It May Sound Harsh, But The Only Way To Help Africa Is To Stop All Humanitarian Aid..

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It may sound harsh, but the only way to help Africa is to stop all humanitarian aid..
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Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2010-01-07 09:37:35
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Cerberus.Katarzyna said:
A bunch of stuff...
My whole point is that it's not just America that's being terrorized and it wasn't just 1 attack. Mostly in response to your statement:
Who do Americans think the answer is "Oh, we'll just bomb them" since 9/11/2001? Because 1 group of Muslim extremists flew a couple of airplanes into some buildings? It's *** 2010 now.
There are more terrorist attacks outside the US than in the US.

There's TONS of extremist groups out there. Why don't we bomb those places too?
I'm sorry, but I don't buy into your patriotic bull against Muslim extremists. Every group has their extremists. The media just won't talk about it.
Enlighten me on the non Muslims ones. I couldn't find anything about suicide bombers who are non Muslims extremists. (Post WWII)

Caitsith.Jadi said:
I did say you wouldn't believe what I say.. but it is the truth. Despite what you may hear about in the news today, there is still a war going on and logic dictates that those people in power who refuse to end it are therefore responsible for it's continuation.
Logic dictates that the minute a new President comes along, all the wars started by the previous one are now the fault of the new President? I hate to break it to you, but you can't just recall all the troops home overnight. Even a retreat takes time. Granted Obama did approve more troops in Afghanistan.

But then I read you're entire post. So basically from what I can tell; you don't like to discus politics when it involves force and/or people are using force to make other see their ideas.

I agree with you on the latter, forcing someone to believe communism is right isn't discussing politics at all. However, discussing military plans is one facet of politics and like it or not, I don't see an end to armies any time soon.

And finally, yes using the phrase "We should bomb <insert country>!" is a ridiculous notion. What's even more crazy is taking over a country by force to install <insert government type>. Invading Iraq was not a very bright idea as we now have seen.

However, I think, and this could be totally wrong, but the whole idea about bombing a country stems from the the "nuking" of Japan during WWII. We all saw within days of dropping 2 atom bombs on Japan they surrendered. What is it like 60 years later now look at them. Japan isn't the imperialistic country it once was. Not only that but they thrived and ultimately became a very industrious and civilized country.

Do you think that kind of logic could be applied to Iran in today's era?
Serveur: Fenrir
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user: sirseifer
Posts: 15
By Fenrir.Sirseifer 2010-01-22 12:15:55
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"If it takes the suffering of others to allow my family to live comfortably then so be it. It is the nature of humans and all life. The success of one group is dependent on the failure of another."

Your ignorance and arrogance is outstanding. What if it were your family suffering so others could live as you put, 'comfortably' as opposed to just living within our means. Even using that word 'comfortably' show's how brainwashed you are and not even realizing it. Living comfortably? Personally, good ol' living works fine for me, I'm not a spoilt brat as your obviously are.

Money doesn't grow off tree's, but food does. Dwell on that.

"In the grand scheme of the universe, we are all meaningless creatures leading meaningless lives on a meaningless planet in a meaningless part of space."

You're point of view is thus also meaningless and void, numpty.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: sirseifer
Posts: 15
By Fenrir.Sirseifer 2010-01-22 12:26:35
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Asura.Korpg said:
Wait, what the ***, who brought this back from the dead?

I thought we were finished talking about this ***, and I see somebody who retorts incorrectly?

Adam Smith and British Economics?

I hate to break it to you, but Adam Smith was an American. Where do you think he was when he wrote "The Wealth of Nations"? It wasn't England, I can tell you that.

Where do you get your "British Economics" from anyway?

Anyway, on with the responds, lets see if we can keep the name calling down to a dull roar.

