Oathsworn Blade Master Trial - Cleared
By buttplug 2025-03-23 01:56:42
By Kadokawa 2025-03-23 02:56:30
Say whatever you want, everyone in Asura knows those people are cheaters, also that is why no one is defending them from Asura.
Cheating and asking for public recogintion and expect no one will expose them is plain stupid.
No one could say anything regarding Xolla's group because they are well known players for years that helped the community to beat many tough fights.
This is absolutely not true. And this is coming from a guy who would absolutely bully that group on a daily basis in Asura.
I haven't come across a single person that didn't appreciate them clearing and more especially being the first ones to do it.
Nobody I know downplayed their achievement. It actually made a lot of people want to beat it. Come up with a better approach etc.
So, for you.. stop it.. get some help! Try to outshine them by showing your accomplishment otherwise you are going to look like you are just channeling your jealousness.
Look who's talking the guy who got he's account banned more than once.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 554
By Asura.Dexprozius 2025-03-23 03:23:46
This thread has gone to absolute ***with the most braindead comments. Why the *** does every single thread on this forum become some moral purity test about pointing at some player and ostracize them because they "Cheat" more than another
Absolute dogshit
Instead of the entire last page yapping about trash, how about analyzing the video and discussing the exploit to lock August in his bow mode to prevent Any TP moves or Naak spawning for potentially 50-70% of his HP bar, bypassing Multiple no quarter and daybreak mechanics? Nope, I'm gonna dogpile on the other team for not posting a video other than a cropped one that doesnt show UI 'cheats' to avoid self incrimination of psychotic purists who will report at 1st chance out of pettiness and jealousy.
This is a TINY community and dwindling. If you have a stick up your *** about things play your own way and shut up about it...
By Shichishito 2025-03-23 03:44:54
Berserk and Warcry are just a example. I know Nature's meditation has the same icon, I could be wrong but I think mighty guard does too. There are other buffs with that ATT icon that can block or overwrite the other like SMN/Ifrits ghetto version Crimson Howl which iirc is even listed as "Warcry" in the icon bar.
It's not just the appearance either, don't know how many times that weird delay on buff canceling caused me to cancel a different buff I didn't intend to cancel.
Why the heck can you even cancel reraise in the first place?
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »I guess if you get used to your pacifier it becomes difficult to imagine life without it though. Trust me, if you know how to play the game and have a brain, it's not so scary. I'd bet the majority of XI players watch some sort of video content on the side to not lose their last bit of sanity while doing their 100++ odyssey farm. Even if your focused it's easy to miss a chat message and let's face it, if you're still playing XI in 2025 you aren't in team big brain.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,065
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-03-23 04:00:08
to avoid self incrimination of psychotic purists who will report at 1st chance out of pettiness and jealousy.
[Citation needed] Why the *** does every single thread on this forum become some moral purity test about pointing at some player and ostracize them because they "Cheat" more than another
I made absolutely zero comments about morality so I guess I can't answer this one but...the reason it devloved is because someone said "the first legit clear" so it turned into a conversation about what legit means. So I guess blame that guy. Or the people giving their opinions on a topic on the internet i guess.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,065
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-03-23 05:02:50
I could be wrong but I think mighty guard does too.
You are wrong, mighty guard has a unique icon not shared with anything else in the game.
There are other buffs with that ATT icon that can block or overwrite the other like SMN/Ifrits ghetto version Crimson Howl which iirc is even listed as "Warcry" in the icon bar.
Crimson Howl blocks warcry because it is warcry. It's an AOE attack buff.
Why the heck can you even cancel reraise in the first place?
Maybe this isn't rhetorical: to get an arise, which has a lower weakness timer than reraise.
It's not just the appearance either, don't know how many times that weird delay on buff canceling caused me to cancel a different buff I didn't intend to cancel.
This problem typically happens to me when I get a new buff or lose a buff. I suppose they could've made the cursor move with the buff, but this is also a really uncommon situation.
I think the biggest issue might be the invisible buffs that are unclickable. There's really no solution for this and it can be really frustrating. It's pretty uncommon though.
By Bambusal 2025-03-23 05:18:43
Regarding Xolla's blogpost (https://wonderfornia.hatenablog.com/entry/OathswornBlade), he says mostly the same as in the video. He outlines the basic strategy and goes over how the Naakuals are one level higher than the previous ones etc.
About Daybreak and No Quarter that weren't said in the video:
If August is asleep when his wings are out and No Quarter should be used, he will use it immediately after waking up.
If when No Quarter should be used August doesn't have his wings up, the ability is skipped? (with question mark in the original)
It is possible for August to use Daybreak and No Quarter back to back (verification required).
