Atheists Are Not Suicide Bombers.

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Atheists are not Suicide Bombers.
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Serveur: Ramuh
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user: Svedin
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By Ramuh.Svedin 2009-12-05 22:20:29
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Serveur: Seraph
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user: Bulleta
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By Seraph.Bulleta 2009-12-05 23:04:20
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Ramuh.Svedin said:

Serveur: Seraph
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user: Bulleta
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By Seraph.Bulleta 2009-12-05 23:06:09
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Serveur: Pandemonium
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By Pandemonium.Liquidz 2009-12-05 23:08:46
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Pandemonium.Silvaria said:
Personally, my moral code is The Golden Rule. If I don't want it done to me, I don't do it to others, plain and simple. 8)

Does that also apply to anal sex...?

Serveur: Seraph
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user: Bulleta
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By Seraph.Bulleta 2009-12-05 23:12:58
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Serveur: Pandemonium
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By Pandemonium.Liquidz 2009-12-05 23:17:14
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Seraph.Bulleta said:
Back to the subject. I still don't have an answer... How do these verses out of the bible not create hate, murder, and violence?

Exodus 35:2 ~> God says we should kill everyone who works on the Sabbath day.

Deuteronomy 21:18-21 ~> God says to kill disobedient teenagers.

Leviticus 20:13 ~> Gods says to kill Homosexuals.

Deuteronomy 22:13-21 ~> God say to kill girls who are not virgins at the time of marriage.

You probably don't have an answer because the answer is obvious, those verses can only create hate, murder and violence yes.

But in our part of the world people tend to leave those parts behind and keep the good as a guideline in life. Those kind of verses get dangerous when they are followed word for word. A lot of those things have to be taken in the context of when they been written and most people in developed country understands that. In some other part of the world it is still very different, though.

But if you search deeper... even if they claim to commit horrific things in the name of their religion... it is really the case? Or it's just a way to justify their way of thinking more easily? Is their way of thinking is like that because of the religion or the religion is like that because of their way of thinking. If you remove religion... would they really be at peace or find another way to justify their acts?

I do not know the answer.
Serveur: Seraph
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user: Bulleta
Posts: 307
By Seraph.Bulleta 2009-12-05 23:27:52
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Think of it this way.

Anyone with a religion believes that there is an afterlife when they die. An afterlife in a utopia. A perfect world. Heaven. Whatever you want to call it.

So they belittle their own life.

I've heard it more than once:

"Johnny died :) But he's going to a much better place then we live in"

People think this way.

Then they ask me if my life has any meaning??

It damn sure does. This is all I have. Life. There is no afterlife. There is no utopia. There is no heaven. I live life every day could be my last, because when I die I believe there will be nothing.

Sure, it's a scary thought. That there is nothing when I die?

So wouldn't that motivate people to try to make this world a better place?

Will it solve all of the problems? No.

Will it create world peace? Of coure not.

Would it be a great start? Absolutely.

If everyone lived like this was their Utopia, and actually tried to make it a perfect world... I think things would be a lot better.

Serveur: Seraph
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user: Bulleta
Posts: 307
By Seraph.Bulleta 2009-12-05 23:30:20
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Seraph.Bulleta said:

Leviticus 20:13 ~> Gods says to kill Homosexuals.

They would still try to enforce this one, if murder wasn't illegal.

Serveur: Pandemonium
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user: liquidz
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By Pandemonium.Liquidz 2009-12-05 23:33:45
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Seraph.Bulleta said:
Think of it this way.

Anyone with a religion believes that there is an afterlife when they die. An afterlife in a utopia. A perfect world. Heaven. Whatever you want to call it.

So they belittle their own life.

I've heard it more than once:

"Johnny died :) But he's going to a much better place then we live in"

People think this way.

Then they ask me if my life has any meaning??

It damn sure does. This is all I have. Life. There is no afterlife. There is no utopia. There is no heaven. I live life every day could be my last, because when I die I believe there will be nothing.

Sure, it's a scary thought. That there is nothing when I die?

So wouldn't that motivate people to try to make this world a better place?

Will it solve all of the problems? No.

Will it create world peace? Of coure not.

Would it be a great start? Absolutely.

If everyone lived like this was their Utopia, and actually tried to make it a perfect world... I think things would be a lot better.

Or would it motivate certain people to be even more selfish since it's the only life they get? Since they would not be scared to be judged when they die?

