Maat's Cap ...N Smn Burns... >_>

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Maat's Cap ...N Smn Burns... >_>
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By Izey 2010-02-11 06:56:15
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I remember once upon a time when Maat's cap was an accomplishment, hell haveing more than 3 75's was an accomplishment.... but now there is SMN burn ^_^(-_-);!

Soooo, how can you find the SMN burn perk? (Apart from them sucking at like every job).

I just feel that it's kind of an insult to the players who earned that item through time dedication, and serious hard work.... I myself was going for it and now it's pfft... wont look no different than the other 1000 jack *** with OldManHats on. (Notice: A HELLISH stream of Maat's cap just happen to pop up in my server)

Thoughts please?

(No matter what you anyone says SMN burnin to get a Maat's cap is not still hard work! <^>-_-
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Artemicion 2010-02-11 06:58:48
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Well, the objective of the quest to obtain a Maat's cap is to simply defeat Maat on the original 15 jobs. Regardless of how they obtained the experience needed to reach the level required to fight him, they still legitimately completed their objective of defeating Maat.

Whether they're actually good at said job is another story.
Serveur: Siren
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By Siren.Enternius 2010-02-11 06:59:39
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I agree with this, 100%. I've spent the past four years working towards my Cap and now people can do it in 4 months. What a waste.
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Artemicion 2010-02-11 07:00:18
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Well look at it this way:

Fools with great gear remain fools.

Skilled players with good gear = epic <3
Posts: 532
By Izey 2010-02-11 07:04:14
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Thats kinda like getting my class mates to do college projects for me or payin em to, I mean the objective is to complete it get a good grade and graduate right =D!

I think Maats cap is more than just that, its a symbol if nothing else, of players who have fought through the "Journeys" of 15 or w/e different jobs to obtain the symbol... its like .... the title.... (When it used to matter) "Paragon of Red Mage Excellence," (Notice: When it used to matter). Basically means you've grown by the stages to become a .... what today would be considered a LOLRDM, but by the "Old days" standards excellent RDM, with a nice set of armor that only RDMs of your level can obtain... the point is I dont feel its a "Get from point A to point B" thing, its alot more symbolic than that, and astral burning to get it is just shamefull to that player and the ones who obtained it fairly imo~ anyhow.
Serveur: Fenrir
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user: Jeniffer
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By Fenrir.Retin 2010-02-11 07:05:06
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I got my maats cap the "real" way, as in actually leveling up the jobs, and also enjoying most of them. I have also tried SMN burning, as both puller, sync and the smn to help friends/randoms. As for using it purposedly to achieve a maats cap, yes, it is rather lame. But keep in mind that SMN burning is only really efficient to jobs in wich you can't merit(wich is your point, just pointing out something). It does infact take about the same time to shout for members/get sync person/puller/make train/pull it off, get wild card, repeat etc as it takes to get the same amount of exp/limit points in a good merit party.
Posts: 532
By Izey 2010-02-11 07:06:13
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P.S. I Astral Burn for Merits and Subs sometimes, but other than that is kinda like wtf -.-
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 4135
By Asura.Artemicion 2010-02-11 07:06:45
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Izey said:
Thats kinda like getting my class mates to do college projects for me or payin em to, I mean the objective is to complete it get a good grade and graduate right =D!

That brings up my point. You could cheat your way into success, but success will become a rather subjective term when in your case; you get fired for not knowing ***for a job you falsely qualified for.
Posts: 532
By Izey 2010-02-11 07:07:31
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Merit points I can agree with that system is overly tedious, the argument here is about Ze'Maats cap though.
Serveur: Fenrir
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user: Jeniffer
Posts: 83
By Fenrir.Retin 2010-02-11 07:07:52
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Speaking off oldschool. Them ToAU onry noobs dunno what we're talkin' bout, fo sho. "Remember back in the days..." chain16 aura weapons, clearing the zone. 4-5k bibiki bay parties. 8 hours seeking on dark. My oh my!
Posts: 532
By Izey 2010-02-11 07:08:38
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Asura.Artemicion said:
Izey said:
Thats kinda like getting my class mates to do college projects for me or payin em to, I mean the objective is to complete it get a good grade and graduate right =D!

That brings up my point. You could cheat your way into success, but success will become a rather subjective term when in your case; you get fired for not knowing ***for a job you falsely qualified for.