If Naakual Y is defeated while August doesn't have his wings up, the No Quarter related to X Naakual will be skipped.
If, after using No Quarter, another No Quarter should come right after, wings won't fall off. In this case, Daybreak won't be used, and he won't self-erase. There can be cases, based on time of Naakual death and sleep timer, that August might use No Quarter twice in quick succession.
There is a table with information about each boss. The columns are as follows: Name / Resistance to Geo spells / Magic Defense / Dark Resistance / Notes. (Notes: Rockfin is resistant to Frazzle and Leaden / Distract doesn't land on Gabbrath / Frazzle only lands on Teodor when Aura is up. Rayke with Ice runes is necessary to land Distract).
The overall strategy is as follows, in phases:
0) Prebuff outside and go in.
1) Use the Gravity/Marathon method to bring August's HP to 0%
2) Kill Naakuals 1-4 before he regens past 50% HP
3) Kill Naakual 5 and bring August's HP to 40%
4) Kill Naakual 6 and bring August's HP to 30%
5) Defeat Teodor
6) Defeat August
About the composition
Since they use WS with low enmity generation, holding the bosses isn't a problem.
Aside from August and Yggdreant, everyone's dark resistance is below 50%, so Rayke is required.
Since they need a way to stop the movement of August and Teodor, a RDM/BLM is required.
COR rolls + RDM Distract/Frazzle is enough for ACC and MACC (there are points when this isn't the case and the GEO must assist them).
A GEO is neccesary to boost the firepower of magic WS.
Extra Notes
Even thought they discovered the Gravity method for phase 1 early on, fighting all the Naakuals in quick succession proved to be quite difficult.
They tried to use only Sleep 2 at first and just refresh the duration while using Gravity and using inmunobreaks to keep him asleep, but the failure rate was too high. In the end, they decided that the best strategy was to use Sleep 1 and immunobreak Sleep 2.
Bonus from me: I checked the video from the perspective of the tank, paying attention to the Lion. As was pointed in Xolla's video, the RUN isn't affected by the paralyze aura until he gets enmity on the boss. He spends quite some time buffing himself right next to the boss, but the paralyze icon only appears after using Rayke.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 554
By Asura.Dexprozius 2025-03-23 06:07:58
Can you link to the blogpost by chance?
By Bambusal 2025-03-23 06:09:36
Someone else posted it before, so I forgot to include it: https://wonderfornia.hatenablog.com/entry/OathswornBlade
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,048
By Shiva.Thorny 2025-03-23 06:11:04
how about analyzing the video and discussing the exploit to lock August in his bow mode to prevent Any TP moves or Naak spawning for potentially 50-70% of his HP bar,
There's not a whole lot to analyze. He follows his bow attack with a different special auto-attack that requires the tank be within a certain distance. Tank uses the time during which he pulls his bow out to get outside that distance, then stays outside that distance(20'?) so he can't use the following attack.
By Dodik 2025-03-23 06:11:47
OOT (lol), but what does "hatenablog" in "hatenablog.com" mean?
By Kaffy 2025-03-23 06:21:03
Quote: "Hatena" (はてな) in Japanese roughly translates to "question" or "question mark,"
By Bambusal 2025-03-23 06:22:03
OOT (lol), but what does "hatenablog" in "hatenablog.com" mean? "Hatena" means "Question mark" in Japanese, although it could also be a name. There is a company in Japan with that name, I believe an ISP?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Eiryl 2025-03-23 06:39:00
how about analyzing the video and discussing the exploit to lock August in his bow mode to prevent Any TP moves or Naak spawning for potentially 50-70% of his HP bar,
There's not a whole lot to analyze. He follows his bow attack with a different special auto-attack that requires the tank be within a certain distance. Tank uses the time during which he pulls his bow out to get outside that distance, then stays outside that distance(20'?) so he can't use the following attack.
There must be something more to it, or shiraj is dumb/blind/something.
If melee is forced after a bow, just by default then he lied about not being able to kite it. He should've figured that out immediately.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,048
By Shiva.Thorny 2025-03-23 07:07:55
Xolla didn't say anything else and they don't seem to have done anything special in the video. Xolla also said in his blog post that he discovered that strategy early on(google translate, sorry):
Quote: I discovered early on that I could whittle down August with the Gravity Marathon, but
In this situation, I was struggling to keep August and defeat Qizhiko quickly and in succession.
At the least, it probably requires stacking enough gravity to nearly immobilize august and staying at max distance. I would think that's a basic part of any attempt to avoid TP while kiting and doesn't need to be spelled out, though.