Everything have 2 sides and we can't really tell how it would be... I tend to think like you but I would not bet much on it... human are surprising. I also like you think that there is nothing at all after life but who knows... I would not bet my life on it either. One sure thing is I live my life as if there is nothing after.
Serveur: Seraph
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user: Bulleta
Posts: 307
By Seraph.Bulleta 2009-12-05 23:42:28
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I believe there is nothing until I'm proven wrong XD

Like that is going to happen.

I can't prove god doesn't exist.

But really, can we prove that Bigfoot doesn't exist either?

I just have a hard time believing anything that any of the religious scriptures claim. So why should I believe there is an afterlife, or even a god?

Then someone tries to rationalize some of these fairy tales...

If I'm not suppose to take part of the scriptures literally... How can I take the rest literal?
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: liquidz
Posts: 615
By Pandemonium.Liquidz 2009-12-05 23:48:22
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There is the possibility of some sort of "afterlife" not involving god or religion. I would agree to the possibility of an afterlife way before the possibility of a God. But this is a bit out of subject I guess!

This topic is really interesting and I wish I saw it before. Nice to meet you Bulleta, I'm glad to see there is someone new starting topics like that, it's good for the mind. I'm off to bed for now but I'll come back for more!
Serveur: Carbuncle
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Posts: 493
By Carbuncle.Taintedone 2009-12-06 01:46:12
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Seraph.Bulleta said:
Everyone else? You're the only one reading it :P

You still didn't answer my question though :/

Honestly, because your question is HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE and you'll accept no answer but what fits your personal agenda.

The Bible cannot incite hate, murder, and violence anymore then Dr. Seuss can convince me to eat green eggs and ham. At the end of the day, it is man that is to blame for these things, not words written on a page. If you want to look for the true culprits to these horrendous acts, look to greed, envy, jealousy. The fact of the matter is that it is you who are not willing to accept that simple fact since it goes against whatever it is you are trying to prove here, which I am starting to think is blaming Christians, the Bible, and anyone who is not an atheist for everything from war, violence, and rush hour traffic to thunderstorms and male pattern baldness.

Your drivel is getting tiresome. Your 53 separate forum topics concerning how everyone should be atheists, how right you think you are compared to everyone else, etc. wore thin long ago.

Anyways, I'm done posting on the subject. I think your attention whoring should be fully sated by now.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Svedin
Posts: 1153
By Ramuh.Svedin 2009-12-06 02:46:37
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Carbuncle.Taintedone said:
The Bible cannot incite hate, murder, and violence anymore then Dr. Seuss can convince me to eat green eggs and ham.

ofcourse it can't, but when you forcefeed it to generations of children you get a problem.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ashua
Posts: 181
By Bahamut.Ashua 2009-12-06 10:23:47
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I think the biggest fallacy in her logic is that she rejects the existance of God because she (a human in the context of the 21st century) disagrees with the moral and judicial code of said creator.

Bulleta: Levitical law has nothing to do with god's existance or lack there of. Seriously, this whole thing reads like you're a bitter homosexual or something. Is that really what this is all about? You gonna show that 3,500 year old book a piece of your mind?

Just remember-- humans by nature are prone to corruption and error. A creator by definition has the full right and authority over his creation. Who are you as a human to question the judgement of a god?
(That is using the null-hypothesis that god exists, which you must "accept" for the sake of scuitinizing the doctrine you dont like.)

What I'm saying is what makes you think your ideas in the 21st century America (I assume youre american) about morality, justice, and punishment are innately better than that of the egyptians 4,000 years ago, the Romans 2,000 years ago or the Aboriginal in Australia today? That's pretty arrogant. At least when it comes to a God, moral code transcends weak human opinion.

If there is no God and you are right, then guess what. There is no right and wrong. no absolute universal morality. Without a true God, your values don't amount to anything. I can do whatever I want. You can do whatever you want. Then "survival of the fittest" kicks in. Because when there is no "sin" against "moral standards" what I want, may be the destruction of people for a lot less of an offense than breaking the sabbath day or eating pork. And you know what? I won't be evil for it either because there is no such thing as "wrong" when there is no universal standard to measure it against.