Note: Adam Smith 'and' British Economics. Where do I get British Economics from? Maybe the fact Adam Smith had an impact on...British Economics...(He appears on British Currency, might be a clue ~ £10)

You should drop the arrogant attidtude and learn some humility, from personal experience, I find those who use words like 's**t' and 'f**k' in a politcal discussion rather clueless about politics themselves, you seem to be filled with an awful lot of hate.
Serveur: Fairy
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user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2010-01-22 12:30:14
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Took you 15 days to think up what to say? :P
Serveur: Asura
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user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2010-01-22 12:36:38
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Fenrir.Sirseifer said:
Note: Adam Smith 'and' British Economics. Where do I get British Economics from? Maybe the fact Adam Smith had an impact on...British Economics...(He appears on British Currency, might be a clue ~ £10)

You should drop the arrogant attidtude and learn some humility, from personal experience, I find those who use words like 's**t' and 'f**k' in a politcal discussion rather clueless about politics themselves, you seem to be filled with an awful lot of hate.

He appears on British currency? Didn't know that.

Then again, its only Britian.

Anyway, here is a hint for you. During the timeframe that Adam Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations, what political system was going on in England at that time?

It wasn't Capitalism, thats for sure (see American Revolution).

Yes, he helped British Economics, but thats only because of his outstanding work on American Economics. Britian basically copied us to the teeth, and now it looks like Britian is trying to claim Capitalism as its own, if we assume the ideals of Sirseifer as the general ideals of British citizens.

Although I'm sure that most Brits are more intelligent than that though.

Anyway, to sum it all up:
Fairy.Spence said:
Took you 15 days to think up what to say? :P
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1515
By Cerberus.Vaness 2010-01-22 13:00:59
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Asura.Korpg said:
Give a man a fish, and he lives for one day Teach a man to fish, and he lives forever. So far, all we are doing is giving them fish.

Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stanflame
Posts: 6173
By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-01-22 23:29:26
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Fenrir.Sirseifer said:
"If it takes the suffering of others to allow my family to live comfortably then so be it. It is the nature of humans and all life. The success of one group is dependent on the failure of another."

Your ignorance and arrogance is outstanding. What if it were your family suffering so others could live as you put, 'comfortably' as opposed to just living within our means. Even using that word 'comfortably' show's how brainwashed you are and not even realizing it. Living comfortably? Personally, good ol' living works fine for me, I'm not a spoilt brat as your obviously are.

Money doesn't grow off tree's, but food does. Dwell on that.

"In the grand scheme of the universe, we are all meaningless creatures leading meaningless lives on a meaningless planet in a meaningless part of space."

You're point of view is thus also meaningless and void, numpty.

I can't stand that piece of ***either, first his responses towards me and other's in that thread created by bulletta, about how he is above everyone and such, yet when commenting to *** like him and showing how arrogant they are I got topic banned from the thread....?

Yes his point of view is trash compared to the other stuff people post.. besides he is not spoild brat, even spoiled freaking children have a better imagination on views on whats going on in today world compared to this trash.

I am glad you responded to him, I was going to earlier because everyone of his *** posts gets on my nerves. But to avoid what happened in the religion thread, I have been avoided commenting on ignorant sacks of trashes posts like his, people think I am ignorant, oh please. I may have my views but I am no as bland, and meaningless in my views on stuff.

Back on topic....

"If it takes the suffering of others to allow my family to live comfortably then so be it. It is the nature of humans and all life. The success of one group is dependent on the failure of another."

You do not know ***about anything, please do us a favor and stop posting. Or really look at what you just typed here, and get your non imaginative, dull, point of view, mad at the world, or what ever your problem is out of people whom care for others threads. Success of one group is not dependent on the failure of another, not how it works. They way you think, usually brings people like you down, and you do not make it far in life, good luck.

The guy who called him out... you only quoted this part of his post he said more that irritated you probably.

to frobeus:

So... there is a thing called sex trafficking, little girls as small as 3-5 in third world countries are being used for sex, so....? can you simply says it sucks to be them and no one should help them, USA and the individuals whom are from there come from different countries too... you do know that right, and they try and help these children out.. not only because they may be the same ethnic group as them or from the same country, but because no one should suffer like that. You do realize most of the people in the USA have some ancestors from another country , or parents are from somewhere else?