Bambusal's translated post also described fixing it after they mess up:
Quote: If they fail, August will either use magic or Null Field. If this happens, let him use magic and create distance again while he has his bow out.
If it's worth trying to get him back in that state and there's not any step other than getting to range while the bow is out, doesn't seem like there's anything else to it.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Eiryl 2025-03-23 07:19:39
I'd need to know the exact size of the battlefield.
At the very start they do it; Bow, run to 20+ but at the flat edge of the arena August has to be in the exact middle to stay 20.1 away
August is too far to the side and close enough to use nullfield if not dead center. Only a yalm or two wiggleroom from center to flat edge.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,048
By Shiva.Thorny 2025-03-23 07:21:20
It's definitely reasonably tight. But, it still should've been apparent to any kiting attempt that used gravity+geo-gravity that he wasn't using moves when they were outside 20'.
It might have been less apparent with only one source of gravity because his movement speed is very high to start and displayed distance is subject to latency. If using geo-gravity, you kind of have to keep him somewhat centered to stay on the bubble anyway.
By Bambusal 2025-03-23 07:26:32
Xolla didn't say anything else and they don't seem to have done anything special in the video. Xolla also said in his blog post that he discovered that strategy early on(google translate, sorry):
Quote: I discovered early on that I could whittle down August with the Gravity Marathon, but
In this situation, I was struggling to keep August and defeat Qizhiko quickly and in succession.
At the least, it probably requires stacking enough gravity to nearly immobilize august and staying at max distance. I would think that's a basic part of any attempt to avoid TP while kiting and doesn't need to be spelled out, though.
Bambusal's translated post also described fixing it after they mess up:
Quote: If they fail, August will either use magic or Null Field. If this happens, let him use magic and create distance again while he has his bow out.
If it's worth trying to get him back in that state and there's not any step other than getting to range while the bow is out, doesn't seem like there's anything else to it.
I want to clarify the method better because I translated this part too broadly. The literal translation is the following:
"In case of failing, get close to August and let him cast magic. At the same time he is in the middle of the bow motion, create distance."
He uses the expression 弓のモーション, which means the literal motion of August when he attacks with the bow.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-03-23 11:23:58
Unrelated to actual thread, so spoilering
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Shichishito said: »
Why the heck can you even cancel reraise in the first place?
Maybe this isn't rhetorical: to get an arise, which has a lower weakness timer than reraise.
I'm pretty sure he means the actual reraise icon. Arise is for dead people. There's almost no functional reason that I can think of as to why you'd want to cancel Reraise icon, and SE thought it was a brilliant idea to put it right next to Invisible icon (which you regularly cancel when you need to interact with things). That, along with the fact the buff line can shift if a buff wears off at the wrong time or you get another buff can sometimes cause you to accidentally cancel Reraise.
If the idea is to cancel Reraise so you can apply a higher potency Reraise, a simple fix is to allow Reraise to overwrite itself, both with items (Reraiser (item) > Hi-Reraiser > Super Reraiser/Airmid's Gorget etc) and spells.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,048
By Shiva.Thorny 2025-03-23 11:29:16
There's almost no functional reason that I can think of as to why you'd want to cancel Reraise icon
There's basically no modern content where I want reraise active on anyone besides a WHM. If you die with reraise, you can't be arised for ~11 seconds(have to wait 10s for reraise to pop up then cancel it) and your WHM has no indicator of when that 11 seconds has passed so you might lose more time to communication. If enough people are dying that the 5min weakness is worth it to save a raise, the event's probably ****ed anyway.
So, while it's a marginal thing, I can see why someone would want to cancel it when transitioning from solo to group content in the same play session.
By Shichishito 2025-03-23 11:42:53
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Maybe this isn't rhetorical: to get an arise, which has a lower weakness timer than reraise. And the solution isn't making arise overwrite the weaker reraise?
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Crimson Howl blocks warcry because it is warcry. It's an AOE attack buff. It doesn't get the TP bonus like the one from WAR main gets so it should be destinguishable from the WAR main version. It shouldn't overwrite or block a higher potency buff either.
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »It's pretty uncommon though. It's still infuriating every time it happens.
It's even more infuriating if it happens during inventory management.
Probably responsible for the majority of accidentally dropped REMA, in particular pre recycle bin update.
Has anyone else attempted with 3 CORs befor? Maybe Augusts weird behaviour is linked to jobs present?
If thornys "not in range for bow attack" theory is correct it should also be veriffiable in sinister reign (saves the potpourri for testing)?
