Effect Of Presidential Election Over FFXI....

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effect of presidential election over FFXI....
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Serveur: Phoenix
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user: Baelorn
Posts: 857
By Phoenix.Baelorn 2008-10-23 20:01:07
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Yakutatazu said:
Obama saying he had nothing to do with them is expected or he would be an idiot, it doesn't matter what the "truth" is politicians are always just going to say what ever gets them elected true or not. I mean why didn't he cut his ties when he was around them before they were in the national spotlight instead of waiting until he was pretty much forced to.

Didn't you read the article I posted?

Obama never denied connections to these people. Most people repeatedly bringing up the Ayers connection probably couldn't even tell you who Bill Ayers is...just that he "is" a radical terrorist.

I don't just use factcheck.org. If you look through their site they also cite their sources and you can read those. I just choose to link to factcheck because they're the most straight-forward in the presentation of the information(let's face it...no one is going to read the entire AP article I referenced earlier).

Obama, prior to a brief meeting in January of this year, hadn't spoken to Ayers in three years. There were no ties left to break. They were not close friends and Ayers never had any influence on policy or ideology. An article criticizing the connection even goes as far to state: "but there’s no evidence their relationship is more than the casual friendship of two men who occupy overlapping Chicago political circles and who served together on the board of a Chicago foundation.".

I'm sure one would think Ayers would be easy to avoid if he is in fact a radical, underground terrorist. Unfortunately, the word people keep forgetting to use is "was". Does Ayers regret his anti-war bombings? No. Is that wrong? I think so but it is only fair to note that Ayers himself has said, "I don't think violent resistance is necessarily the answer, but I do think opposition and refusal is imperative.". He still feels not enough was done to oppose the Vietnam War. These days Ayers does not keep to himself. He is engaged in politics and is an advocate of school reform in Chicago. He has authored 15 books and is a Professor of Education at the University of Illinois. This guy is very much in the mainstream of politics in Illinois and on a national level.

These connections have been public since February but most people are hearing about them for the first time. Why? I mean, if these connections are so dramatic then how could we forget about them for nearly eight months? Because it is just a distraction. That's all they wanted and they got it. I've followed the links saying Obama lied about the connection and every single one of them take the "guy who lives in my neighborhood" quote of of context to make it seem like Obama was denying any contact with Ayers before being "caught". They also imply that because Obama was the head of the committee that Ayers had been prepping him for the position but fail to provide any proof of his claim. The only thing they can prove is that Ayers had to approve the selection of Obama and not that he was more involved in the selection than you would expect the founder of an organization to be.

While we're discussing connections to "terrorists" and "radicals"...Are you aware of McCain's ties to the Cuban Liberty Council?("Bardach notes that in his book The Ways of the Warrior, international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles thanks the two current members of the Cuban Liberty Council for their help. She confirms how "hundreds of pages" of declassified FBI, CIA and State Department documents "leave no doubt" that U.S. authorities agree with intelligence services in "Venezuela, Trinidad and Cuba" that Posada and Orlando Bosch planned the mid-flight destruction of a Cubana airliner in 1976.") Or Palin's connections to the Alaskan Separatist Party?

All of this is garbage that, if it really mattered, would have lost them the nomination. I'd say the distractions are working if we're spending so much time discussing them.

Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Katarzyna
Posts: 1354
By Cerberus.Katarzyna 2008-10-23 20:06:33
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Lethewaters said:
Katarzyna said:
Obama is black.

But his grandparents are white >.>

I highly doubt the KKK wannabes would look at it that way. I was simply pointing out the things people get hung up on. No surprise someone chose to nitpick on it.

Facts are facts. McCain is old. Obama is and looks black.

And way to repeat everything I just said about the VPs.
Serveur: Garuda
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By Garuda.Littledarc 2008-10-23 22:44:51
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that was a good comment on colin powel, i do recall some talk in 2000ish about him being a nominee but he turned it down. he probably knew what was coming in the future sometime.

