It May Sound Harsh, But The Only Way To Help Africa Is To Stop All Humanitarian Aid..

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It may sound harsh, but the only way to help Africa is to stop all humanitarian aid..
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Serveur: Ifrit
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Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-12-03 09:26:16
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its simple... If America's economy goes bad, the world will suffer, maybe not with their local economic growth, but their international ties will be affected.
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Syla
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By Leviathan.Syla 2009-12-03 09:30:52
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I find this discussion very much comparable to the topic of the welfare system in this country. I've actually heard a black woman in public tell her son that all he needed to learn in terms of reading and writing was to be able to sign his own name on a welfare check. My jaw dropped and I know she was aware that I heard every word out of her mouth. She just looked at me and smiled and then mumbled something to her son that I couldn't hear. My guess is that it was something about how "whitey" continues to keep them down and this was their small way at getting back at us. This country is basically teaching people that when you're down on your luck the best thing to do, rather than actually try to help yourself, is to just wait for the welfare check to come rolling in.

Barack Obama is president of the United States. He's a black man. So the last thing I want to hear out of anybody's mouth is that things in this country are stacked against the minorities when, in fact, it's quite the opposite. Minorities have it so much better off than the majority in this country. Now I'm obviously not saying all of them are bad or follow this trend. There are enough of them though that exhibit the aforementioned type of behavior that it leads to stereotypes. All the welfare system does is promote laziness and poor work ethic. Why would you actually want to get a full-time job and work 40 hours a week when you could just get pregnant again (from a different man of course) and then be eligible to collect welfare for another year? It's ridiculous and disgusting from my point of view as someone who has worked since the age of 15 (got my working papers on my 15th birthday.) We need to stop feeling sorry for these people and force them to learn a tough lesson. That lesson is that life isn't easy and that you should have to work hard for the luxuries that are available and not just have them handed to you.
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Syla
Posts: 26
By Leviathan.Syla 2009-12-03 09:33:06
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Oh yeah and btw Sirseifer, please, for the love of god learn the difference between "your" and "you're." I can't believe I have to tell a Brit to be aware of such things.
Serveur: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Oblivion 2009-12-03 09:42:10
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Leviathan.Syla said:
I find this discussion very much comparable to the topic of the welfare system in this country. I've actually heard a black woman in public tell her son that all he needed to learn in terms of reading and writing was to be able to sign his own name on a welfare check. My jaw dropped and I know she was aware that I heard every word out of her mouth. She just looked at me and smiled and then mumbled something to her son that I couldn't hear. My guess is that it was something about how "whitey" continues to keep them down and this was their small way at getting back at us. This country is basically teaching people that when you're down on your luck the best thing to do, rather than actually try to help yourself, is to just wait for the welfare check to come rolling in.

Barack Obama is president of the United States. He's a black man. So the last thing I want to hear out of anybody's mouth is that things in this country are stacked against the minorities when, in fact, it's quite the opposite. Minorities have it so much better off than the majority in this country. Now I'm obviously not saying all of them are bad or follow this trend. There are enough of them though that exhibit the aforementioned type of behavior that it leads to stereotypes. All the welfare system does is promote laziness and poor work ethic. Why would you actually want to get a full-time job and work 40 hours a week when you could just get pregnant again (from a different man of course) and then be eligible to collect welfare for another year? It's ridiculous and disgusting from my point of view as someone who has worked since the age of 15 (got my working papers on my 15th birthday.) We need to stop feeling sorry for these people and force them to learn a tough lesson. That lesson is that life isn't easy and that you should have to work hard for the luxuries that are available and not just have them handed to you.

Wasn't it the guys in business suits that made off with more of the "hard earned" American citizen's money than an ignorant parasite social class that you so nicely painted as being something that's either predominantly, or exclusively comprised of minorities?

If you think that 'welfare' is the sole contributor to the decline of american dominance, you're incredibly naive. Entire populations of ignorant peoples don't happen by chance, or incompetence.

Serveur: Asura
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user: Korpg
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By Asura.Korpg 2009-12-03 09:48:47
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You think that corruption is only an American issue?

Or do you think its a humanity issue?