Could be wrong again but I think the arena should be big enough if you lure him to one end of the circle.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2025-03-23 12:01:16
There's basically no modern content where I want reraise active on anyone besides a WHM. If you die with reraise, you can't be arised for ~11 seconds(have to wait 10s for reraise to pop up then cancel it) and your WHM has no indicator of when that 11 seconds has passed so you might lose more time to communication.
This assumes you have a WHM to begin with. But there's also times where the WHM dies, reraises at a bad time/spot and dies again without ever re-applying Reraise. I would take 15+ seconds of "Hey I can't raise you, cancel your nq raise" than the off chance something unlucky happened and the WHM loses his RR, but someone else has it on. That's a very small time loss compared to the alternative. There's no event where I don't actively apply Reraise at the start, even when there's a WHM, because things can go wrong at the wrong time and I'd rather not that happen. Have even done something like Dynamis where my example above happened, nobody else had RR but the single COR who died in a safe spot, was able to equip his raise hat, and save the run. You can't tell me 11 seconds has major advantages over worst-case scenarios.
I still don't see a reason why a buff as valuable as Reraise can be cancelled, but a song, roll, entrusted bubble, runes, maneuvers or whatever else can't be (Not including level sync). Reraise also can't even be dispelled, underscoring even further how valuable the buff already is from SE's perspective. Just weird. Anyways, digressing in a thread that's not even about this chatter, so will be my last response to this.
Sorry for the derail discussion.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,048
By Shiva.Thorny 2025-03-23 12:09:05
-Pull August to far end of arena
-Cast bolster geo-gravity with widened compass (i set it between august and center to get the most range)
-Stymie gravity II
-Run straight to other side as soon as he starts a bow attack
Even once he leaves the indi-gravity bubble, he's very slow and doesn't get back in range (but it's obviously necessary to keep him close enough to melee when doing the circle strategy).
None of this is surprising; it's not an exploit, it's literally how every monster in the game works. You need to be within a certain range for them to ready their moves. The bow isn't relevant beyond it being a good opportunity to make distance without pulling him too far from center.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Eiryl 2025-03-23 12:29:10
Seems as if they had even pretended to attempt kiting, they'd have found it instead of saying "impossible! nullfield!!"
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,048
By Shiva.Thorny 2025-03-23 12:32:21
If they did try kiting, they definitely didn't make any attempt to optimize their route or use geo debuffs. The claim that he 'teleports' to use null field is probably just an animation thing like jump.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,116
By Asura.Shiraj 2025-03-23 18:33:40
None of this is surprising; it's not an exploit, it's literally how every monster in the game works. You need to be within a certain range for them to ready their moves. The bow isn't relevant beyond it being a good opportunity to make distance without pulling him too far from center. I recently did 2 tests, one where I outranged him during the bow animation, and one where I outranged him during a non-bow Animation.
For these pulls we used Bolster Geo-Gravity + Saboteur ES Gravity 2 to make August -98% movement speed.
Here is a screenshot of him using Null field on the non-bow animation pull.
On another pull I outranged him during the bow animation and he was unable to use any spells, any TP moves, no Null field for 5 minutes, or until Gravity wore off basically replicating Xolla's video.
So the bow animation seems to be more than just an "opportunity" to distance yourself from August. Even if you distance yourself during other animations the end result is different and he does not get locked into an auto attack mode and can still use TP moves and spells willingly. So there seems to be something unique about the bow animation that allows for this method to be utilised, which is unique to this specific mob.
The reason any TP moves or spells being disabled(being locked into auto attack mode) is so important to this method being the success or not is because:
1. August can recast Shell, removing with RDM dispel will be a dps loss (They are part of the dps push with Sanguine in the start).
2. Initial push requires you to take August from 100% to 1% before Gravity wears off.
3. Adds
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,065
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-03-23 19:37:08
Sure, let's put this stuff in spoilers. Shichishito:
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Maybe this isn't rhetorical: to get an arise, which has a lower weakness timer than reraise. And the solution isn't making arise overwrite the weaker reraise?
IDK I guess if you want to re-design how raises work in the game, but for now you can't give a new raise to someone who already has one. Probably to prevent people wasting 300 mp casting arise on someone who already has an arise, or raise 3 on someone who already has raise 3, etc. etc. If you want it to work differently in your game, make a new game I guess; this is how SE decided to make it work in their game, for whatever reason.
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Crimson Howl blocks warcry because it is warcry. It's an AOE attack buff. It doesn't get the TP bonus like the one from WAR main gets so it should be destinguishable from the WAR main version. It shouldn't overwrite or block a higher potency buff either.