Murder is "kosher" without a god, because humans are innately corrupt and worthy of death. Think this is a bit extreme? well, it is but it's also "true" because no human is "worthy" or has "authority" to define what is right and what is not for another human. take away religion and let a nice sample of timeline develope and youll find that humanity is just as disgusting without it.
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: liquidz
Posts: 615
By Pandemonium.Liquidz 2009-12-06 15:21:19
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Carbuncle.Taintedone said:
Seraph.Bulleta said:
Everyone else? You're the only one reading it :P

You still didn't answer my question though :/

The Bible cannot incite hate, murder, and violence anymore then Dr. Seuss can convince me to eat green eggs and ham. At the end of the day, it is man that is to blame for these things, not words written on a page.

That the man is the person to blame in the end doesn't change that fact that the bible can incite hate and violence. It doesn't make any sense to claim the bible cannot incite hate and violence.

You think nobody hate homosexual just because it's wrong in the bible? Yes in the end the person is to blame for hating but someone can still have been incited by the bible words.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ashua
Posts: 181
By Bahamut.Ashua 2009-12-06 15:38:24
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I know people who are agnostic at best who express hatred for homosexuals far beyond the average christian.
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Katarzyna
Posts: 1354
By Cerberus.Katarzyna 2009-12-06 16:20:45
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Bulleta, can you come up with anything else other than the same posts you've spammed?

Your questions are irrelevant, by the way, because you're not seeking an answer. You're seeking further fuel for your imaginary fire.
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: liquidz
Posts: 615
By Pandemonium.Liquidz 2009-12-06 17:40:28
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Bahamut.Ashua said:
I know people who are agnostic at best who express hatred for homosexuals far beyond the average christian.

of course why not. I was just saying that some people only hate homosexuals because it's something forbidden in the bible. Which mean the bible can incite hate.
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Bulleta
Posts: 307
By Seraph.Bulleta 2009-12-06 21:35:02
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Bahamut.Ashua said:
I know people who are agnostic at best who express hatred for homosexuals
far beyond the average christian.

I agree with you. It is terrible that religion can influence so many people to
express the hatred that you describe.
Cerberus.Katarzyna said:
Your questions are irrelevant, by the way, because you're not seeking an answer.

You're absolutely right. I am not seeking an answer, because the only answer I will get
is twisted theist rationalization, that twists the evil that religion broadcasts into
something good. You can not get a "real" "logical" answer from them.

Here is a few examples:

1. How was the Earth created in only 7 days?

~> Theist Rationalization~> 1 day to god is like 1,000 years Earth time.

2. The majority of scriptures from different religions believe that the Earth is only several
thousand years old. Archaeological evidence, and Dinosaur fossils disprove this.

~> Theist Rationalization~> God put dinosaur bones on Earth to discourage the wicked, and test our faith.

3. How did Noah get billions of species of animals on a boat, and distribute them perfectly around the world?
(Polar bears in the arctic, marsupials in Australia)

~> Theist Rationalization~> It was a miracle from god, and the boat was really really big.

I could go on about this all day long, but I think you get the picture..

The only question that seems to really throw them off is this one:

How do these verses from the bible not encourage hate, murder, and violence?

Exodus 35:2 ~> God says we should kill everyone who works on the Sabbath day.

Deuteronomy 21:18-21 ~> God says to kill disobedient teenagers.

Leviticus 20:13 ~> Gods says to kill Homosexuals.

Deuteronomy 22:13-21 ~> God say to kill girls who are not virgins at the time of marriage.

I normally get one of these two answers:

~> Theist Rationalization~> ***! You win >< or... It pisses them off, and they say things like:
Carbuncle.Taintedone said:

Honestly, because your question is HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE and you'll accept no answer but what fits your personal agenda.

The Bible cannot incite hate, murder, and violence anymore then Dr. Seuss can convince me to eat green
eggs and ham. I think your attention whoring should be fully sated by now.

Cerberus.Katarzyna said:
Oh-boo-***-hoo. Write a shitty emo song about it. Write about how your so
misunderstood, how no one "gets" you, how no one can possibly be on the same plane of intelligence as you because you're so superior. No one in the entire world, in the entire existence of humanity has EVER thought like you. You are truly one of a kind!

The problem with extremists like you is that you give the rest of the people like you a horrible name.
Yes, you are an extremist. You hate the people who aren't exactly. like. you.

an obnoxious, self serving, annoying little ***,

Cerberus.Katarzyna said:
Your questions are irrelevant You're seeking further fuel for your imaginary fire.