Yes corruption exists, but people love to believe its either "American/Capitalist" only or "White" only.

Guess what, America has a much lower corruption rate among its business leaders and politicians than other parts of the world.

Like, say Italy. South Africa. France. China. Russia. Brazil. North Korea. Switzerland. Hell, 75% of the worlds countries, including third-world countries, have more corruption than USA.

But you only hear about America's corruption because it hurts a lot more people.

Yes, AIG happened. Yes, Enron happened. Yes, Worldcom happened.

Get over with it. Learn from those mistakes, and grow with it, instead of continual bashing of a society.
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Stanflame
Posts: 6173
By Bahamut.Stanflame 2009-12-03 10:11:19
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Valefor.Ghuda said:
Asura.Korpg said:
Whats the point of teaching them how to substain themselves if they won't have a central government that can work? Or an economic system? If you want to give a country the ability to be self-sufficent, you have to teach them what works. Teach them what works, then force them to do it (force them in a way meaning stop giving them aid period). I'm not just talking about the educated few there, I'm talking about the entire nation. Educate everyone so they can live by themselves.

lol like america?

America, the laughing stock of the entire world.

With the way the states handled the economic started the friggen thing, why on earth would any country on the planet take adivce from them?

pot, kettle, black

Why the ***, is everything bash on America like you know ***about here. You mad at the bush administration? be mad but please do not take it out on the people whom are the true inhabitants on american soil, funny too since everyone from all nations lives there or has family whom probably came from your country also and people... So you calling them a laughing stock?

My parents were not born here no one pretty much was, read a history book please. You may learn something, and see how stupid what you say sounds.

Before anyone bash me I love how as soon as someone like KORPG comes in the thread and then gets insulted. I just realized he is not the main problem concerning i all.. There is nothing wrong with america how about me call where you live trash and shitty and the laughing stock of the whole world?

America what? what does this thread have to do with america? note also that the government and economics we have was gotten and copied from and had been done by countries thousands of years ago, yeah before people knew about them.

Anyway, I have an idea what can be done for africa. it is not the help really, just do not give them any money as in money period. See the same thing happened in Haiti if I am correct... Haiti would be a powerful nation if it was not for how corrupt and ignorant some officials were from back in the day. Look at japan for instance.. after all the happened they are ok, Haiti in a sense is no different than japan. Japanese people even like Haiti's culture and keeps in contact with them a whole lot via art and music it has had a huge influence. in that sense why is Haiti in the state it is in? Corrupt goverment, and other stuff (i can go on).

For all the resources Haiti has it should have been one of the top three economic powers in the world around USA/Japan.... They had no wars since the rebellion of 1790+ yet... where is it? it makes no sense right? Yet they need help?

Africa to me is in worse a state than Haiti.. but you do get the picture. They are under developed area's for many reasons. Pride,Ignorance, Divided nation, corrupt governmen offcials, etc etc. You can gather people in a room and ask to change things bu with people at each others throats and looking like they want to over throw a government and president, and use the military to do so... what can you do? You think Africa is not talking about this right now? and they do not know they need to change? you see how big it is 200+?

I'll brb bu my 2 cents
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Syla
Posts: 26
By Leviathan.Syla 2009-12-03 10:54:28
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Bahamut.Oblivion said:
Leviathan.Syla said:
I find this discussion very much comparable to the topic of the welfare system in this country. I've actually heard a black woman in public tell her son that all he needed to learn in terms of reading and writing was to be able to sign his own name on a welfare check. My jaw dropped and I know she was aware that I heard every word out of her mouth. She just looked at me and smiled and then mumbled something to her son that I couldn't hear. My guess is that it was something about how "whitey" continues to keep them down and this was their small way at getting back at us. This country is basically teaching people that when you're down on your luck the best thing to do, rather than actually try to help yourself, is to just wait for the welfare check to come rolling in.