I'd like to point out that it's not "WAR main" that gets TP bonus, it's "WAR main, at level 75+, with merits in Savagery". This is an important distinction because it means you need (at least) 2 versions of the "Warcry" buff, one with Savagery and one without, in order to make your theory work. How are you going to program that? Does a Warcry with 3 merits in Savagery overwrite one with 1 merit in Savagery? How about someone who uses the relic mask vs someone who doesn't? I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm just mentioning it's nowhere near as simple as you want and even if you CAN figure it out, it's still a design decision to decide whether this is even the right call at all. What if people prefer the 7 minute warcry over the 30 second (potentially) one? They might've gotten the Crimson Howl from a SMN who's no longer in the party and don't want a shitty 30 second one from a SAM/WAR overwriting it, or possibly not even a Savagery one.
There's basically no modern content where I want reraise active on anyone besides a WHM. If you die with reraise, you can't be arised for ~11 seconds(have to wait 10s for reraise to pop up then cancel it) and your WHM has no indicator of when that 11 seconds has passed so you might lose more time to communication.
This assumes you have a WHM to begin with. But there's also times where the WHM dies, reraises at a bad time/spot and dies again without ever re-applying Reraise. I would take 15+ seconds of "Hey I can't raise you, cancel your nq raise" than the off chance something unlucky happened and the WHM loses his RR, but someone else has it on. That's a very small time loss compared to the alternative. There's no event where I don't actively apply Reraise at the start, even when there's a WHM, because things can go wrong at the wrong time and I'd rather not that happen. Have even done something like Dynamis where my example above happened, nobody else had RR but the single COR who died in a safe spot, was able to equip his raise hat, and save the run. You can't tell me 11 seconds has major advantages over worst-case scenarios.
I still don't see a reason why a buff as valuable as Reraise can be cancelled, but a song, roll, entrusted bubble, runes, maneuvers or whatever else can't be (Not including level sync). Reraise also can't even be dispelled, underscoring even further how valuable the buff already is from SE's perspective. Just weird. Anyways, digressing in a thread that's not even about this chatter, so will be my last response to this.
Sorry for the derail discussion.
I'm not saying it should ALWAYS be dispelled or that anyone who's in a party with a WHM should remove their reraise at all times. Sometimes it's valuable to have RR on in case something happens to the WHM. My point is: there is a time when you might want to remove reraise. Because of this, it needs to be clickable to remove it. That's it. His question was "why would I ever want to remove it?" so I answered his question. Do you think there's never a reason to ever want to remove it, considering how raises and reraise work in FFXI today? If there's ever any reason to want to remove a reraise, then it should be clickable.
I think it might be a good idea to make songs/rolls clickable as well, I'd be open to the possibility of them making them clickable, but I think the problem (especially with rolls) is they want the COR to have to roll things they don't already have. Again, it's a design decision that you can't re-roll the same thing over again (probably to avoid fishing for a favorable roll). Making it clickable would completely destroy that design. For songs it's a bit more nebulous, but probably to do with the way they overwrite each other. Singing in the right order, to the right people, is part of the skill of playing BRD. If people can click off the songs you're removing that element of skill involved in playing the job. You're also removing the range/positioning part, since you can "fix it in post" by clicking them off.
By Shichishito 2025-03-23 21:44:32
This spoiler conversation thing here is kinda HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE.
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »If you want it to work differently in your game, make a new game I guess If you have to pay for the game + monthly sub it's not perposterous to ask for improvements where the service does a worse job than some free to play early access titles. You don't have to submissively simp for SE, you do it by choice.
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »it's still a design decision to decide whether this is even the right call at all. Most people will value the TP bonus higher and if you find someone who doesn't then SMN recast delay allows for reapplying right after.
It's not that complicated to code either. Highest priority to higher potency, if potency is equal higher duration takes priority. Or god forbid, simply stop shoehorning Crimson Howl into Warcry buff slot and give it it's own. We could call it "Crimson Howl"?
But can't risk SMN becoming usefull again, better buff COR.
Was the ranged lock discovered by accident or is there something that indicates you have to kite now?
If no chat messages or something about the animation hints at it I'd say it's either bad game design or a bug/exploit?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Eiryl 2025-03-23 21:51:48
The flaw is that he should be immune to gravity and then none of the other parts matter.
But as he is not, that's just how it works. Too far to cast. Too far to melee. Too far to call the nakuuls. Completely pacified.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 96
By Asura.Bigtymer 2025-03-24 00:08:27
It seems only if the last action August takes on the tank before out-ranging him is the bow auto attack. The theory is if you gravity him, and the tank then out-ranges him right after any non-bow attack, the bug will not be replicated. He will still be able to use his TP moves that have >20' range (which is limited to Null Field, which has a massive range, 28~30'), where he will port to the tank then back. This is how it should work - even if you gravity a mob and the target out-ranges it, if the target is still in range of spells and/or longer-ranged TP moves, the mob is still able to take those actions. Shiraj's SS shows an image of August using Null Field at 27', after out-ranging him following a non-bow attack (no latency at play; he was gravity'd).