So again, please oh please, can you take what you said, you arrogant ***, about people whom suffer, leave it be and worry about your own life? Little girl being used for sex trafficking, girls being abducted, was just an example, use your head (brain) thoroughly. I am certain you IQ is no below 50 , gather all your thoughts, then make sense and look around the people about you in the U.S.A, and other countries. Look at the pride of these other nations and their cultures, ranging from japan's gods and history to china, and africa, and the west indies, what is your views on other nations and countries?

I am certain we would find ignorant people just like you in all of these places or worse, but I doubt that much. Since I am mainly asking you these other nations could you really say this to their faces? Japan had issues with America in world war II what is your view on it? (I assume ignorant), and other places as well, then you will probably pull some *** about being above other people and that you do not have to think.

One thing I hate about people like you; I usually see this on blogs but; no matter, you act like you are smart when ever you type you act like you, know everything when you are just unintelligent. That is what I get from all your posts in this thread, therefore usually when you post on something in this section, like the religion thread. You to not post anything in the section just to chip away at people, or something with out saying anything then comment with "I am higher than you, and everyone here", or "this is how it is, thats life you deal with it, universe this , I have my fate you have yours, they suffer". Want the full translation?

"dur dur dur dur my IQ is 50< I have nothign important to say I am better than peeopel herrrrrr durrrrrrrr".

If you do not have nothing important to say, then do not say it. You are making yourself look like a ignorant ***, oh wait....

"In the grand scheme of the universe, we are all meaningless creatures leading meaningless lives on a meaningless planet in a meaningless part of space."

edit : I was wrong it was quoted..

Ok, you are sadly mistaken and do not know nothing about life based on this statement. You proved our point.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stanflame
Posts: 6173
By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-01-22 23:38:43
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Asura.Korpg said:
Fenrir.Sirseifer said:
Note: Adam Smith 'and' British Economics. Where do I get British Economics from? Maybe the fact Adam Smith had an impact on...British Economics...(He appears on British Currency, might be a clue ~ £10)

You should drop the arrogant attidtude and learn some humility, from personal experience, I find those who use words like 's**t' and 'f**k' in a politcal discussion rather clueless about politics themselves, you seem to be filled with an awful lot of hate.

He appears on British currency? Didn't know that.

Then again, its only Britian.

Anyway, here is a hint for you. During the timeframe that Adam Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations, what political system was going on in England at that time?

It wasn't Capitalism, thats for sure (see American Revolution).

Yes, he helped British Economics, but thats only because of his outstanding work on American Economics. Britian basically copied us to the teeth, and now it looks like Britian is trying to claim Capitalism as its own, if we assume the ideals of Sirseifer as the general ideals of British citizens.

Although I'm sure that most Brits are more intelligent than that though.

Anyway, to sum it all up:
Fairy.Spence said:
Took you 15 days to think up what to say? :P
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Katarzyna
Posts: 1354
By Cerberus.Katarzyna 2010-01-23 20:20:53
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Fenrir.Sirseifer said:
Your ignorance and arrogance is outstanding. What if it were your family suffering so others could live as you put, 'comfortably' as opposed to just living within our means. Even using that word 'comfortably' show's how brainwashed you are and not even realizing it. Living comfortably? Personally, good ol' living works fine for me, I'm not a spoilt brat as your obviously are.

Is that what pissed you off so bad? The fact that he used the word "comfortably?"

I live pretty comfortably, but I am in no ways rich. I make enough money to pay my bills and put a little away in savings. That, to me, is "comfortably."

What if he said "If it takes the suffering of one family so my family can live within means, then so be it," would you be ranting and raving like you are now?