Barack Obama is president of the United States. He's a black man. So the last thing I want to hear out of anybody's mouth is that things in this country are stacked against the minorities when, in fact, it's quite the opposite. Minorities have it so much better off than the majority in this country. Now I'm obviously not saying all of them are bad or follow this trend. There are enough of them though that exhibit the aforementioned type of behavior that it leads to stereotypes. All the welfare system does is promote laziness and poor work ethic. Why would you actually want to get a full-time job and work 40 hours a week when you could just get pregnant again (from a different man of course) and then be eligible to collect welfare for another year? It's ridiculous and disgusting from my point of view as someone who has worked since the age of 15 (got my working papers on my 15th birthday.) We need to stop feeling sorry for these people and force them to learn a tough lesson. That lesson is that life isn't easy and that you should have to work hard for the luxuries that are available and not just have them handed to you.

Wasn't it the guys in business suits that made off with more of the "hard earned" American citizen's money than an ignorant parasite social class that you so nicely painted as being something that's either predominantly, or exclusively comprised of minorities?

If you think that 'welfare' is the sole contributor to the decline of american dominance, you're incredibly naive. Entire populations of ignorant peoples don't happen by chance, or incompetence.
I made no statement to the effect of welfare being the sole reason for the decline of the American dominance. I simply made a comparison to the OP's topic and this one. Nor did I say anywhere that all the people on welfare were minorities. But the truth of the matter is that most of them are. There's social scum of all colors, shapes, and sizes and I never singled out anyone other than the example I gave being of a black woman. I didn't make up any part of that story just to say it was a black woman. I'd actually rather not have experienced that particular situation because then I might not have to believe that there are people in my country that are sucking away my tax dollars because they're too trashy to earn their own. Oh and before you start to bash anything I have to say why don't you try living in America and not anywhere else that isn't the greatest country in the world?
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2009-12-03 11:09:37
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Serveur: Odin
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user: Panthra
Posts: 714
By Odin.Kalico 2009-12-03 11:36:21
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Leviathan.Syla said:
Bahamut.Oblivion said:
Leviathan.Syla said:
I find this discussion very much comparable to the topic of the welfare system in this country. I've actually heard a black woman in public tell her son that all he needed to learn in terms of reading and writing was to be able to sign his own name on a welfare check. My jaw dropped and I know she was aware that I heard every word out of her mouth. She just looked at me and smiled and then mumbled something to her son that I couldn't hear. My guess is that it was something about how "whitey" continues to keep them down and this was their small way at getting back at us. This country is basically teaching people that when you're down on your luck the best thing to do, rather than actually try to help yourself, is to just wait for the welfare check to come rolling in. Barack Obama is president of the United States. He's a black man. So the last thing I want to hear out of anybody's mouth is that things in this country are stacked against the minorities when, in fact, it's quite the opposite. Minorities have it so much better off than the majority in this country. Now I'm obviously not saying all of them are bad or follow this trend. There are enough of them though that exhibit the aforementioned type of behavior that it leads to stereotypes. All the welfare system does is promote laziness and poor work ethic. Why would you actually want to get a full-time job and work 40 hours a week when you could just get pregnant again (from a different man of course) and then be eligible to collect welfare for another year? It's ridiculous and disgusting from my point of view as someone who has worked since the age of 15 (got my working papers on my 15th birthday.) We need to stop feeling sorry for these people and force them to learn a tough lesson. That lesson is that life isn't easy and that you should have to work hard for the luxuries that are available and not just have them handed to you.
Wasn't it the guys in business suits that made off with more of the "hard earned" American citizen's money than an ignorant parasite social class that you so nicely painted as being something that's either predominantly, or exclusively comprised of minorities? If you think that 'welfare' is the sole contributor to the decline of american dominance, you're incredibly naive. Entire populations of ignorant peoples don't happen by chance, or incompetence.
I made no statement to the effect of welfare being the sole reason for the decline of the American dominance. I simply made a comparison to the OP's topic and this one. Nor did I say anywhere that all the people on welfare were minorities. But the truth of the matter is that most of them are. There's social scum of all colors, shapes, and sizes and I never singled out anyone other than the example I gave being of a black woman. I didn't make up any part of that story just to say it was a black woman. I'd actually rather not have experienced that particular situation because then I might not have to believe that there are people in my country that are sucking away my tax dollars because they're too trashy to earn their own. Oh and before you start to bash anything I have to say why don't you try living in America and not anywhere else that isn't the greatest country in the world?