Conversely, if the last attack on the tank before out-ranging was specifically the bow auto, he becomes unable to use Null Field despite having TP and the tank being in range of Null Field. He instead seems to get stuck in a loop of attempting a melee auto, and is incapable of taking any other action until he gets off that melee auto, meaning he's also incapable of summoning adds. If you don't bug him in this way, he will summon adds starting at 90%, making the zerg impossible. Preventing adds from being summoned is not just a matter of having the tank stay X yalms away at all times via gravity kiting. You need to trigger the bug.
From our few attempts, it seems to be a bit finicky to replicate - a bow auto attack as the last action on the tank before out-ranging doesn't guarantee the bug to work. In their clear video, Xolla's group failed to bug him once, they noticed he was still able to use Null Field, so they took a 2nd swing at triggering the bug and it worked on the subsequent attempt. Timestamps (from Xolla's POV) of them doing this:
Bug attempt 1:
0:56: August uses a bow auto, and the tank then runs out of range. Everyone engages and begins feeding him TP.
1:11: August uses Null Field, indicating to them that he hadn't bugged, so they turn/disengage and take a 2nd swing at it.
Bug attempt 2:
1:30: the tank runs back in range to bait another bow auto, then runs out of range for a 2nd time. This time it worked, so from this point forward, no Null Fields get used, and no adds get summoned.
Party Comp: RNG/DRG (ML50), RNG/DRG (ML45), COR/NIN (ML50), BRD/SCH (ML50), GEO/WHM (ML50), RUN/BLU (ML47)
General Encounter Notes:
All buffs carry in. Geomancy debuff potency is nerfed by 50% on August, but is full potency on all adds. There is no WS wall. There is no prime weapon damage bonus (nor a non-prime penalty).
The encounter starts with August (level 157) by himself. Every 10%, August summons a random Naakual add starting at 90%, all the way down to 40% for a total of all 6 Naakuals. At 30%, he summons Teodor as the final add.
While a Naakual is alive, August has extremely strong DT and regen (something to the tune of -99% DT, and 1% HP regen every 15ish seconds). August does not have this DT/regen when Teodor is alive.
All adds (including Teodor) spawn in with an aura and there is no known way to proc these auras. The auras give the adds approximately -25% DT, along with other effects that are mostly consistent with other versions of these NMs (i.e., the Bee's aura gives it a blink effect, the Lion's aura is a 20' paralyze aura, etc.). Teodor's aura is unique to this encounter and I'll discuss that later. The auras wear off over time. The aura on the first add lasts 3.5 minutes, and each subsequent adds' aura lasts 30 seconds longer - so the 2nd add has a 4-minute aura, the 3rd add has a 4.5-minute aura, etc., with the final add (Teodor) having a 6.5-minute aura.
In addition to having a longer aura duration, each subsequent add spawns in at 1 higher level than the previous add. The first add is level 150, 2nd add is level 151, etc., with the final add (Teodor) being level 156. The level of the add influences the potency of the aura. With the Naakual spawn order being random, this creates a layer of RNG as there are certain adds that you hope will spawn early (i.e., the Bee).
Pre-buffs before entering, many of which were from outside characters included the following: x8 Soul Voice songs (honor, prelude x2, minuet 5+4, aria, STR etude, AGI etude). x4 crooked rolls (SAM, Chaos, Misers, Tacticians). Flurry 2 on the COR/RNGs. Full SCH buffs - regen, embrava, baraero/barparalyze, adloquium, Minuo, phalanx, aquaveil. WHM for pro/shell/auspice/boost-STR. The main BRD's SV was reset using outside CORs before entering, or it was reduced to sub-10minutes with multiple Cutting Cards.
Main songs throughout the encounter: honor, prelude x2, minuet 5+4. Dirge fulltime on the GEO as the GEO does the majority of the healing and can pull hate later into it if they're not being given dirge.
Main rolls: crooked Chaos / SAM.
GEO bubbles varied by mob - see below.
Frailty/fury/entrust STR with SV songs up. Without SV songs, swap fury to precision. Last Stand.
Similar TP moves as the Sinister Reign version has, ramped up of course. The same applies to all of the adds and their previous versions.
Null Field is one of his notable TP moves, as it's an AoE 1-3 buff dispel, and is one of several reasons why a melee setup on this encounter is probably not viable.