Carbuncle.Taintedone said:
You're a moron.

Please STFU and stop posting.

Again... I can go on and on...

Religion causes hate... Like I have said over and over again.

Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Bulleta
Posts: 307
By Seraph.Bulleta 2009-12-06 21:37:43
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I love theists who try and rationalize their religious fairy tales XD

Its so entertaining =3
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Bulleta
Posts: 307
By Seraph.Bulleta 2009-12-06 21:38:16
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Seraph.Bulleta said:
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Katarzyna
Posts: 1354
By Cerberus.Katarzyna 2009-12-06 22:35:31
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Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Can you see the wind? No, you certainly cannot. How about air? If you went outside, could you say "Oh look! There's air!" and point out what it looks like?

What about water in the air? You can't see that either, can you? But we all know it's there, even though we can't see it.

I'm still waiting for you to disprove all religions. You're the wonderful researcher, so why don't you start acting like one? You keep saying religion is fake, religion is ***, religion is a business, religion is stupid, yet you haven't provided EVIDENCE to support your claims. you've regurgitated the same 4 Bible verses (I have to point out 4 out of hundreds, possibly thousands of verses. I wouldn't know I'm not Christian.) and the same stupid MSPaint images.

But where is your scientific evidence? Where is 2 + 2 = 4 facts that you claim you have? All you're offering is an opinion. And guess what deary! Opinions don't equal science.
Serveur: Shiva
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Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2009-12-06 23:15:37
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Seraph.Bulleta said:

Religion causes hate... Like I have said over and over again.

No, you are mistaken.

Idiot's purposely trolling forums cause hate.

That's why there is so much hate here

Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Bulleta
Posts: 307
By Seraph.Bulleta 2009-12-06 23:16:21
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Still refreshing that page you left up? lol
Right ^.^

Like I've said before. There is no actual evidence to prove god doesn't exist.

Like there is no evidence that proves god does exist.

I can't actually prove god doesn't exist.

But I can't prove that big foot doesn't exist either.

As for the wind...

You can feel the wind. You can see the affect that the wind has on trees, the climate, and the weather. There is hard evidence to prove that there is wind. Just check the weather channel, missy ~.^

Water in the air? It is called "Humidity". There is stone evidence for that as well.

The only proof that deities exist are in scriptures.

There is nothing outside the scriptures that can actually prove anything that scriptures claim.

For instance..

There is no archaeological proof of moses, or the jews he led out of Egypt. There is proof that dinosaurs existed millions and millions of years ago. But there is no proof that 100s of jews walked through a desert for 40 years, just a few thousand years ago >.>?

Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Bulleta
Posts: 307
By Seraph.Bulleta 2009-12-06 23:17:35
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Shiva.Flionheart said:
Seraph.Bulleta said:

Religion causes hate... Like I have said over and over again.

Idiot's cause hate.

Like the idiots that wrote these verses ^.^

Exodus 35:2 ~> God says we should kill everyone who works on the Sabbath day.

Deuteronomy 21:18-21 ~> God says to kill disobedient teenagers.

Leviticus 20:13 ~> Gods says to kill Homosexuals.

Deuteronomy 22:13-21 ~> God say to kill girls who are not virgins at the time of marriage.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2009-12-06 23:18:20
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Seraph.Bulleta said:
Still refreshing that page you left up? lol
Right ^.^

Like I've said before. There is no actual evidence to prove god doesn't exist.

Like there is no evidence that proves god does exist.

I can't actually prove god doesn't exist.

But I can't prove that big foot doesn't exist either.

As for the wind...

You can feel the wind. You can see the affect that the wind has on trees, the climate, and the weather. There is hard evidence to prove that there is wind. Just check the weather channel, missy ~.^

Water in the air? It is called "Humidity". There is stone evidence for that as well.

The only proof that deities exist are in scriptures.

There is nothing outside the scriptures that can actually prove anything that scriptures claim.

For instance..

There is no archaeological proof of moses, or the jews he led out of Egypt. There is proof that dinosaurs existed millions and millions of years ago. But there is no proof that 100s of jews walked through a desert for 40 years, just a few thousand years ago >.>?

Women aren't supposed to think, they are supposed to be making me a sandwich.
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Bulleta
Posts: 307
By Seraph.Bulleta 2009-12-06 23:18:26
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Exposing religion for what it really is, is so much fun ^.^
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