Bahamut.Stanflame said:
You do not know ***about anything, please do us a favor and stop posting. Or really look at what you just typed here, and get your non imaginative, dull, point of view, mad at the world, or what ever your problem is out of people whom care for others threads. Success of one group is not dependent on the failure of another, not how it works. They way you think, usually brings people like you down, and you do not make it far in life, good luck.

Actually, that IS the way it works. Look it up in history. It's filled with the successes of one group that was dependent on the failure of another.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jouliont
Posts: 86
By Bahamut.Jouliont 2010-01-24 05:51:20
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Cerberus.Vaness said:
Asura.Korpg said:
Give a man a fish, and he lives for one day Teach a man to fish, and he lives forever. So far, all we are doing is giving them fish.

...and beat a man with a fish, and he'll smell like ****. I think it's already started. o.o
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stanflame
Posts: 6173
By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-01-24 23:21:06
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Cerberus.Katarzyna said:
Fenrir.Sirseifer said:
Your ignorance and arrogance is outstanding. What if it were your family suffering so others could live as you put, 'comfortably' as opposed to just living within our means. Even using that word 'comfortably' show's how brainwashed you are and not even realizing it. Living comfortably? Personally, good ol' living works fine for me, I'm not a spoilt brat as your obviously are.

Is that what pissed you off so bad? The fact that he used the word "comfortably?"

I live pretty comfortably, but I am in no ways rich. I make enough money to pay my bills and put a little away in savings. That, to me, is "comfortably."

What if he said "If it takes the suffering of one family so my family can live within means, then so be it," would you be ranting and raving like you are now?

Bahamut.Stanflame said:
You do not know ***about anything, please do us a favor and stop posting. Or really look at what you just typed here, and get your non imaginative, dull, point of view, mad at the world, or what ever your problem is out of people whom care for others threads. Success of one group is not dependent on the failure of another, not how it works. They way you think, usually brings people like you down, and you do not make it far in life, good luck.

Actually, that IS the way it works. Look it up in history. It's filled with the successes of one group that was dependent on the failure of another.

i know itt is but do you really think people are treated like trash like this, if you look at the way he stated it he looked ignorant, this is why when I saw the post that guy responded to by him I jumped in it.

I know this is the case, workers built the pyramids for egypt etc, workers working for the companies and people get rich etc. But when you look at how he stated it, and him being from america, you can see how ignorant about the whole world he is.

It just looked like "hey I do my thing you do yours, people are suffering in other countries who care's, just be happy that you are not of the select few whom are, why does america need to help these people".

Americans help people so if I donate to Africa me as a human being did it, yes I am from america.. but I am happy to say I do not represent *** like him.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stanflame
Posts: 6173
By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-01-24 23:46:22
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Funny thing is, there it is what he was talking about. Sex trafficking of children 3 years old and older, generates lots of money.

So while he is enjoying what ever materialistic objects, food , etc.. there are little girls and whom ever else being taken, and forced to do this inhumane trash, to put money in someone's pocket. So here it is an example of what he meant, Therefore shows how much a farce this world can look like. It generates lots of money, and shows what he meant about people stuck in a shitty situation, but that's "fate" the children that get caught up in this ***deserved it, or were destined to be raped and drugged into sex trafficking.

Little does he know, the stuff he enjoys probably comes from the product of that, again as I said ignorance.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Katarzyna
Posts: 1354
By Cerberus.Katarzyna 2010-01-25 06:44:24
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Bahamut.Stanflame said:
It just looked like "hey I do my thing you do yours, people are suffering in other countries who care's, just be happy that you are not of the select few whom are, why does america need to help these people".

You're going to call me ignorant and a "***", but I agree with that statement 100%. My family is not American. I'm only a 2nd generation American. My family came from the Communist and Nazi regimes in Poland. They worked their *** to come to America, and not only that, they learned the customs and language and did everything they could to become Americans. Not like nowadays, where immigrants just flock here, not giving a damn about OUR customs and OUR language and I have to press 1 (sometimes 2!) for English for every damn company I call.
Bahamut.Stanflame said:
Americans help people so if I donate to Africa me as a human being did it, yes I am from america.. but I am happy to say I do not represent *** like him.