Lmao more ignorant ***.
Um... are white people minorities?
because as far as welfare goes % wise
there are more white americans on welfare
than black americans. Maybe its because
there more White americans than Black Americans
in america but facts are facts.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-12-03 11:45:33
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Odin.Kalico said:
Lmao more ignorant ***.
Um... are white people minorities?
because as far as welfare goes % wise
there are more white americans on welfare
than black americans. Maybe its because
there more White americans than Black Americans
in america but facts are facts.

Again, if you want to be taken seriously, don't start off saying "ignorant ***."

And why do you base your "minorities" ratio on usage of welfare?

And where is the stats showing your numbers? Don't forget, you earlier asked for proof, and I delivered.

Now I ask for your proof. Since, as you say, Facts are Facts.

So, next thing I expect you to show is this:

Stats on race usage on USA welfare.
Stats on race by population, based on the current census (you can go as far back as 2000 for all I care).
Stats on the amount of money given to people based on race.

Failure to show such stats with sources will label you as a troublemaker, and have no such meaning in these discussions. Please follow up on this.
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 74
By Pandemonium.Alexanderofodin 2009-12-03 12:28:11
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#1 Africa needs to stop sucking the funds out of other countries yes i know your chiefs sold you to the "white man" and its a shame but i am sorry i think we've paid a due's over the last god knows how long
#2 Aids comes from Africa i am sorry it started there FACT not saying the people of Africa gave us the disease just the place
#3 when the Black African's got power back in the 90's they burnt down farms because they was told it was the smart thing to do, sorry lads but whitie was actully doing something right for a change they didn't only shot themselves in the foot they chopped there legs off from the knee's i believe Africa is its own worst enemy
#4 Oxfan has been showing the same advert for "help the African's" for the past 10+ years honestly for atleast 10 years nothing has improved in Africa? honestly i'd prefer to invest my money in Northern rock then africa

and if it matter's yes i am white
and if it matters i have black and Asian friends that feel just the same
Serveur: Odin
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user: Panthra
Posts: 714
By Odin.Kalico 2009-12-03 13:36:16
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Asura.Korpg said:
Odin.Kalico said:

Again, if you want to be taken seriously, don't start off saying "ignorant ***."

And why do you base your "minorities" ratio on usage of welfare?

And where is the stats showing your numbers? Don't forget, you earlier asked for proof, and I delivered.

Now I ask for your proof. Since, as you say, Facts are Facts.

So, next thing I expect you to show is this:

Stats on race usage on USA welfare.
Stats on race by population, based on the current census (you can go as far back as 2000 for all I care).
Stats on the amount of money given to people based on race.

Failure to show such stats with sources will label you as a troublemaker, and have no such meaning in these discussions. Please follow up on this.

1st off last person I care about taking me serious is you lmao 2nd the so-called proof u provided earlier actually went along with what i was trying to point out lol,and if you look up the word ignorant in the dictionary you will
see it applies to you and is really not an insault it just means
you really lack knowledge based on a paticular subject.

here is statistic info on population

In numbers Whites far outnumber Blacks, there for many more non-Blacks (white, Asian, etc.) receive welfare (in all forms) than do Blacks.

Blacks represent about 12% of the U.S. population, however they represent approximately 30% to 34% (year 2000 data) of all welfare recipients, depending upon the type of aid provided (i.e., AFDC, Food Stamps, SSDI, etc.)

In short, Blacks receive welfare in numbers disproportionate to the size of their population. So while it is false that "more blacks receive welfare" it is true that a higher percentage of Blacks receive some form of public assistance (34%) than do non-Blacks (20%)

This info is in here some where I found it here
last year when this topic came up you can dig for it
but this ***is common knowledge.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-12-03 14:57:10
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Odin.Kalico said:
here is statistic info on population

In numbers Whites far outnumber Blacks, there for many more non-Blacks (white, Asian, etc.) receive welfare (in all forms) than do Blacks.

Wait, what?

You have shown that there are more White people in the USA than there are Black people in the USA.

Nowhere in your soruce does it show who uses what.

However, it does show poverty levels, since people get welfare from below the poverty level.

Your source, which I'm using.