^ this
Posts: 532
By Izey 2010-02-11 07:09:49
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Oh yesh those were just lovely, I remember when BLMs were actually invited to exp PT's, which was interesting.
Serveur: Odin
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By Odin.Kalico 2010-02-11 07:41:31
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LMAO if you play this game you play to enjoy the game and have fun, Anything past that the game becomes fun no longer and turns into a task.
Sad if you think investing 4 years into a stupid game that give you nothing in return as a accomplishment LMAO. At the end of the day I think people need to remember this is just a dam game. I hope people don't start to commit suicide when the game ends. :0
Serveur: Ramuh
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By Ramuh.Krizz 2010-02-11 07:48:30
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Fenrir.Retin said:
Speaking off oldschool. Them ToAU onry noobs dunno what we're talkin' bout, fo sho. "Remember back in the days..." chain16 aura weapons, clearing the zone. 4-5k bibiki bay parties. 8 hours seeking on dark. My oh my!
I still do 4-5k/hr bubu duo. I'd rather do that then get a PT at those levels (except LS PTs).
Serveur: Siren
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user: scottyb
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By Siren.Scottyb 2010-02-11 07:59:19
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I can see why people might feel that astral burning is effectively a cheap way of getting a maats cap however I wouldnt compare it to paying someone to pass my degree for me, I have this opinion because, you still have to actually beat maat on all of the jobs and farm the testimonies (if someone fought him for you and farmed your testimony then granted its more or less the same, however I would say this is more true about people who have purchased accounts rather than AF burned).

Now when you take into account for example someone levelling Ninja they can only level Katana skill on ninja and therefore before being able to beat maat they would most likely have to skill up to the required level. It goes without saying that some jobs share skills (especially mage jobs) and in some cases people might use a different weapon, however some skilling up will probably need to be done.

Another thing I think is over looked is the fact that many people brand astral flowed jobs as not having skill in their job, however even though I have never actually been invited to an AF burn pt I know from some of my friends that have been invited, in general the players doing these style of parties are generally involved in endgame and are what I would class as skilled players, and whilst they might not have spent a month or two getting to 75 they still have a decent understanding of how to play the job.

I think now that the game is in a decline anyone who is thinking about moving on when FF XIV is released, will jump at the chance to complete long time goals eg maats cap. I have only been playing since Xbox 360 release so I can't even begin to respect the style of play that the long time players grew up with (I suppose I am classed as one of those Aht urghan noobs ^^) but I do know a few who did and they still breathe a sigh of relief once they get to the fast levels 37+ onwards.

To conclude the short essay I would like to try and compare this topic to that of my study (Bio medical science) and say that I think of AF burn pts as the catalyst of FFXI, people with less time to get to a certain destination choosing an alternative route which results in the same outcome.

Serveur: Ramuh
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Posts: 182
By Ramuh.Bekisa 2010-02-11 08:08:26
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This old argument is getting even older ... whining about it won't make it go away. We need the admin to make a "SMN BURN THREAD DETECTED" think like the Necro bump one :-)
Serveur: Ragnarok
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user: Inga
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By Ragnarok.Inga 2010-02-11 08:56:25
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people who don't summoner burn are the people who; don't have a second account to help pull with their friends to pull it off and are butt hurt because they wasted x-hours lfp and not getting invited.

I summoner burned my SMN, and MNK so far to where I'd like them, taking MNK to 75, and people who claim that if you burn the job you wont know how to play the job ... what?! I can see that being said about BLM or RDM but... come on, all a DD has to do is engage and when it comes to using a WS it's not difficult to know what each WS needs to be modified with to do a decent amount of damage.

personally, if you leveled a job that you had to sit, with your party flag up for more then an hour and not get an invite I feel bad for you because you could have gotten something accomplished within that hour, hell you could have burned two times and gotten 80-100k xp in that short time.

also, being in an HNMLS doesn't grant a lot of free time to go and LFP on jobs that are not commonly used in partys and campaign in the lower levels is absolute ***compared to what you have available at higher levels where a single hit wont nearly one shot you by any mob.

so go ahead, boo AF burns, boo people who actually get ***done faster and have fun doing it then you would. not everyone is in a dynamis /limbus linkshell and only attend them events, keep that in mind, I'm in an HNMLS and the only free day I have is Monday, where we don't have any scheduled events other then HNM and if they're in window well then that shits on my day if I wanted to get anything productive done when it comes to actually leveling a new job that you have interests in doing.
Serveur: Carbuncle
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user: zanno
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By Carbuncle.Zanno 2010-02-11 09:05:51
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Because everyone who dont smn burn is either jealous or stupid, or both.

Serveur: Bismarck
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user: altar1
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By Bismarck.Altar 2010-02-11 09:11:22
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Izey said:
P.S. I Astral Burn for Merits and Subs sometimes, but other than that is kinda like wtf -.-

This ruined your entire argument.
To go back to your school metaphor. It's like saying
"I pay people to do papers for my elective courses, but I'd never pay anyone to do a paper for my Cores! That's just wrong!"