And what about THIS country, Stan? Ya know, the one you're living in? We're not exactly the picture perfect society either. Our education system is in the toilet. It breeds some of the dumbest *** on the planet. We have people in THIS country who are starving, homeless, and sick. I assume that when you cut that check for Africa, you also cut one of equal or greater value to your local homeless shelter or school?
Bahamut.Stanflame said:
So while he is enjoying what ever materialistic objects, food , etc.. there are little girls and whom ever else being taken, and forced to do this inhumane trash, to put money in someone's pocket. So here it is an example of what he meant, Therefore shows how much a farce this world can look like. It generates lots of money, and shows what he meant about people stuck in a shitty situation, but that's "fate" the children that get caught up in this ***deserved it, or were destined to be raped and drugged into sex trafficking.

No one's saying they were "destined" to that fate. But the countries in which this is such a big deal should deal with it on their own. If it happens here, WE should deal with it, without any foreign help.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2010-01-25 08:10:29
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There is a much better way to help people in Africa than to send a check every week.

Thing is, people have this idea stuck in their head that it would hurt us to show them how to become self-sufficent, but the inverse is actually true.

While at first, when they become able to survive on their own, they are able to produce goods cheaper (aka the China effect), after a short time (10 years or so, aka the China effect again) when their economy becomes stable in the respect of "our" level (our as in the world economy, since Africa isn't a huge factor in it currently) then prices would become stable enough where the world's prices of labor would become about the same (basic economic law of supply and demand).

Sooner we help them with our knowledge (and not our checks!), the sooner we can all benifit from them (not going to write a book on macroeconomics) in terms of lower inflation, lower prices, and higher standards of living.

Stop thinking that we are keeping them down just to benifit ourselves. If you think that is true, then the reality is that we are keeping ourselves from profiting from what we all really want to see: lower inflation and a better standard of living.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Eirinne
Posts: 434
By Valefor.Eirinne 2010-01-25 08:46:36
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There's TONS of extremist groups out there. Why don't we bomb those places too?
I'm sorry, but I don't buy into your patriotic bull against Muslim extremists. Every group has their extremists. The media just won't talk about it.
Enlighten me on the non Muslims ones. I couldn't find anything about suicide bombers who are non Muslims extremists. (Post WWII)

I'd like to know that myself....I dont see an answer, it seems to have been skipped.

Also, using Patriotism like it's a filthy word? Honestly? That just floored me.

Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2010-01-25 10:03:53
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Valefor.Eirinne said:
I'd like to know that myself....I dont see an answer, it seems to have been skipped.

Also, using Patriotism like it's a filthy word? Honestly? That just floored me.
Every group have their "extremists," its just that nobody wants to admit that their group isn't "holy" in their dealings with other cultures.

"Holy" is just a made up word for everyone to feel good about what they do with their lives. Everyone wants to think everything is black and white in their dealings, but unfortunally, its all a gray area.

There is no right answer, as there is no wrong answer.

