Final Fantasy 13

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Final Fantasy 13
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Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 361
By Fairy.Kelvinclein 2010-03-16 09:24:56
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yea that's FFVI lol<_<
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Yimoa
Posts: 32
By Ramuh.Yimoa 2010-03-16 09:25:08
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still play my snes version.
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Antonious
Posts: 65
By Seraph.Antonious 2010-03-16 09:32:43
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Shiva.Flionheart said:
I rage at people calling it FFIII too. Damn you americans!

I respectfully put 2/4 or 3/6 when talking about those games with 2/4 being my favorite. Not as many sidequests but that's the game that started it all I think.

You never had to get excalibur, bahamut, sylph cave, crystal swd and all the other secret areas of the final dungeon, etc. Plus the storyline was great, with the underworld and moon was well before its time.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Bojack316
Posts: 2076
By Bahamut.Bojack 2010-03-16 10:03:22
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Siren.Talonn said:
its FF3 want PROOF!


D: bojack! long time no talk
{Demonwhipser from Bahamut - longgggg time ago}

Hahaha, hey man :D. Didn't know it was you. But yes, when it was released in NA it was called FF3 because Square never ported the NES versions of FF2 and FF3. So FF4 and FF6 from Japan became NA's 2 and 3 for continuity purposes. But then FF7 came out and it was FF1, FF2, FF3, then FF7 lol...that made no sense. Even back then I knew FF2 on SNES was FF4, and I knew FF3 on SNES was FF6 because I had played translated roms of FF2 and 3 on NES, and FF5 on SNES. But now they have so many remakes and re-vamped versions of 1 thru 6 in North America I don't know how anyone can refer to FF4 as FF2 and FF6 as FF3 anymore. How can 2 totally different Final Fantasy games have the same name?

Sorry for the derail haha.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Inglorion
Posts: 496
By Cerberus.Inglorion 2010-03-16 12:31:38
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Today I saw this guy in WG with in his bazaar comment said "I beat FFXIII in 12 hours......"

I think it's a pathetic accomplishment even if he did do it, must have skipped all the cut scenes which would have been dumb, cuz thats the gist of what the game was about lol. So when I saw that bazaar comment I laughed, then shook my head.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: zangada
Posts: 249
By Ramuh.Zangada 2010-03-16 21:44:58
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Idk if this has been mentioned but anyone know how to beat the chapter 9 boss?
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Toufu
Posts: 2083
By Ramuh.Tousou 2010-03-16 21:56:10
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Cerberus.Inglorion said:
Today I saw this guy in WG with in his bazaar comment said "I beat FFXIII in 12 hours......"

I think it's a pathetic accomplishment even if he did do it, must have skipped all the cut scenes which would have been dumb, cuz thats the gist of what the game was about lol. So when I saw that bazaar comment I laughed, then shook my head.

Because there's no way in Hell somebody could be alluding to the fact that they spent very little time playing(beating) 13 as opposed to others in the series.

Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 271
By Siren.Talonn 2010-03-16 22:49:07
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Ramuh.Zangada said:
Idk if this has been mentioned but anyone know how to beat the chapter 9 boss?
You need to destory each piece of Armor then attack him. Each armor piece has its own weakness, can find it by using a librascope (easiest way) After the armor is gone is damage shield wears off then you can kill him.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 271
By Siren.Talonn 2010-03-16 22:51:16
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Cerberus.Inglorion said:
Today I saw this guy in WG with in his bazaar comment said "I beat FFXIII in 12 hours......"

I think it's a pathetic accomplishment even if he did do it, must have skipped all the cut scenes which would have been dumb, cuz thats the gist of what the game was about lol. So when I saw that bazaar comment I laughed, then shook my head.
I guess its possible sure. But that would mean skipping ever scene and doing minimal amount of fights. Meaning he probably took long *** amounts of time on Bosses etc. So he have have finished the story, 'beat' no. I got to chapter 10 in 18h watching everything with varies pauses for shopping, upgrading and RL stuff. Last 3 chapters are far longer so by him saying that... its highly doubtful.
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Antonious
Posts: 65
By Seraph.Antonious 2010-03-17 08:30:16
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Ramuh.Zangada said:
Idk if this has been mentioned but anyone know how to beat the chapter 9 boss?

I went with Cmd, Rav, Rav (Fang, Lightening, Hope) to get quick Staggers. I switched to Medic Medic Cmd when I needed to heal up.
I first tried to go Sentinel Medic Cmd for the defensive/healing and didn't have enough heal power to heal everyone fast enough to stay efficient and get back to staggering. Ended up dying.
Went 1/2 on the fight. It's a fun one, that's for sure. Hope this helps.
Posts: 380
By Antonaki 2010-03-17 08:47:26
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Siren.Talonn said:
Cerberus.Inglorion said:
Today I saw this guy in WG with in his bazaar comment said "I beat FFXIII in 12 hours......"

I think it's a pathetic accomplishment even if he did do it, must have skipped all the cut scenes which would have been dumb, cuz thats the gist of what the game was about lol. So when I saw that bazaar comment I laughed, then shook my head.
I guess its possible sure. But that would mean skipping ever scene and doing minimal amount of fights. Meaning he probably took long *** amounts of time on Bosses etc. So he have have finished the story, 'beat' no. I got to chapter 10 in 18h watching everything with varies pauses for shopping, upgrading and RL stuff. Last 3 chapters are far longer so by him saying that... its highly doubtful.