For the record, I smn burned my Summoner, and I've burned about 20 merits as well, but have no plans to burn a new job to 75 or anything; So I'm a lot like you, except I have no problems with people who burn Maats caps.
Especially those people that never use the burned jobs, but people who wanted the cap for eg. ws piece on Sam
Serveur: Odin
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user: Dryzt
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By Odin.Dryzt 2010-02-11 09:23:38
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the way I see it is like complaining about how kids get to ride a bus to school now when you had to walk 15 miles in the snow to get there back in the day.
Serveur: Shiva
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By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-02-11 09:26:53
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Ragnarok.Inga said:
people who don't summoner burn are the people who; don't have a second account to help pull with their friends to pull it off and are butt hurt because they wasted x-hours lfp and not getting invited.

I summoner burned my SMN, and MNK so far to where I'd like them, taking MNK to 75, and people who claim that if you burn the job you wont know how to play the job ... what?! I can see that being said about BLM or RDM but... come on, all a DD has to do is engage and when it comes to using a WS it's not difficult to know what each WS needs to be modified with to do a decent amount of damage.

personally, if you leveled a job that you had to sit, with your party flag up for more then an hour and not get an invite I feel bad for you because you could have gotten something accomplished within that hour, hell you could have burned two times and gotten 80-100k xp in that short time.

also, being in an HNMLS doesn't grant a lot of free time to go and LFP on jobs that are not commonly used in partys and campaign in the lower levels is absolute ***compared to what you have available at higher levels where a single hit wont nearly one shot you by any mob.

so go ahead, boo AF burns, boo people who actually get ***done faster and have fun doing it then you would. not everyone is in a dynamis /limbus linkshell and only attend them events, keep that in mind, I'm in an HNMLS and the only free day I have is Monday, where we don't have any scheduled events other then HNM and if they're in window well then that shits on my day if I wanted to get anything productive done when it comes to actually leveling a new job that you have interests in doing.

I don't want to start this debate again, it's a broken record.

But you are the most ignorant person I've ever seen on these forums.

I truly feel sorry for your HNMLS.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2010-02-11 09:30:49
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Ragnarok.Inga said:
people who don't summoner burn are the people who; don't have a second account to help pull with their friends to pull it off and are butt hurt because they wasted x-hours lfp and not getting invited.

I summoner burned my SMN, and MNK so far to where I'd like them, taking MNK to 75, and people who claim that if you burn the job you wont know how to play the job ... what?! I can see that being said about BLM or RDM but... come on, all a DD has to do is engage and when it comes to using a WS it's not difficult to know what each WS needs to be modified with to do a decent amount of damage.

personally, if you leveled a job that you had to sit, with your party flag up for more then an hour and not get an invite I feel bad for you because you could have gotten something accomplished within that hour, hell you could have burned two times and gotten 80-100k xp in that short time.

also, being in an HNMLS doesn't grant a lot of free time to go and LFP on jobs that are not commonly used in partys and campaign in the lower levels is absolute ***compared to what you have available at higher levels where a single hit wont nearly one shot you by any mob.

so go ahead, boo AF burns, boo people who actually get ***done faster and have fun doing it then you would. not everyone is in a dynamis /limbus linkshell and only attend them events, keep that in mind, I'm in an HNMLS and the only free day I have is Monday, where we don't have any scheduled events other then HNM and if they're in window well then that shits on my day if I wanted to get anything productive done when it comes to actually leveling a new job that you have interests in doing.

This kinda remind me of a shout in whitegate a few days ago.

First shout was: EGLS looking for well equipped and well merited zerg DD's and mages.
second shout by the same person: SMN Burn can I have it? @1 Need smn's, puller and a leech.
Serveur: Ifrit
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By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2010-02-11 09:32:11
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I don't SMN Burn, too many idiots take the fun out of beating ***up.
Serveur: Shiva
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user: Kristian
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By Shiva.Borealis 2010-02-11 09:35:22
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Ragnarok.Inga said:
people who don't summoner burn are the people who; don't have a second account to help pull with their friends to pull it off and are butt hurt because they wasted x-hours lfp and not getting invited.

I summoner burned my SMN, and MNK so far to where I'd like them, taking MNK to 75, and people who claim that if you burn the job you wont know how to play the job ... what?! I can see that being said about BLM or RDM but... come on, all a DD has to do is engage and when it comes to using a WS it's not difficult to know what each WS needs to be modified with to do a decent amount of damage.

personally, if you leveled a job that you had to sit, with your party flag up for more then an hour and not get an invite I feel bad for you because you could have gotten something accomplished within that hour, hell you could have burned two times and gotten 80-100k xp in that short time.

also, being in an HNMLS doesn't grant a lot of free time to go and LFP on jobs that are not commonly used in partys and campaign in the lower levels is absolute ***compared to what you have available at higher levels where a single hit wont nearly one shot you by any mob.

so go ahead, boo AF burns, boo people who actually get ***done faster and have fun doing it then you would. not everyone is in a dynamis /limbus linkshell and only attend them events, keep that in mind, I'm in an HNMLS and the only free day I have is Monday, where we don't have any scheduled events other then HNM and if they're in window well then that shits on my day if I wanted to get anything productive done when it comes to actually leveling a new job that you have interests in doing.