He also has access to AoE terror and conal amnesia. Most of his AoE moves are 10' radius centered on his target.
Each time an add dies, August uses Daybreak, which visually gives him wings along with a damage boost. Daybreak also begins the countdown for No Quarter. The countdown lasts exactly as long as the previous add was alive. For example, if it takes 4min20sec to kill the Tree add, then once the Tree dies, August uses Daybreak which begins a 4min20sec countdown until No Quarter.
No Quarter is a 15' split damage conal move. Following an add death, to prepare for No Quarter, the tank turns August toward the group while the group moves within 13'-14'. The tank gets as close to August as possible in this position to help ensure that the 10' radius moves (which are centered on the tank) do not hit the rest of the party. You can then just plant in this position until No Quarter goes off. There may be times where damage needs to be stopped if No Quarter hasn't happened before the next add is about to spawn. No Quarter going off while an add is out should be avoided.
Yggdreant (Tree)
If Tree spawns within the first 3 adds, Malaise + Acumen, otherwise Malaise + Focus. With the increasing levels of later adds, we found that there was a tipping point where resists become too much of a problem to not run focus.
Light Threnody. x2 lux + x1 Tenebrae Rayke + Gambit. Storms from the BRD/SCH. Trueflight from the RNG's, Leaden from the COR.
Cannopierce hurts real bad with the tank solo soaking it (along with perhaps a luopan). x3 Flabra Vallation/Valiance.
Constant Timber AoE doom spam (the removeable kind, smile).
Cehuetzi (Lion)
Similar to Tree, if Lion spawns within the first 3 adds, Malaise + Acumen, otherwise Malaise + Focus.
Fire Threnody, x3 Ignis Rayke + Gambit. Firestorm. Hot Shot from the RNGs and COR. Wildfire is an option for the COR if accuracy becomes a problem (i.e., if Lion is a later add and SV songs are not up).
The paralyze aura is quite brutal and depending on RNG, may really debilitate your tank's ability to spike hate on him. Tank can make a judgment call here to use Sforzo if enmity generation isn't going well. Losing hate on Lion, even if only for a moment before a jump gets used, can be run-ending due to his AoE full dispel.
Gabbrath (Dino) / Waktza (Bird)
Similar approach for both of these - Frailty/Fury. Last Stand.
Damage dealt is physical here, so the RNGs should coordinate a Super Jump around 50%, otherwise hate will likely be pulled before these adds die. Try to time the Super Jump right after a TP move as both of these have access to dispels (Static Prison from the Bird and Volcanic Stasis from the Dino).
Dino is particularly threatening to the tank (especially if he spawns later in the add order). We like entrusting an indi-wilt on the tank for Dino.
Rockfin (Shark)
Indi-wilt, Geo-frailty, entrust Barrier. Last Stand.
I haven't said it until now, but other than Shark, Bee, and while waiting for August's No Quarters, you should be fighting everything from 20'+.
Fight Shark inside the donut of Marine Mayhem (so everyone within 5' of him). If you try fighting him outside the donut, you will very likely have wipes to the wombo-combo of Protolithic Puncture (hate reset) on tank, followed by Marine Mayhem on the backline, which he can use at range while he's in transit from the tank to the backline, instantly killing everyone. A big downside of fighting him inside the donut is that everyone is now in range of August's Null Field. Since you're not shooting August during this time, he should only get off 3-4 TP moves while you're killing Shark and you either hope that none of those TP moves are Null Field, or at a minimum hope that neither of your rangers lose a song if a Null Field is used. Another layer of RNG.
Spread out around him within the donut - he's got conal moves. With frequent hate resets, we found the Wilt to be extremely important in preventing deaths. Panacea off debuffs. His autos are AoE and the BRD/SCH has a limited number of AoE heals, so the damage pressure gets a bit real here. Spreading out Valiance, One For All, Liement, and Odyllic are important resources for making it through. An early Shark spawn while Regen/Embrava are still up is dreamy, but he's doable without that.
Bztavian (Bee)
Bolster geo-frailty, indi-wilt, entrust fade. Last Stand.
Bee is THE most difficult of the Naakuals.
With constant hate resets, we found it best to fight him with everyone in melee range except the tank, who should keep August away to limit the chances of a Null Field hitting the group. Spread out around him since he also has conals.
Zombie, weakness, stun, and a potent paralyze on his TP moves make him really dangerous. The tank is not even attempting to hold hate here, so it's the backline eating all of these things. RNGs should save their Super/High Jumps for a bad Zombie. If they get paralyzed or stunned along with Zombie, the run may just be over.