Katarzyna: on the topic of VPs: anyone voting mccain will say palin is a woman. that might hurt mccain's chances.
on the other hand if those same people vote obama if he dies/is assassinated the next will be white. that isn't my view point but some people might think so since there are still places with a lot of racism.

so, kinda a weird question, but if i wrote in someone who wasn't running and they won would they be able to take office if they wanted? (say colin powell for example. i know mickey mouse can't win even though he does get a few votes every now and again lol.)
Serveur: Bismarck
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user: Sadok1
Posts: 1
By Bismarck.Primetime 2008-10-23 23:36:05
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Lethewaters said:
As for the Economy, it won't change under the Dems. If anything you'll see higher taxes and a raise in prices as you have the last few years. Obama's tax plan is crap if you actually look at it. It sounds nice but that's how he carries himself. His VP has more experience than he does. In all honesty Biden should have ran.

He did run actually, your credibility = 0 now.
Serveur: Ifrit
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user: Crighton
Posts: 102
By Ifrit.Cright 2008-10-24 05:55:44
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Katarzyna said:
Cright said:
When Nancy Pelosi (D) became speaker of the House, and Harry Reid (D) took control of the Senate gas was $2.10 a gallon, and in 2 years look what has happened. If Obama (D) gets in the Whitehouse you'll have the trifecta of Dems running the country. Scares me to no end.

But I thought you had no problem with oil companies making record profits, while the rest of, not only America's, but the world's economies suffer.

Enough about that...

People need to look at something realistic here:

McCain is old. The average lifespan of a white male living in the United States is lingering around 71-73 years of age. McCain is 72 years old. He is not immortal, he is not Superman. Whether you want to believe it or not, McCain will kick the bucket just like the rest of us.

Obama is black. We are still a bigoted country. It's also rumored that he has ties with the Muslim community. You can point out as many articles as you want saying otherwise, but people will believe what they want to believe. It is very likely someone will try to take a shot at Obama should he be elected president.

So, the question I ask myself is: When one of these two get elected, should one of them die, would I feel comfortable with Biden or Palin running the country?

People making money I have no problem with, but look at Nancy Pelosi she is one of the first investors in the Pickens Plan. Do you thing she may have an agenda?
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Katarzyna
Posts: 1354
By Cerberus.Katarzyna 2008-10-24 08:03:36
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Cright said:
Katarzyna said:
Cright said:
When Nancy Pelosi (D) became speaker of the House, and Harry Reid (D) took control of the Senate gas was $2.10 a gallon, and in 2 years look what has happened. If Obama (D) gets in the Whitehouse you'll have the trifecta of Dems running the country. Scares me to no end.

But I thought you had no problem with oil companies making record profits, while the rest of, not only America's, but the world's economies suffer.

Enough about that...

People need to look at something realistic here:

McCain is old. The average lifespan of a white male living in the United States is lingering around 71-73 years of age. McCain is 72 years old. He is not immortal, he is not Superman. Whether you want to believe it or not, McCain will kick the bucket just like the rest of us.

Obama is black. We are still a bigoted country. It's also rumored that he has ties with the Muslim community. You can point out as many articles as you want saying otherwise, but people will believe what they want to believe. It is very likely someone will try to take a shot at Obama should he be elected president.

So, the question I ask myself is: When one of these two get elected, should one of them die, would I feel comfortable with Biden or Palin running the country?

People making money I have no problem with, but look at Nancy Pelosi she is one of the first investors in the Pickens Plan. Do you thing she may have an agenda?

What politician DOESN'T have an agenda?

Seriously, if you're gonna talk garbage about one party, might as well talk garbage about the other. Both parties are equally bad, both parties have people who are pushing their own agendas.