I lol'd
Serveur: Fenrir
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user: Nightfyre
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By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-02-11 09:43:13
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Izey said:
Soooo, how can you find the SMN burn perk? (Apart from them sucking at like every job).
Prove that everyone who SMNburns sucks at their jobs.

No really, do it. I bet every last gil I have on my account right now you can't.

FFXI is easy. If you can't learn a job in the time it takes to cap your skills then sure, but that's not everyone here. There are very few jobs that have enough depth to them that you couldn't manage to learn them in a very short period of time. On that note, prove they wouldn't suck at their jobs if they wasted time grinding out EXP doing the same damn thing over and over at normal EXP camps. While you're working on that, prove to me that those actions help at all when some jobs have completely different patterns in EXP and endgame.

I bet you can't.
P.S. I Astral Burn for Merits and Subs sometimes, but other than that is kinda like wtf -.-
Hypocrisy up in this ***.
Fenrir.Retin said:
8 hours seeking on dark.
Sup Retin. This still happens btw.
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2010-02-11 09:45:42
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if you leel DRK, between levels 50 and 75 you should expect LFP'ing for 3+ hours at a time. This is why you FoV!
Serveur: Garuda
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By Garuda.Hypnotizd 2010-02-11 09:46:45
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Siren.Enternius said:
I agree with this, 100%. I've spent the past four years working towards my Cap and now people can do it in 4 months. What a waste.
It took me 12 months starting with 4 75s and doing some events which I later stopped doing to focus on cap only. I did burn SMN to 66 because... lolsmn. Only SMN though.
Serveur: Hades
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user: xSephrinx
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By Hades.Sephrin 2010-02-11 09:49:47
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It all comes down to this:

If you choose to go for a Maat's Cap there are 2 roads to obtain it.

1) Grind your way the right way to give yourself the sense of accomplishment that it's supposed to give you and actually be good at all the jobs. Even if you only take them up to 66 basic knowledge of the jobs makes you a better player all around whether you play the job or not.

2) Summoner burn your way through all or most of the jobs and "cheat". Empty victory? /nod

I have heard countless excuses for summoner burning jobs. "Oh I can't get a party on <insert job here>." This makes me chuckle because had I stood around Whitegate and lfp all day on all my jobs while going for maat's cap, I would not of gotten it in a million years! Sure the standard popular jobs would have gotten done easily like RDM WHM NIN PLD, etc, but I made 90% of all the parties.

Maat's Cap is not just about beating Maat on the jobs and claiming his cap, (I'm still pissed that I refused Maat's offer for a or Ridill...) but rather a knowledge of all the jobs you EXP'd to get to that point. By summoner burning you skip all the hardships and people's BS during parties. After all that is what FF is really about the experiences you go through (online interactions not rated by the ESRB, lulz).
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
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By Carbuncle.Zanno 2010-02-11 09:51:23
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@ Nightfyre

Can you prove that everyone who smn burn take the time to skillup their weapons/magic? Bet you all the gil on my account that you cant lol.

Doesnt matter if you suck on your job or not if you dont bother to cap your weapons and magic does it?
Serveur: Asura
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user: Dalight
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By Asura.Daleterrence 2010-02-11 09:53:35
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Shiva.Borealis said:
Ragnarok.Inga said:
people who don't summoner burn are the people who; don't have a second account to help pull with their friends to pull it off and are butt hurt because they wasted x-hours lfp and not getting invited.

I summoner burned my SMN, and MNK so far to where I'd like them, taking MNK to 75, and people who claim that if you burn the job you wont know how to play the job ... what?! I can see that being said about BLM or RDM but... come on, all a DD has to do is engage and when it comes to using a WS it's not difficult to know what each WS needs to be modified with to do a decent amount of damage.

personally, if you leveled a job that you had to sit, with your party flag up for more then an hour and not get an invite I feel bad for you because you could have gotten something accomplished within that hour, hell you could have burned two times and gotten 80-100k xp in that short time.

also, being in an HNMLS doesn't grant a lot of free time to go and LFP on jobs that are not commonly used in partys and campaign in the lower levels is absolute ***compared to what you have available at higher levels where a single hit wont nearly one shot you by any mob.

so go ahead, boo AF burns, boo people who actually get ***done faster and have fun doing it then you would. not everyone is in a dynamis /limbus linkshell and only attend them events, keep that in mind, I'm in an HNMLS and the only free day I have is Monday, where we don't have any scheduled events other then HNM and if they're in window well then that shits on my day if I wanted to get anything productive done when it comes to actually leveling a new job that you have interests in doing.

I lol'd

I also lol'd.
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