Finished the story in 12 hours.. i call bs personally, unless Orphan is tiered so its lvl reflects yours when you get there, i spent a fair amount of time grinding and Orphans first form is still kicking my butt into next week >.>
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Antonious
Posts: 65
By Seraph.Antonious 2010-03-17 08:59:55
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In the middle of chapter 10 right now are you telling me I'm in for a treat??

Edit: I'm around 23hrs
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 271
By Siren.Talonn 2010-03-17 09:09:31
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Chapter 10 is where the Boss and mob difficultly takes a bit of a jump. You will start seeing mutli-million HP on mobs etc. Moves that wipe you if you don't have buffs etc. Common things you would expect from a boss. So enemies get nasty too.... /sigh Behemoth's
Posts: 380
By Antonaki 2010-03-17 09:21:18
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Siren.Talonn said:
Chapter 10 is where the Boss and mob difficultly takes a bit of a jump. You will start seeing mutli-million HP on mobs etc. Moves that wipe you if you don't have buffs etc. Common things you would expect from a boss. So enemies get nasty too.... /sigh Behemoth's

lol first time i stumbled upon a behemoth i was like "yeah your getting pwnd" then it pulled the spinning blade thing out of its back, stood up, and proceeded to do nasty things to me.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2010-03-17 09:29:02
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I was like 40 hours in before I finished the game.
Sure there might be lots of CSs, but they're generally quick as hell. It's impossible to beat this game under 12 hours. Hell it took me longer to beat this game than others. The difference between this FF and other ones in terms of playtime is all the extra ***is after you finish the game, opposed to trying to get all the stuff before the final boss.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 271
By Siren.Talonn 2010-03-17 09:30:30
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Antonaki said:
Siren.Talonn said:
Chapter 10 is where the Boss and mob difficultly takes a bit of a jump. You will start seeing mutli-million HP on mobs etc. Moves that wipe you if you don't have buffs etc. Common things you would expect from a boss. So enemies get nasty too.... /sigh Behemoth's

lol first time i stumbled upon a behemoth i was like "yeah your getting pwnd" then it pulled the spinning blade thing out of its back, stood up, and proceeded to do nasty things to me.
yes... Pulls a blade out of its back then regens to full HP wtf? then HAHA thundaga ***! Sunder what? bam bam PT dead.... thanks for coming out.
Posts: 380
By Antonaki 2010-03-17 09:48:37
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im taking a break from it, last boss is kind of pissing me off, cannot beat him no matter what i do, i either heal and buff/debuff for to long and i get doomed or i dont heal and buff enough and get pwnd... need a break :(
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 271
By Siren.Talonn 2010-03-17 10:04:59
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Antonaki said:
im taking a break from it, last boss is kind of pissing me off, cannot beat him no matter what i do, i either heal and buff/debuff for to long and i get doomed or i dont heal and buff enough and get pwnd... need a break :(
Last form of boss is basically zerg> heal > debuff> zerg ><
took me 2 tries. Having the Staff on Fang that helps with debuffs makes it much easier. After each stagger (probably only need 2 total) Switched to evened Odds and debuffs the bosses buffs then keep going ^^. took me 2 tries, cuz fang got pain casted on her during BOTH staggers the first time...
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2010-03-17 10:10:57
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The last form was a joke for me, lol. It's the second form that took me about 10 tries. That Death is no joke. :x
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 271
By Siren.Talonn 2010-03-17 10:16:24
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Ramuh.Haseyo said:
The last form was a joke for me, lol. It's the second form that took me about 10 tries. That Death is no joke. :x
I actually never had it effect any of my characters once ><
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2010-03-17 10:17:31
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Landed each time for me.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Bloodlust
Posts: 163
By Caitsith.Ilolatyou 2010-03-17 10:17:34
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Antonaki said:
im taking a break from it, last boss is kind of pissing me off, cannot beat him no matter what i do, i either heal and buff/debuff for to long and i get doomed or i dont heal and buff enough and get pwnd... need a break :(

This is a clear indication that you need a little bit of grinding. The room just previous to the Tiamat Eliminator houses 2 Wladislaus and a Jabberwocky&Bandersnatch pair, each seperate fight giving you 32000 CP for 3-5min of work. Staying here for just a short time can drastically change the dynamis of the final battles.

Last 3 bosses took me 10min, 8min and 2min total, with 0 problems whatsoever.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2010-03-17 10:22:53
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I liked knowing that I was able to beat him at my current weaker state, which I did. I just had to get lucky that Death would target someone else. I don't like being super powered then overkilling the last boss of games. Takes the fun away, personally.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3663
By Sylph.Beelshamen 2010-03-17 10:26:10
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Took me around 3 million CP but I turned my Vanille into commander and synergist.

Now I can RAV, RAV, RAV and COM, COM, COM mobs. Sweet jesus it's nice.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2010-03-17 10:34:34
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I'm going to start making Hope a Commando once I finish this Ravanger to the max (like 180k CP away).

Even though his Att is only like 600 and his magic is 1.3k, it's better than nothing, especially against magic-resistant mobs.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Urial
Posts: 31068
By Ramuh.Urial 2010-03-17 10:50:12
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Chapter 9 boss cast doom?
meh He didn't on me he just kept spamming destructo....over and over and over...ugh
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2010-03-17 10:54:07
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I believe he casts Doom when you're taking too long to fight. Like after 10~15mins or so.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 361
By Fairy.Kelvinclein 2010-03-18 03:11:00
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it's 20 minutes i think.
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