And also, "lol" at the person who said something about this country being a healthy democracy. Look up the word democracy, and you will see that America is a REPUBLIC, not democracy.
Serveur: Fairy
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Posts: 588
By Fairy.Yakutatazu 2008-10-24 12:05:01
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You missed the whole point I was making, I said you can't just go by only facts and was implying sometimes you have to think for yourself but again you provide "facts" and links. It's obvious Obama isn't a terrorist but to throw out any doubts with only going by what you've read is going to lead to our demise. And honestly I don't know about you but I wouldn't serve with a man like Ayers who took nothing back and said he wished he'd bombed more. I've fought for my country in war and to do serve with a man like that would under mind everything I fought for. What I'm sick of is this one sided fact spread that is given, all I see is this "Candidate A didn't do this, but Candidate B did this, look at these links of 'facts' provided here." Apparently since you defended him and then tried to discredit McCain you assumed I was a McCain voter. I didn't like McCain when he ran against Bush in the previous election which is really when Obama should have run instead of waiting until Bush is done with his terms. McCain has an edge there b/c he did try to oppose Bush's candidacy while Obama just waited. Obama and McCain have their own personal agendas or they wouldn't be in politics, I haven't even decided who to vote for yet b/c I don't really agree with either candidate on both domestic and foreign policies, the only thing either gets right that's important to me is the one thing they agree with and that's alt. energy sources. And on the Colin Powell topic, I heard about him turning offers down too. He probably didn't want to deal with the death threats like Obama has to now (which is a shame racial extremes still exist) and/or maybe he saw that we were headed on a downward spiral, which many ppl did see but no one acted until too late. And if you're going to quote me please make it an unbiased statement b/c I really don't want to be associated with either one sided group since I don't care for either candidate. And to make something clear I'm not saying don't look at the facts, I'm saying don't rely on them. Vote for who you agree with on policy terms not who said this or did that with so and so. Some things can be looked at like McCain's age for example but I'm pretty sure no one would nominate anyone that they thought was going to die in office just as no one would nominate Obama if he were indeed a terrorist or allied with any. When I decide on who to vote for it will be based on their voting record in the Senate and what ideas they bring to the table that seem actually likely to happen. I'm ready for this whole thing to end since I'm sick of all these ads and comments from ppl in love with their candidates.
Serveur: Ifrit
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user: Crighton
Posts: 102
By Ifrit.Cright 2008-10-24 12:10:22
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Q: Are we going to have to suffer another Jimmy Carter in order to get another Ronald Reagan?
Serveur: Fairy
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Posts: 588
By Fairy.Yakutatazu 2008-10-24 12:22:29
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Just as long as we don't get another Bush I'm happy lol.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 8
By Quetzalcoatl.Supahkhronic 2008-10-24 16:04:05
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I get the day off from work. :D
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 263
By Fairy.Lethewaters 2008-10-24 16:29:43
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Primetime said:
Lethewaters said:
As for the Economy, it won't change under the Dems. If anything you'll see higher taxes and a raise in prices as you have the last few years. Obama's tax plan is crap if you actually look at it. It sounds nice but that's how he carries himself. His VP has more experience than he does. In all honesty Biden should have ran.
He did run actually, your credibility = 0 now.

But he didn't win the Party's selection now did he? I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't some kind of stunt by the Dems.

Katarzyna said:
And way to repeat everything I just said about the VPs.
So I may have repeated but I'm agreeing with you and I'm also trying to point something out.
The President shouldn't have to be taking the political advice from his VP beacuse they are more experienced. If that's the case then Biden should be running as primary for the Dems and not the second.

I still find it funny how everyone is thinking it's the US's economy that is just hurting when it is global. Take a look at the asian markets.

I wonder if anyone actually knows the President I mentioned earlier about 3 terms without having to use Wikia
Serveur: Lakshmi
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user: Jaerik
Posts: 3834
By Lakshmi.Jaerik 2008-10-24 16:32:03
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Okay, guys, this conversation is just getting silly, now.

