How To Prevent The Level Cap Increase:

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How to prevent the level cap increase:
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Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Thunderz
Posts: 4118
By Ramuh.Thunderz 2010-02-28 14:01:37
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stfu and purchase the new content hippy!

we know your going 2 anyways
Posts: 532
By Izey 2010-02-28 14:07:07
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Stop bitching it's gonna happen weather you like it or not.... the content is far into development for them to say... oh ok nvm.... sorry they arent gonna waste their time by not releasing cuz a few QQ players who dont want everyone else to level say so.

Posts: 25
By RagnarokRyuko 2010-02-28 14:10:08
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This topic is dumb.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 745
By Valefor.Mattyc 2010-02-28 14:10:49
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Ramuh.Thunderz said:
stfu and purchase the new content hippy!

we know your going 2 anyways

Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: altar1
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By Bismarck.Altar 2010-02-28 14:11:58
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Asura.Korpg said:
Here's the problem.

300 people are upset, so they voice their opinions about this.

The other 20000 people are happy about this, but it doesn't affect them enough to create "hate threads" or "love threads" because they are waiting to see.

You are only voicing 1 side of the argument because thats the side thats most vocal at this point.

They used that same argument about the Vietnam War. It's not really valid.

X people HATE the idea
10x people don't like it, but not really enough to say anything.
100x Couldn't care less.
10x people like it, but not really enough to say anything.
X people LOVE the idea
Serveur: Carbuncle
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user: zanno
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By Carbuncle.Zanno 2010-02-28 14:13:48
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NIN/RDM sound promising solo job at 99, with the ability to haste/refresh/cure yourself
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: JileFFXI
Posts: 126
By Phoenix.Jile 2010-02-28 14:14:12
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lvl55 cap is gonna ruin ffxi... no wait..
lvl60 cap is gonna ruin ffxi... oh hold on..
lvl65 cap, that's the one that ruined ffxi.. um..
lvl70 cap! That one ruined ffxi!....
lvl75 cap? Um.. yeah that did it, ffxi is ruined!

Guys, come on now.. Its a cap, it's not ruining the game - its giving people more to do and more reasons to keep playing ffxi rather than just quitting.

I respect your right to protest but it seems like the same old argument from any of the other cap increases.

<take care>
Posts: 316
By VonnTaru 2010-02-28 14:34:52
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TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL!!! I love how everyone has to troll. I doubt this thread was opened for everyone to jump on and tell anyone who is right or wrong in their opinion on the new content. Because it's just that. AN OPINION! And bitching for either side on an internet forum to try and make everyone agree with your view is just idiocy. Much respect to the guy who started this thread, as he was not saying the other side of the argument is wrong, just asking for people who agree with him to let SE know. Read and comprehend, people.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 745
By Valefor.Mattyc 2010-02-28 14:44:15
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VonnTaru said:
TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL!!! I love how everyone has to troll. I doubt this thread was opened for everyone to jump on and tell anyone who is right or wrong in their opinion on the new content. Because it's just that. AN OPINION! And bitching for either side on an internet forum to try and make everyone agree with your view is just idiocy. Much respect to the guy who started this thread, as he was not saying the other side of the argument is wrong, just asking for people who agree with him to let SE know. Read and comprehend, people.

Posts: 532
By Izey 2010-02-28 14:46:25
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VonnTaru said:
TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL!!! I love how everyone has to troll. I doubt this thread was opened for everyone to jump on and tell anyone who is right or wrong in their opinion on the new content. Because it's just that. AN OPINION! And bitching for either side on an internet forum to try and make everyone agree with your view is just idiocy. Much respect to the guy who started this thread, as he was not saying the other side of the argument is wrong, just asking for people who agree with him to let SE know. Read and comprehend, people.

I'm pretty sure "B!tch at SE so they dont release the new content!"

Yea edited but it speaks for itself, if he didnt think it was wrong he wouldnt be trying to stop it. (Which he will fail anyway but thats not the poitn =D).
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: preluder
Posts: 47
By Ifrit.Preluder 2010-02-28 14:46:40
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considering i do have a real job and that limits my playing time and i have been playing for 2yrs and only have 2 jobs 75 with only above averge gear. this new update sucks and i will be rmting my gil and going back to shooter games
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Troair
Posts: 1802
By Bahamut.Kaioshin 2010-02-28 14:49:36
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Remora.Willoflame said:
It doesn't matter if there's people who like it or not. I'm saying, if you DON'T like the idea, then don't just sit here and let them spank you about it. Let them know how you feel about it.