When we, as a world society, finally figure this out, then we will all become better as a whole.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jouliont
Posts: 86
By Bahamut.Jouliont 2010-01-25 14:41:09
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A lot of interesting facts here:
It may be "lol" to the fact that it's from answers but realize where we're posting majority of the information in this forum...
What really compels me is the fact that we have been donating to africa for decades now. I would say trillions of dollars and yet can you really say there has been a trillions of dollars worth of improvement in Africa? I don't think so. Where is our money going to that us american been donating? Can this be answered?
And lol it might just be me, a minority but does it seem like "giving to charity" is somewhat like a religion now? Giving to the needy to repent for the sins is what i'm generally hearing nowadays. >_>
And the media... why is it that we have bush and clinton as the faces of giving charity to haiti. I'm not sure on the details of this but Bush rejected a few trades with other countries good. I mean, if America traded with Africa, wouldn't that be the first step in accepting Africans as our equal and step that things are going places? B/c you'd think that the media portrays them as a inferior by the way we are giving to them. >_> Normally if they're equals, they have mutual understanding of helping each other out or something.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stanflame
Posts: 6173
By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-01-25 17:39:05
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Bahamut.Stanflame said:
It just looked like "hey I do my thing you do yours, people are suffering in other countries who care's, just be happy that you are not of the select few whom are, why does america need to help these people".

You're going to call me ignorant and a "***", but I agree with that statement 100%. My family is not American. I'm only a 2nd generation American. My family came from the Communist and Nazi regimes in Poland. They worked their *** to come to America, and not only that, they learned the customs and language and did everything they could to become Americans. Not like nowadays, where immigrants just flock here, not giving a damn about OUR customs and OUR language and I have to press 1 (sometimes 2!) for English for every damn company I call.
Bahamut.Stanflame said:
Americans help people so if I donate to Africa me as a human being did it, yes I am from america.. but I am happy to say I do not represent *** like him.

And what about THIS country, Stan? Ya know, the one you're living in? We're not exactly the picture perfect society either. Our education system is in the toilet. It breeds some of the dumbest *** on the planet. We have people in THIS country who are starving, homeless, and sick. I assume that when you cut that check for Africa, you also cut one of equal or greater value to your local homeless shelter or school?
Bahamut.Stanflame said:
So while he is enjoying what ever materialistic objects, food , etc.. there are little girls and whom ever else being taken, and forced to do this inhumane trash, to put money in someone's pocket. So here it is an example of what he meant, Therefore shows how much a farce this world can look like. It generates lots of money, and shows what he meant about people stuck in a shitty situation, but that's "fate" the children that get caught up in this ***deserved it, or were destined to be raped and drugged into sex trafficking.

No one's saying they were "destined" to that fate. But the countries in which this is such a big deal should deal with it on their own. If it happens here, WE should deal with it, without any foreign help.

I have no idea what you are talking about, all this is directed at the response frobeus made.... Where in there did i call you a *** and such when it was al directed at frobeus ;/?

frobeus made a post and it was several pages back Sirseifer called him out and questioned his point of veiw, then I jumped in it.... i just wanted to better express what I actually mean I did not like about what he said.

back on topic, where does the money go, you think it goes to the people? corrupt leaders usually launder and steal money. same thing happened in haiti, where corruption is ***like this happens. the leaders of africa need to work together and get past all the tribes and clans goals and get united.... instead of fighting over blood diamonds and other stupid crap creating civil wars. It is not like they do not know there is a problem, when they get together there are probably fights and people not listening ot each others view points, it is bound to happen.

I would require a lot of effor to fix people are stubborn..
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Katarzyna
Posts: 1354
By Cerberus.Katarzyna 2010-01-25 18:25:32
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I have no idea what you are talking about, all this is directed at the response frobeus made.... Where in there did i call you a *** and such when it was al directed at frobeus ;/?

frobeus made a post and it was several pages back Sirseifer called him out and questioned his point of veiw, then I jumped in it.... i just wanted to better express what I actually mean I did not like about what he said.

Because you called him ignorant and a *** for having the opinion that he does. I agree with him and his opinion.
back on topic, where does the money go, you think it goes to the people? corrupt leaders usually launder and steal money. same thing happened in haiti, where corruption is ***like this happens. the leaders of africa need to work together and get past all the tribes and clans goals and get united.... instead of fighting over blood diamonds and other stupid crap creating civil wars. It is not like they do not know there is a problem, when they get together there are probably fights and people not listening ot each others view points, it is bound to happen.