I mentioned that the auras are more potent the higher level the add is (the later it spawns in the RNG order). Where this matters the most is with the Bee. His blink aura very noticeably has higher chances of absorbing hits the higher level he is. Having an early Bee spawn with pre-buffs and a shorter duration aura is extremely desirable.
In general, Double/Triple shot should be saved for every add. The adds dying as quickly as possible is one of the win conditions of the encounter - the regen August has while an add is out is very potent, so more damage output on the adds effectively does double duty. With Bee, these cooldowns, along with Overkill, felt particularly important in helping with the blink effect from the aura.
Teodor's dark aura gives him Dread Spikes and provides his auto attacks with an en-doom effect. This doom is seemingly un-removeable. He rotates through several auto attacks, one of which is a 25' ranged attack that is also AoE, and everyone hit by it receives the doom. His aura also applies Avoidance Down to anyone in range, so parrying/blocking in hopes of avoiding the en-doom is off the table.
It's worth mentioning that Teodor could not be slept - we've tried both light (with NiTro) and dark sleeps. It's also quite difficult to even get to Teodor and when you do get to him 45min+ into a pull, you have exactly 30 seconds to test/try things before your tank dies from doom and everyone else dies very quickly thereafter. Hence why the encounter took so long to clear.
But I'm digressing - so yeah, a 25' ranged un-removeable AoE doom. Not really sure if the devs fully thought this one through or how they expected players were going to deal with him, but here is how we navigated it.
The approach involves a zombie/death rotation between the BRD, GEO, and COR. The tank holds August on one side of the arena (the entrance platform), and the BRD/GEO/COR take turns tagging Teodor and dying on the opposite side of the arena. Teodor does not spawn with shared hate on August, which is one detail that makes this possible. Another detail that makes this possible is the fact that you have control over where Teodor will spawn in the arena. He spawns exactly where the 6th Naakual was killed. If he always spawned on August, it would be very difficult/inconsistent for someone in the zombie group to tag him before he hits the tank with his first en-doomed auto attack. For this reason, we kill the 6th add near the Teodor corner in the image below, then drag August to the opposite side before pushing him to 30%.
When the next player up in the zombie cycle dies, Teodor will (somewhat) slowly leash back to the center of the arena (green arrow) as he no longer has anyone on his enmity list. An important note is that while he is leashing back to the center, he will not sight/sound aggro. Upon reaching his reset spot (which is pretty much directly in the center of the arena), he links to August and full sprints toward the tank. With a 3-man zombie rotation, it's possible to perpetually prevent him from crossing that threshold. To facilitate the re-raising, the BRD/GEO/COR loaded up on Scapegoats, items that give reraise and, importantly, are instant-use items that have no animation/spell/ability lockout after using them.
Dropping the BRD/GEO/COR from the party to do this zombie juggling may or may not be necessary, but it does offer extra wiggle room. As mentioned, some of Teodor's auto attacks are AoE, and if the zombie gamers are not in the same party, then they will not hit each other with those AoE's, allowing them all to zombie near each other in the furthest possible corner without worrying about perfect positioning.
Tank heals himself while this is all going on. Continue the zombie rotation for 6.5mins until his aura wears off, then allow him to reset to the center, link to August, and attack the tank. Killing Teodor is straightforward once the aura is off. Frailty/fury, Last Stand. GEO/WHM keeps banish 2/1 on cooldown because he's undead and why not.
To provide a rough DPS benchmark to be aiming for: Teodor needs to spawn with approximately 17mins left on the instance timer to allow for this.
Final Phase
Unlike the other adds, Teodor doesn't give August DT, but once August gets to 1%, he will take 0 damage if Teodor is still alive. Once Teodor dies, August uses Daybreak and restores his HP to 30%. Therefore even though you're able to, it's pointless for the RNGs to damage August while the BRD/GEO/COR zombie juggle Teodor. The RNGs can basically AFK while the juggling is going on.
After he restores to 30%, you're in the final zerg phase. August will keep his wings out for the remainder of the fight. He will use No Quarter at 20% and again at 10%. The end.
Some subjective thoughts/opinions in closing: the difficulty of this encounter is incredibly high as it currently stands. Miles ahead of Crystal Paradise in terms of the damage output required and party survivability. SE has "nerfed" this fight once already with an evasion tweak, but we found that adjustment to be barely noticeable. The solution we had to come up with for dealing with Teodor is obviously quite janky, and is surely not the intended way. It's possible that the adds' auras can be proc'ed, and if a method for that is ever discovered, the difficulty would be eased substantially.
Good luck to those who pursue this!