Table 16, which discusses Poverty status based by individual

Here is an excerpt of it for you.

Black population, below poverty level, by percentage: 24.5%
White population, below poverty level, by percentage: 8.2%

Now, we still don't know who uses welfare, or who doesn't use welfare.

But, you have to admit, if a higher percentage of a race is below poverty level, then wouldn't more use welfare in that same race?

But we don't know that, since I'm not the one who needs to prove outlandish claims like Whites use more welfare than Blacks.

And what does this have anything to do about stopping aid to Africa anyway?
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Panthra
Posts: 714
By Odin.Kalico 2009-12-03 15:22:26
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If you can't undrstand what I posted its not my fault,

here is an example even you can follow
if you have a island populated by 100 whites and 10 blacks
if 20% of whites get gov ***. that is 20 whites on gov ***.
now if 50% of that black population was on gov ***.
5 blacks would be getting gov. ***. So although the
% of blacks on gov ***. is higher the actual number of blacks
on gov *** is less due to population. I can't make it any simpler
i'm sorry.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: remnant
Posts: 119
By Bahamut.Oblivion 2009-12-03 15:26:55
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Leviathan.Syla said:
Bahamut.Oblivion said:
Leviathan.Syla said:
I find this discussion very much comparable to the topic of the welfare system in this country. I've actually heard a black woman in public tell her son that all he needed to learn in terms of reading and writing was to be able to sign his own name on a welfare check. My jaw dropped and I know she was aware that I heard every word out of her mouth. She just looked at me and smiled and then mumbled something to her son that I couldn't hear. My guess is that it was something about how "whitey" continues to keep them down and this was their small way at getting back at us. This country is basically teaching people that when you're down on your luck the best thing to do, rather than actually try to help yourself, is to just wait for the welfare check to come rolling in.

Barack Obama is president of the United States. He's a black man. So the last thing I want to hear out of anybody's mouth is that things in this country are stacked against the minorities when, in fact, it's quite the opposite. Minorities have it so much better off than the majority in this country. Now I'm obviously not saying all of them are bad or follow this trend. There are enough of them though that exhibit the aforementioned type of behavior that it leads to stereotypes. All the welfare system does is promote laziness and poor work ethic. Why would you actually want to get a full-time job and work 40 hours a week when you could just get pregnant again (from a different man of course) and then be eligible to collect welfare for another year? It's ridiculous and disgusting from my point of view as someone who has worked since the age of 15 (got my working papers on my 15th birthday.) We need to stop feeling sorry for these people and force them to learn a tough lesson. That lesson is that life isn't easy and that you should have to work hard for the luxuries that are available and not just have them handed to you.

Wasn't it the guys in business suits that made off with more of the "hard earned" American citizen's money than an ignorant parasite social class that you so nicely painted as being something that's either predominantly, or exclusively comprised of minorities?

If you think that 'welfare' is the sole contributor to the decline of american dominance, you're incredibly naive. Entire populations of ignorant peoples don't happen by chance, or incompetence.
I made no statement to the effect of welfare being the sole reason for the decline of the American dominance. I simply made a comparison to the OP's topic and this one. Nor did I say anywhere that all the people on welfare were minorities. But the truth of the matter is that most of them are. There's social scum of all colors, shapes, and sizes and I never singled out anyone other than the example I gave being of a black woman. I didn't make up any part of that story just to say it was a black woman. I'd actually rather not have experienced that particular situation because then I might not have to believe that there are people in my country that are sucking away my tax dollars because they're too trashy to earn their own. Oh and before you start to bash anything I have to say why don't you try living in America and not anywhere else that isn't the greatest country in the world?

I genuinely don't really care anymore, I'm over that initial low-tier thought process paroxysm; I was wrong for taking offense at your using "race". Just consider what I said, unsaid. I don't outright judge people how they look, or may appear. My "classification" system relies on classifying people based on how they think WITHOUT some generic political labeling system.

Labels and some primitive classification by appearance are best left to other people who enjoy that "tier" of brain function, however disgusting I may find it to be.

FYI, I'm American (born, not some immigrant), you didn't really think I was from the Vatican, did you? I'm sorry that I haven't lived up to expectations of being a flag-sucking garden variety "uhmeerikun".

Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2009-12-03 15:39:04
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What has Africa done for us lately!?!
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-12-03 15:42:22
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Ramuh.Dasva said:
What has Africa done for us lately!?!

besides the numerous scams on adult websites and being the leading continent to have the highest percentage of AIDs victims? Nothing
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Katarzyna
Posts: 1354
By Cerberus.Katarzyna 2009-12-03 15:55:45
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Just a question: If governments pull out all their help in Africa because they will never grow as a continent, shouldn't we be doing the same thing to Iraq?
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-12-03 15:58:21
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Cerberus.Katarzyna said:
Just a question: If governments pull out all their help in Africa because they will never grow as a continent, shouldn't we be doing the same thing to Iraq?

Iraq is different. They actually sent *** to America and bombed the WTC. Whats even more scary was when Obama said they keep finding extremists WITHIN OUR BORDERS O.o!

yeah, thats TMI.

If we leave Africa alone, guerilla militias will take over, or civil war will rage on for years to come.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2009-12-03 15:58:50
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Cerberus.Katarzyna said:
Just a question: If governments pull out all their help in Africa because they will never grow as a continent, shouldn't we be doing the same thing to Iraq?
The difference is the kind of help. Iraq can fend for itself... we want them to not get the idea to beat us up later. Hopefully by educating the people and trying to get a semi democratic rule in there. In the end the in theory it is in our self interest. So we don't have to keep going back in there again and again like we have been
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Katarzyna
Posts: 1354
By Cerberus.Katarzyna 2009-12-03 15:59:10
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Ifrit.Kungfuhustle said:
Cerberus.Katarzyna said:
Just a question: If governments pull out all their help in Africa because they will never grow as a continent, shouldn't we be doing the same thing to Iraq?

Iraq is different. They actually sent *** to America and bombed the WTC. Whats even more scary was when Obama said they keep finding extremists WITHIN OUR BORDERS O.o!

yeah, thats TMI.

If we leave Africa alone, guerilla militias will take over, or civil war will rage on for years to come.

So...Iraq needs an amusement park?
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2009-12-03 16:01:08
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Cerberus.Katarzyna said:
So...Iraq needs an amusement park?
Damn right it does!
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Katarzyna
Posts: 1354
By Cerberus.Katarzyna 2009-12-03 16:01:56
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Personally, I'd rather use that money to boost our laughable education system.
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-12-03 16:02:14
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Ramuh.Dasva said:
Cerberus.Katarzyna said:
So...Iraq needs an amusement park?
Damn right it does!

an amusement park and a titty bar.

Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2009-12-03 16:02:34
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Cerberus.Katarzyna said:
Personally, I'd rather use that money to boost our laughable education system.
We have an education system?
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Katarzyna
Posts: 1354
By Cerberus.Katarzyna 2009-12-03 16:03:16
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Ramuh.Dasva said:
Cerberus.Katarzyna said:
Personally, I'd rather use that money to boost our laughable education system.
We have an education system?

I said it was laughable, not non-existent.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2009-12-03 16:06:43
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Cerberus.Katarzyna said:
Ramuh.Dasva said:
Cerberus.Katarzyna said:
Personally, I'd rather use that money to boost our laughable education system.
We have an education system?
I said it was laughable, not non-existent.
So we do have one... oh yeah I guess you could've counted that place I went to for alot of years...
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-12-03 16:29:08
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here is an example even you can follow
if you have a island populated by 100 whites and 10 blacks
if 20% of whites get gov ***. that is 20 whites on gov ***.
now if 50% of that black population was on gov ***.
5 blacks would be getting gov. ***. So although the
% of blacks on gov ***. is higher the actual number of blacks
on gov *** is less due to population. I can't make it any simpler
i'm sorry.

Prove to me that 20 whites take government assistance, and 5 blacks take government assistance.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Panthra
Posts: 714
By Odin.Kalico 2009-12-03 16:50:31
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coffee cakes and doodoo burgers :0
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-12-03 17:06:11
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Odin.Kalico said:
coffee cakes and doodoo burgers :0
Thats all you come up with?
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