Quit while your ahead.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4135
By Asura.Artemicion 2010-02-28 14:49:49
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You know... The level sync system still works. But I rather jump into the new and exciting way of gaining exp than sit on loop getting exp via birds/astral burns
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Troair
Posts: 1802
By Bahamut.Kaioshin 2010-02-28 14:51:00
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Ifrit.Preluder said:
considering i do have a real job and that limits my playing time and i have been playing for 2yrs and only have 2 jobs 75 with only above averge gear. this new update sucks and i will be rmting my gil and going back to shooter games

Flag his character and inform STF.
Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Agilo
Posts: 58
By Hades.Agilo 2010-02-28 14:53:00
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Ifrit.Preluder said:
considering i do have a real job and that limits my playing time and i have been playing for 2yrs and only have 2 jobs 75 with only above averge gear. this new update sucks and i will be rmting my gil and going back to shooter games

ive been playing for 3 years and only have 1 75 job, whats your point? due to dial up restrictions at my house (my parents need the phone line) i can only play for any length of time at night after 8:30 or 9 oclock (est). also, the closest jobs i have to 75 after blm is drk57 and smn45, and i fully intend on checking out all this new awesome content. the addons actually sound awesome this time instead of paying 10 bucks for 1 piece of gear you get a whole new massive area and endgame events by it.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Troair
Posts: 1802
By Bahamut.Kaioshin 2010-02-28 14:56:13
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Hades.Agilo said:
Ifrit.Preluder said:
considering i do have a real job and that limits my playing time and i have been playing for 2yrs and only have 2 jobs 75 with only above averge gear. this new update sucks and i will be rmting my gil and going back to shooter games
ive been playing for 3 years and only have 1 75 job, whats your point? due to dial up restrictions at my house (my parents need the phone line) i can only play for any length of time at night after 8:30 or 9 oclock (est). also, the closest jobs i have to 75 after blm is drk57 and smn45, and i fully intend on checking out all this new awesome content. the addons actually sound awesome this time instead of paying 10 bucks for 1 piece of gear you get a whole new massive area and endgame events by it.

EWWW parents!
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 745
By Valefor.Mattyc 2010-02-28 14:57:15
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Bahamut.Kaioshin said:
Ifrit.Preluder said:
considering i do have a real job and that limits my playing time and i have been playing for 2yrs and only have 2 jobs 75 with only above averge gear. this new update sucks and i will be rmting my gil and going back to shooter games

lol @ this^

Flag his character and inform STF.

if its such a big deal dont post it.
RMT'n just gives ffxi more scum on the toilet that people have to deal with.kinda selfish dont ya think? meh just my opinion.i think account buyers are HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE and have no life buying anothers character serves no purpose because you didnt work for it so wheres the point in fun? beings games are built on fun no?

Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Agilo
Posts: 58
By Hades.Agilo 2010-02-28 14:57:31
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Bahamut.Kaioshin said:
Hades.Agilo said:
Ifrit.Preluder said:
considering i do have a real job and that limits my playing time and i have been playing for 2yrs and only have 2 jobs 75 with only above averge gear. this new update sucks and i will be rmting my gil and going back to shooter games
ive been playing for 3 years and only have 1 75 job, whats your point? due to dial up restrictions at my house (my parents need the phone line) i can only play for any length of time at night after 8:30 or 9 oclock (est). also, the closest jobs i have to 75 after blm is drk57 and smn45, and i fully intend on checking out all this new awesome content. the addons actually sound awesome this time instead of paying 10 bucks for 1 piece of gear you get a whole new massive area and endgame events by it.
EWWW parents!

