Is there any way to update the addons/libs lua files?
ie: my slips.lua is still only reporting the following for 31
[slips.storages[31]] = L{23812, 23813, 23814, 23815, 23816, 23817, 23818, 23819, 23820, 23821, 23832, 23833, 23834, 23835, 23836}, -- 15
[slips.storages[31]] = L{23812, 23813, 23814, 23815, 23816, 23817, 23818, 23819, 23820, 23821, 23832, 23833, 23834, 23835, 23836, 23822, 23823, 23824, 23825, 23826, 23827, 23828, 23829, 23830, 23831, 23856, 23857, 23858, 23859, 23860, 23837, 23838, 23839, 23840, 23841, 23842, 23843, 23844, 23845, 23846, 23847, 23848, 23849, 23850, 23851, 23852, 23853, 23854, 23855}, -- 49
I can update it manually, but I'd presume other people would have older files as well.
edit: its updating, but not getting the latest version, or the non-dev version. I deleted the res/updates folder again and the tiemstamp on my slips.lua changed.