As someone who works in MMO's for a living, I can safely say that the election itself will have little effect on FF:O. What is already having an effect, and may continue to have an effect for many years to come, is the near total collapse of the banking and credit sectors, especially in technology. I know it's boring and not as much sensationalist "fun" to talk about, but none of that other crap matters right now.

Venture capital in tech is in very bad shape, as Sequoia Capital, arguably the wisest, least prone to panic, and most successful venture capital firm in the technology sector (Google, Yahoo, YouTube, many others) has warned in a 56-slide presentation of doom that even if the banking crisis were solved tomorrow, there would be no more venture capital money available through 2009 and potentially significantly into 2010. Benchmark Capital immediately followed suit. When Sequoia speaks, every venture capital company in the world listens.

Things are bad, and it's pretty much world-wide at this point. We've even lost entire countries.

Sitting here and talking in circles about which candidate has connections to which maybe-kinda-former-domestic-terrorist, or how much Sarah Palin's wardrobe costs, is ridiculous, childish, and stupid. This crisis has almost nothing to do with either Presidential candidate. The meltdown is worldwide, and it will not be "fixed" regardless of which person gets elected. The problems are institutional and very severe. It will take many years to rectify, and past, current, or future Presidents of the United States are virtually powerless to do anything about it, because they had almost nothing to do with creating the problem in the first place.

The Japanese stock market is in freefall -- that directly effects Square-Enix and this game any more than your bloviating over whether one candidate will wear a flag lapel pin or about how another candidate's running mate's daughter got knocked up out of wedlock. This means less jobs in the gaming sector, which means less support for your game. Less content for players. Less expansions. Less money to spend on things like servers and bandwidth. It also means less of all the above for new games and products, which will mean delayed launches, and some outright cancellations.

Many products have already been cancelled -- the public announcements just haven't been made yet. Many of my friends in the gaming industry, in both countries, have lost their jobs. Most of those game companies that have not cut jobs are in indefinite hiring and salary freezes.

If we should be having any conversation in this thread, this is what we should be talking about. Not about Barack Obama or John McCain.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Spraynard
Posts: 6
By Leviathan.Spraynard 2008-10-24 19:31:51
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Sirdude said:
Spraynard said:
This whole thread is funny. Everyone knows Obama is a lolfail, but I'm sure he wouldn't have an effect on an MMO. I'm sure if he could though he'd raise the tax in Jeuno, and introduce new ones in all Zones. We'd start to see Expierance Points distributed to the less fortunate Jobs who don't get as many invites, and you would need at least three Taru in each party. SE would see an Equal Rights Lawsuit for not offering a Black, Mexican, and Asian Race options, and he would demand a female Galka choice be introduced as soon as possible. On top of that we would all have to turn in our weapons, and get permits to dual-weild.
^ This is funny

I like your name, Big Labowski ref? This is our concern dude. ^, ^
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2008-10-24 19:50:58
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Neither president will really affect the game. Just go do some research, and vote for who has policies that fit what you believe in. Simple as that.

Save your rightwing / leftwing arguements for something relevant and keep it off the ffxi forums.
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 7
By Asura.Stolas 2008-10-24 20:52:22
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Here's a good one for ya, listen to this...Take CAREFUL note that Obama has yet to produce his authentic birth certificate...

Serveur: Ifrit
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user: Crighton
Posts: 102
By Ifrit.Cright 2008-10-24 21:05:46
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Stolas said:
Here's a good one for ya, listen to this...Take CAREFUL note that Obama has yet to produce his authentic birth certificate...


Serveur: Lakshmi
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user: Jaerik
Posts: 3834
By Lakshmi.Jaerik 2008-10-24 21:23:21
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Alright, that's enough. While I am normally loathe to use the heavy hand of moderation, especially in something as sensitive as politics, this thread is no longer accomplishing anything productive.

I'm stopping it here. If anyone disagrees with that decision, please take it up with me over PM.
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