lol yes, im 17 and in high school.
Posts: 532
By Izey 2010-02-28 14:59:27
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I been playint his game since i was like 14 yrs old and im now 20, and you better belive my schedule is packed as hell in that time frame I've gottin allmost 1x 75's and a decent set of end game gear (Twice) if you consider the time i was haxed and SE pointed and laughed.
Regardless FF14 is coming out soon, and weather any of us like it or not, FF11 itself will be obsollete. The least they can do is push the game to its limit and let us experience the tihngs we've only dreamed about before this game is gone for good. Persosnally I hate the idea of having to level a bunch of jobs from 75-99 and subs to 59, but screw it cuz I won't I'll only do what I have fun with.
Anyone who does not like this idea, suck it up!
The simple fact is the game will be obsolete all together, why would you not want to atleast see the limits it can reach? As far as I'm concerned it's going down and it's going for good, best thing we can do is enjoy it while it lasts and go out with a BANG.
QQing to SE to not release new content is not gonna work... it's allreayd in development, it's allready been worked, areas allready made and being made. All of this takes alot of time, alot of money... if you honestly belive that your going to make a difference and get them not to release the content because like 10-15% of you don't like it... then I'm sorry to say it's not gonna happen.
Posts: 532
By Izey 2010-02-28 15:02:06
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Ftr, thats 11x 75's
And the time frame between 14-17~
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Rauros86
Posts: 3
By Ragnarok.Rauros 2010-02-28 15:02:25
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whatever you are going to do cannot prevent this from happening for sure, so this topic is kind of useless to me :\
Posts: 532
By Izey 2010-02-28 15:06:49
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Ragnarok.Rauros said:
whatever you are going to do cannot prevent this from happening for sure, so this topic is kind of useless to me :\
Still kidna fun though =D
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Zephyran
Posts: 168
By Ragnarok.Zephyran 2010-02-28 15:09:20
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I'm looking forward to the increased level cap.

Opens a lot more doors for choosing ones support job. Makes them overpowered? Maybe, but it depends on how difficult the new endgame bosses and stuff will be.

Only thing I really dislike about it is that SE increased the level cap to 99 mainly because they stated that Abyssea will/can be done with one party. I'm pretty sure this was to hook more casual players (as it looks like it'd be easy to PuG it) or a small Linkshell/group of friends. Which feels like they're dumbing it down to WoW's level of easiness.

They're changing FFXI to what FFXIV will be (in hopes that it wont be such a drastic change for when we switch over to FFXIV, we'll be somewhat familiar to it), so depends on how you see FFXIV, it could be a bad thing (FFXI on easymode) or a good thing (FFXI MKII).
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4135
By Asura.Artemicion 2010-02-28 15:10:45
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I've said it before. Embrace it, QQ about it, or just quit. Sheesh.
Posts: 532
By Izey 2010-02-28 15:11:39
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Nothing will be easier than WoW >_>
Super Mario Brothers is harder than WoW <_<
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-02-28 15:13:54
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Izey said:
Nothing will be easier than WoW >_>
Super Mario Brothers is harder than WoW <_<
Lol. Yeah I used to always say if I wanted to be able to solo everything first try I'd play Mario brothers instead of WoW
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Troair
Posts: 1802
By Bahamut.Kaioshin 2010-02-28 15:15:12
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Asura.Stubbs said:
Some people are treating this like a complete character reset, and they still don't even know the details of how current monsters or equipment will scale. What is the problem with taking the character you currently have and adding levels to it to make it even stronger? At this point it's not like we're losing anything we've worked on, there is more available to be had. Quitting now just because SE announced that the game will once again become challenging means you probably deserve to be weeded out anyways, have fun in WoW.


I quit the game and I'm wondering about starting all over again just to ride this last hurray SE is putting out for FFXI into the sunset before it dies. The level cap will be introduced seperate updates, 3 installments in total, the first starting in june. March isn't coming with a BAM lvl 99 now! hitch like you all are whining and bitching over. Making a game more challenging is what keeps the real gamers and the casual gamers seperated and defines a truely good MMO. WoW is ***. WoW is ***because the graphics are horrible, my 2 year old has ate crayons and his threw up looked better then that ***. The game is really easy to lvl in, not only do you get exp off mobs, but exp for quests, exp for finding rare ***, and OMFG exp for just entering a zone you have never been in before! Its exp galore! WoW trial accounts allow you to reach lvl 20 before your capped (the real cap is 80 atm) and this is because, its a trial, but with how easy exp is to get you will be lvl 20 in one day without even trying! Here you all are going "Oh noes the whole game world is overs!" its a game guys. Don't like it? leave please! WoW and Guildwars are waiting for you.
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