In a perfect world, yes, the singular tribes and clans of Africa would unite as one and fight against the corrupted governments. But this is far from a perfect world. We can't even get our own act together and fight against the corrupted governing bodies WE have. Why should we expect anything different of other countries? Who are we to decide what is right and what is wrong for people an ocean away?

It's mind boggling to think that we, as a collective country, who is hardly united within ourselves, honestly believes we should tell other people how to live and govern themselves.
I'd like to know that myself....I dont see an answer, it seems to have been skipped.

Also, using Patriotism like it's a filthy word? Honestly? That just floored me.

Let's see...there's the Earth Liberation Front, National Liberation Army, Revolutionary Nuclei, Revolutionary Organization 17 November, Revolutionary People's Struggle, Morzanist Patriotic Front, Japanese Red Army, Hezbollah, Sendero Luminoso, New People's Army, Army for the Liberation of Rwanda, Revolutionary United Front, First of October Antifascist Resistance Group, Revolutionary People's Liberation Party/Front.

That's just a few. But why would anyone talk about THOSE terrorist groups when we can just blame the Muslims?!


As far as using the word "patriotism" as a "filthy word" and it flooring you, go ahead and be floored. What's disgusting is that people who advocate the blind persecution of one group (Muslims) because of an extremist group's actions (al Qaida), and they have the nerve to call themselves patriots of this country. What a load of ***. How can you be a patriot for a country that values freedom and fundamental rights (Hi US Constitution and Bill of Rights....remember them?) above all else, then turn around and say you're all for the bombing of one country because a specific group of people committed a crime?

Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: frobeus
Posts: 1498
By Midgardsormr.Frobeus 2010-01-25 18:57:03
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Bahamut.Stanflame said:
Funny thing is, there it is what he was talking about. Sex trafficking of children 3 years old and older, generates lots of money.

So while he is enjoying what ever materialistic objects, food , etc.. there are little girls and whom ever else being taken, and forced to do this inhumane trash, to put money in someone's pocket. So here it is an example of what he meant, Therefore shows how much a farce this world can look like. It generates lots of money, and shows what he meant about people stuck in a shitty situation, but that's "fate" the children that get caught up in this ***deserved it, or were destined to be raped and drugged into sex trafficking.

Little does he know, the stuff he enjoys probably comes from the product of that, again as I said ignorance.

I have one of the most open minded idea presented in this thread and I'M the one that's ignorant. :D

Sorry but all this idealistic utopian world BS that you keep spouting is the definition of ignorance.

You honestly believe that anything that you do in your entire life or anything that anyone does will prevent "evil" from happening? You honestly think that the human race will ever come to a point that we all hold hands and sing songs together? Keep dreaming.

Sorry, but your little dream world and reality will never be the same. Once we became self aware any sort of "harmony" or innocence was lost. Humans are selfish, corrupt creatures, and that will not change.

And as far as your child prostitution argument. How long do you think children have been taken advantage of in the history of humans? I'll answer that for you, since the very beginning. We didn't start it and we sure as hell aren't going to end it. Does a child deserve that? No. But guess what, life isn't fair. It's reality, some are born with advantage and others disadvantages. The fact that you can't accept this simple fact of life makes you the close minded ignorant ****.

Idealism = Rejection of reality.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Zefiris
Posts: 2401
By Caitsith.Zefiris 2010-01-25 21:32:57
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I'm guilty of not reading the whole thread, but the topic interests me. My dad's in Rwanda right now; he's been there over a dozen times and has organized the construction of several schools, from grade school to high school. The biggest factor is the governments they have in Africa. Rwanda is pretty stable right now with a decent government as far as African nations go. He's tried doing a similar project in Zimbabwe, but government made it extremely difficult as far as importing and customs go. I don't know all the details but I have been to Kigali twice and the people are wonderful. Sorry if this is too much to read, I care a lot about people in Africa. I have a few friends there and I don't think giving aid is a complete waste. ^^
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