaha 2010-03-11 18:58:04
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Sylph.Nightcrew said:
Caitsith.Alriath if i remember i think i do need Hachi full time. since i get 20tp a hit. so losing that 8 sTP would really mess things up. And yes, 5/5 sTP.

Only did Chiv Chain cuz that's what I have on hand, would either have to farm/buy Ecph. But if that's the better way to go then I;m all over it

Ulth Chiv Vs Spec Ecp

4 Atk Vs 2 Acc

And with Pcc its not even a contest, 4 Atk Vs 5 Acc

Woodsman/Sniper are better then Ulth for Gkt at least probably for Pole too iirc, since SAM is 30/70 DoT/WS atk doesn't mean a whole lot.


The rose set is better, Ecphoria/Pcc or Spectacles is wtg as well.


My Gkt set, Tomoe is my Polearm, so only change is Bush -> Fowling, Dusk Gloves -> Hachi Hands.

Cuch could be something for you to look into as well.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Nightcrew
Posts: 30
By Sylph.Nightcrew 2010-03-11 19:33:54
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Wouldn't a J.Torque be the best Neck to aim for? Over PCC
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Rumaha
Posts: 10000
By Bahamut.Rumaha 2010-03-11 19:35:45
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Sylph.Nightcrew said:
Wouldn't a J.Torque be the best Neck to aim for? Over PCC
Ancient Torque would be best to aim for when uncapped, if you cap acc in J torque use it, Pcc wins if all its acc is used, If you can cap acc in J torque though, its best to keep on Pcc and switch Usu feet back to Fuma or something of the sort, maybe change Cuch back to Cerb/+1/Foragers for TP, whole bunch of changes and progressions.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Alriath
Posts: 200
By Caitsith.Alriath 2010-03-11 22:27:17
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Sylph.Nightcrew said:
Caitsith.Alriath if i remember i think i do need Hachi full time. since i get 20tp a hit. so losing that 8 sTP would really mess things up. And yes, 5/5 sTP.

Only did Chiv Chain cuz that's what I have on hand, would either have to farm/buy Ecph. But if that's the better way to go then I;m all over it

Edit: I have Smil 1 cuz of Blu, so adding it on is no biggie. I forget the "Atk Capped Situations" but I think they were/are Meripo/Limbus/???/Profit. Only question then is want about DL/Einherjar Bosses/Dynamis/Jailers. I know its a hard question to really answer since its depends on gear, area, etc.

I guess any general events list would be nice.

Yeah you TP in hachi hands, but its a 5hit WS you just need to hit some to go over 20TP on your penta's return.
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