Helper - Customizable In-game Assistants

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Helper - customizable in-game assistants
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Keyser
Posts: 65
By Valefor.Keylesta 2025-03-11 21:46:22
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Presenting: Helper

The Helper addon acts as a customizable in-game assistant that provides alerts, notifications, and flavor text to enhance the player's experience. The addon features a system of "Helpers" - virtual companions that deliver messages in chat, track important gameplay events, and provide reminders. The default Helper, Vana, offers encouragement, alerts players about key game mechanics (such as abilities becoming ready or capped job/merit points), and notifies them of party-related events like members joining or leaving.

Players can load different Helpers, each with its own personality and dialogue, and cycle between them. The addon also supports sound effects for key notifications and reminders for gameplay mechanics like Sublimation being fully charged or Vorseal effects nearing expiration. With its blend of functionality and personality, Helper adds both utility and charm to the FFXI experience. (That was great, thanks ChatGPT -Key)

Download from Github repo
NOTE: All you need to start is the `Helper.lua` file itself. The rest will be downloaded automatically with the `//helper update` after you load it for the first time. A lot of Scary Windows™ will pop up when you update, this is the curl command running to download from GitHub.

Choose your companion! These are just three of the many Helpers available - each with their own unique personality!

Witty, rhyming, and slightly menacing.

Cheerful, helpful, and full of "kupo!"

Flamboyant, theatrical, and obthethed with perfecthion.


Automated Notifications & Alerts
  • Ability Ready Alerts → Notifies you when an ability is ready to use.

  • Job Points & Merit Points Capped → Alerts you when you reach the max.

  • Party & Alliance Updates → Get messages when members join or leave.

  • Key Item Reminders → Never forget to pickup a Mystical Canteen, Moglophone, or Shiny Ra'Kaznarian Plate again.

  • Sublimation Charged → Tells you when Sublimation is fully charged.

  • Vorseal Wearing → Notifies you when your Vorseal buff is about to expire.

  • Mireu Pop Alerts → Notifies you when the NM Mireu is mentioned.

  • Mog Locker Expiring → Don't let your Mog Locker lease expire.

  • Reraise Check → Don't forget... again.

Enhanced Party Awareness
  • Low MP Warnings → Alerts you if a party member needs Refresh.

  • Party & Alliance Updates → Get messages when members join or leave.

  • You Became Party/Alliance Leader → Tells you when you’re promoted to leader.

Interchangeable Helper System (Custom NPC-Like Assistants)
  • Choose from multiple Helper personalities.

  • Easily switch between Helpers.

  • Create your own!

GitHub-Powered Updates
  • Checks for new Helpers → New available Helpers added to the GitHub repo.

  • Checks for Helper updates → Updates available for current Helpers you have.

  • Checks for addon updates → Update available for the addon itself (Helper.lua).

  • Optional automatic updates → Updates addon and Helpers automatically (if enabled).

Customization & User Control
  • Choose between automatic or manual updates.

  • Enable/disable individual Helpers.

  • Modify Helper settings & messages in XML files.

Helper has been fun to make. It started off as pretend "AI" thing that I added into a new BRD lua I was making that just let me know when mages were low on MP and could use a Ballad. I created the "Vana" personality for it for funsies (a play on Vana'diel but others have guessed Vana White and that kinda works too). Then I added in a notification that Sublimation was charged and ready to use. I realized how useful that was and wanted it on other jobs, so I pulled it out and started Helper, adding in a few other things that my GearSwap files do. Eventually I thought it might be fun to have some other game NPCs telling me things and the interchangeable Helpers were born! We've been using it for about a month or so and I think it's in a decent place to post here now. Every so often I plan on releasing another Helper (there are 9 available right now), and the neat thing is you can get them automatically downloaded and added when they are live on GitHub. I've got a pair that are just about ready to go that I'll probably release this weekend, and a bunch more on the drafting board. AND you can make your own Helpers too (see Create Your Own Helper)! Hope you like it!
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Keyser
Posts: 65
By Valefor.Keylesta 2025-03-18 13:05:16
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Updated to Version 2.1
  • Added the ability to have sound files for sparkolade_reminder, reminder_canteen, reminder_moglophone, and reminder_plate, mog_locker_expiring, capped_merit_points, capped_job_points, party_low_mp, sublimation_charged, food_wears_off, reraise_wears_off, signet_wears_off, mireu_popped, vorseal_wearing, reraise_check. This now allows for all notifications to have custom sound files.

  • Adjusted the zoning and paused flags to condense into just the paused flag. This also fixes a few notifications that would trigger unintentionally.

  • Fixed help text for the face command.

Two New Helpers Released
These two new helpers are a pair. As such, their notifications are similar, but with an opposite spin to them. Every notification has a unique, voiced sound clip with it.
This brings the current total number of unique Helpers to 11.

Warm, comforting, and protective.

Dark, foreboding, and indifferent to your struggles.
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